April 18, 2014

Say “Yes” to Abundant Life – Part 2

Today is Good Friday and this weekend is Easter, a time of remembering what Jesus did for us on the cross and with His resurrection.  A time of remembering the free and abundant life He offers us.  So this blog post, which I started earlier this week, seems apt timing for this weekend.

I was worshipping Sunday morning thinking about the fact I haven't blogged in a long time and asked the Lord that if He wanted me to say anything, to just let me know.  Then I went on worshipping.  Please know I never feel the need to write unless there something strongly on my heart to share.  Then I happened to hear from a couple dear, prophetic friends shortly afterwards and was inspired to post this update.  I knew in my heart when I blogged last November I was stepping into a new way and new day with God.  So I hope this Part 2 update blesses you as it does me, marveling at God’s ever loving and kind ways that are meant to completely remove the shackles tying us to the paradigm of this world’s ways and to instead give us abundant freedom, an abundant life.

It has been a sensational half a year for me, over the top wonderful.  Both love and money have been flowing to and from me like oxygen.  I have been saying “Yes” to God and am not chained to my bank account.  I just don’t care about money, and it comes when I need it.  And, far more importantly, love is overflowing and even gushing in my life.  I believe all of this blessing is from not being chained to my bank account, not counting coins and massaging money, not letting digits dictate my decisions, but rather trusting my Father to provide for all my needs and not just some.

Money doesn’t provide, my Father does.  That is the core, fundamental truth that, despite my believing it all my Christian life, has sunk far more deeply into the wellspring of my soul.  Between 2010 and 2013, I always seemed to be skirting on the brink of defaulting on my mortgage, but that brink was my silly and myopic perception.  God always gave me another real estate sale, out-of-the-blue, to pay my mortgage in the nick of time.  Between 2010 and 2013, I have eaten the bitter pain of sometimes doubting that God was going to provide for expensive things in my life because I couldn’t find a Biblical passage that said, “Thou shalt have a beautiful California home.”  It was emotional pain I needlessly inflicted on myself.  Through that pain and His reliable, just-in-time-provision, My Daddy trained me well to trust in His provision only, not in money’s false pretense.  Now my heart clutches the core, fundamental truth that money doesn’t provide, my Father does.  Money is lifeless and fleeting, my Father is alive and faithful.

This year life is much more abundant, and I'm able to love and bless others more fully and freely with the overflow.  It started on December 22, 2013, just before Christmas and the month after my blog to treat money like oxygen, to say “Yes” to God, and to purchase in faith, that He will provide.  The Lord blessed me with meeting the desire of my heart, a desire I had given up hope on since I’m, gasp, middle age and instead thought I might remain single the rest of my life.  He is an incredible man who loves the Lord and loves me richly.  We thoroughly enjoy life together.  I've never been married but if you trust and wait, God will save the best for last.  More than you can ask or think.  God did it for Job after his season of pain.  He will do it for you, in His timing. Also, the last six months have been an overflow of blessings financially. I have money in the bank but I don’t care about it or trust that money.  Because money is fleeting, the Bible says it is.

It really is so simple: just trust, rest, and be free in Him in all things, esp. love and money which we otherwise want to control or stress about.  When you trust and rest, He gives you the desires of your heart, sublime desires that you didn't even know you had (Psalm 37). You had wanted something else but our Daddy gives you something better.  Or you had given up hope and your Daddy gives you a big surprise. Our Daddy is such a good Daddy. He knows what we need far better than we do. And when He gives to you, you can't help but being generous in your love and giving to others. I'm learning how simple and abundant in agape, God's love, each day truly is.