May 11, 2010

Prayer for the Gulf

Written Monday 5pm to 6:30pm but posted on Tuesday in the morning.

On Friday, I went to bed and had the waking dream, a type of vision but I would not say it was from the Lord, more like a wish or day dream, of someone casting a substance, something either granular or liquid, widely over the gulf and all the oil miraculously disappearing. The oil just disappeared! It occurred to me this could be PetroLuxus, by the firm Planet Resource Recovery. I went to bed thinking, "Now you are REALLY day dreaming!!" So I thought to myself, yup, too much of a day dreamer. But the practical side of me nudged that since other Christians are invested in PRRY, I'll just pick up a few shares on Monday since I didn’t own any.

After I wrote the above on Monday at about 5pm I went outside and prayed,

"Lord, I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus that You will open the doors for PRRY to clean up the gulf oil spill. I pray for the miraculous technologies You have given man to be made evident, to undo what was one of the worst man-made disasters in history. Lord, this is not just for investors, this is for the gulf, for our waters, for our fish, for our wildlife, for Your creation. It is Your creation! Help us clean up after ourselves! Help us be good stewards of what You have given us! Lord, save us from our messes and foolishness! I beg You, I pray to You, clean up this spill for the ocean's sake. Let Your miraculous technology be made manifest! Let the God of all heavens and earth and ocean be manifest in His mercy as we pray. Your mercy is so extraordinary. Let Your miracle technology come forth to clean up this spill! Please do not delay! Release the floodgates of salvation for us! I give You the Glory! Amen!"

[Written after I went back outside a second time to pray and came back in]:
I had the same great weakness in my body and deep awe of and humility before the Lord as I did this weekend praying for and commanding the DOW. I am not one to shake during prayer but now as I write I cannot control the shaking in my right leg and am bent over in physical weakness and humility as I type. This also happened this weekend as I interceded for and commanded the DOW. If this prayer comes to pass, to God alone, to Him alone, be the utmost glory. He deserves to be greatly glorified. It is time the world sees His greatness. Oh! My God! What an awesome God He is!! He is alive! Believe! Believe that Jesus Christ is alive! His power is vast, even over the earth! If you see His miracle, believe!

If this comes to pass as prayed, know that Jesus Christ is ALIVE and LISTENING, let all believe. You have to believe it is He who saves even the ocean! You have to believe!

Update as of May 11, 2010 5pm: I should add that surely I am not the only one who has had this wish and is praying. I simply do believe it will be the wonderful hand of the Lord if the gulf oil spill is cleaned up with what I view as "miraculous technologies". Also, as a disclosure, when I had this “day dream” and strong prayer I did not own any PRRY. I did not purchase until Tuesday morning at prices between $0.38 and $0.42. I was not able to purchase shares on Monday at $0.36 as I hoped.