August 4, 2015

September 15 - A time of Break Up, not Break Down

"September 15.  They have said September will be a time of break down.  I say it will be a time of break up.  A break up of ice sheets that have blocked your boat progressing.  A break up of old ways and old habits.  A break up of your mindset guiding you in circles.  A break up of other people’s mindsets guiding them in circles to obstruct you. I am breaking up log jams, set in the ways, status quo’s, impasses.  September 15 you will feel the relief, the fresh air, the open skies of your break up.  It’s not a break down, but a break up of that which has thwarted you.  Not all will be broken up, but major impasses will be broken up.   Watch.  It is a jubilee, it is a joy, it is a freedom to move and enjoy again.  Only acknowledge Me in your presence for what I have done for you."

Update as of September 8, 2015:

I happened to read this prophecy from a year ago.  I usually forget any prophecies I receive because they are coming from a different place, a spiritual place that is inspired.  I believe reasons (1) and (2) are very applicable today.  And these sentences also speak to my spirit, "Christians have time to get their economic houses in better order without worrying of a meltdown either in the stock market or in the housing market.  Will there be corrections, yes?  But what I see is God foiling the ways of this world.  There will be opportunities to make money based on low interest rates and the rising stock market.  If you are looking to make money on a black swan event or market meltdown, it’s not going to happen in a severe way the next two years [i.e. through middle of 2016]."

October 26, 2014 Bye Bye Bears & Low Interest Rates

Months ago before I knew the dollar was strengthening, I sensed not to worry about higher interest rates.  I sensed the US would muddle along at least for the next two or three years and much higher interest rates would not occur for two reasons: (1) God is foiling the central bankers who want higher rates not to help the middle class job market or salaries of the middle class but the wealthy as well as to line the pockets of banksters and (2) as the economy muddles along and as QE fails to do create job growth or salary growth but only inflates the stock market and other assets, the Fed will not risk pulling the lever on interest rates because the economy will be too vulnerable to a shock of higher interest rates.  In essence, I’m prophesying don’t worry about higher interest rates for 2 or 3 years.  Yes, the prime rate may notch up a tad, but I see it being modest over the next 2 years, under a 1.5% increase, likely under 1%. Christians have time to get their economic houses in better order without worrying of a meltdown either in the stock market or in the housing market.  Will there be corrections, yes?  But what I see is God foiling the ways of this world.  There will be opportunities to make money based on low interest rates and the rising stock market.  If you are looking to make money on a black swan event or market meltdown, it’s not going to happen in a severe way the next two years.  If you can time corrections, bravo and I wish I had your acumen.  In the meantime, I will be looking to pick up high growth stocks on the volatile dips.