September 8, 2015

It's time

"It’s time, it’s time, it’s time Americans be heard.  It’s time, it’s time, it’s time workers be heard.  It’s time, it’s time, it’s time those who bow their head in prayer be heard.

"Oh, the wealthy have done well.  The bankers have done well. The leaders have done well. On the backs of my people.   My people are oppressed.  How are they oppressed, you say?  Why charge my people usury to own a home?  Why high interest rates?  So you fatten your wallet?  No!  You will not milk my people like cows.  You want high interest rates.  My people need a lighter load, a lighter debt.

"Those who lean on Me I will give wisdom.  Ideas to lighten your load.  Ideas so I will provide the way and open the doors, and you sail your sails with Me, with My wind.  You won’t see the economy change in the way you expect.  But look for my opening and don’t be slack to move ahead with me, and I will provide serendipitous opportunity upon serendipitous opportunity.  You think it’s a coincidence but acknowledge My providence.  And the way for you will be delightful and overflow with abundant life experiences.

"How are they oppressed, you say?  Taxes, taxes, taxes.  Tax when they buy.  Tax when they sell.  Tax when they earn.  Tax when they borrow.  On the backs of the laborers.  On the backs of those who pray for a quiet life, an honest wage, an honest living, so they can raise their family with some comforts and laughter, so they can enjoy their family, so they can be grateful in Me, so they can thank Me more.  Is that too much for them to ask?

"Employment is low?  Ha!  Look around!  Who is doing well but those doing well, a well-fed and plump minority.  My people don’t know how to escape the oppression, the usury, the burdens, the low wages, the low hours of working. 

"So I will foil and foil again. There are those who grow wealthy and fat like plump ticks sucking on blood, ready to pop.  Always the evil will be with you, as will the poor.  But do not aspire to be a fat tick, plump with sucked blood.  Not all wealthy are fat ticks, many wealthy are my people with generous hearts.  But you will know a fat tick like a tree is known by its fruit.

"Jubilee, jubilee, jubilee!  I am sprinkling opportunity everywhere.  Flakes of manna sprinkling everywhere.  Don’t think with your head ahead, see and sense with My Spirit and you will see what others cannot see.  An invisible land for you to explore and reap."

Update as of December 27, 2016:

“It’s Time” was my last prophetic post, over a year ago on September 8, 2015.  I now perceive there is a reason why this was my last post.  It is because this prophecy was pregnant with God’s awe-inspiring encouragement that He is responding to the prayers of Christian Americans.

It is widely acknowledged that President-Elect Trump won the election because of middle class workers.  Not only did multitudes of Christian American pray, but there was more than one YouTube video showing charismatic and evangelical church leaders laying hands on Donald Trump during his campaign and praying for him.  I could find no similar videos of charismatic and evangelical church leaders laying hands on Secretary Clinton during her campaign and praying for her.  “"It’s time, it’s time, it’s time Americans be heard.  It’s time, it’s time, it’s time workers be heard.  It’s time, it’s time, it’s time those who bow their head in prayer be heard.”

President-Elect Trump has promised to lower taxes.  Of course, we need to see if he fulfills his promise once in office.  “How are they oppressed, you say?  Taxes, taxes, taxes.  Tax when they buy.  Tax when they sell.  Tax when they earn.  Tax when they borrow.  On the backs of the laborers.  On the backs of those who pray for a quiet life, an honest wage, an honest living, so they can raise their family with some comforts and laughter, so they can enjoy their family, so they can be grateful in Me, so they can thank Me more.  Is that too much for them to ask?”

President-Elect Trump foiled the pollsters, pundits, and political handlers who were embarrassingly, glaringly wrong in their predictions about who would win the presidential election and why.  Leaked emails revealed the Clintons pay-for-play schemes, the collusion between mass media “journalists” and the Clinton campaign, and some of the Democratic party leadership’s behind-the-scenes smugness and condescension towards many groups of Americans. If you are unaware, here are a couple of the numerous opinion pieces and debriefings available on the internet: and “So I will foil and foil again. There are those who grow wealthy and fat like plump ticks sucking on blood, ready to pop.  Always the evil will be with you, as will the poor.  But do not aspire to be a fat tick, plump with sucked blood.  Not all wealthy are fat ticks, many wealthy are my people with generous hearts.  But you will know a fat tick like a tree is known by its fruit.”

The prophecy ends with an invitation to be guided by the Lord to discover new opportunities and “You won’t see the economy change in the way you expect.”  In my personal life, I have pursued two business opportunities in 2016 that have given me staggering returns.  One is a God idea that I unfortunately can’t reveal but the yield is over 100%.  The other is a commercial property I am in the process of purchasing where I simply followed the leading of the Holy Spirit to investigate a particular property.  If you understand cap rates, a 10 cap property yields a 10% rate of return and is generally considered a high cap rate, sometimes with higher risk.  The opportunity I’m purchasing was never available on the market, I tracked down the sellers and made an offer to them.  It will yield me a low risk 15 cap (i.e. 15% yield) in 2017 and an 18% yield beginning in 2018.  I marvel at God’s goodness and provision in a way or how you don’t expect.  I headed His instructions which I have no doubt allowed me to eventually discover these opportunities, opportunities which at first glance didn’t seem like good opportunities but only were revealed to be so after I was not slack but moved ahead with Him and took ample time and care to thoroughly investigate.  I give God all the praise and acknowledgment for these opportunities, manna from heaven.  “Those who lean on Me I will give wisdom.  Ideas to lighten your load.  Ideas so I will provide the way and open the doors, and you sail your sails with Me, with My wind.  You won’t see the economy change in the way you expect.  But look for my opening and don’t be slack to move ahead with me, and I will provide serendipitous opportunity upon serendipitous opportunity.  You think it’s a coincidence but acknowledge My providence.  And the way for you will be delightful and overflow with abundant life experiences.”

I wish you a prosperous 2017, in accordance with this prophecy.  I believe it will be an exciting year if you lean on Him to give you wisdom and you are not slack in looking for His opening and moving forward to investigate with Him.  My prayer for you is the way will be delightful and overflow with abundant life experiences.

August 23, 2015

A Melting Candle & A Prick on the Finger

Regarding the stock market: in prayer this evening I saw the market falling a bit more, sharply, and pricking the index finger.  A big drop of blood came out of the finger but that was all.  I saw the market go down to about 16,200 but then I saw another number of 15,800.  I’m sorry I don’t have more clarity, but the DOW will decline to somewhere between 16,200 and 15,800.  Then I saw the pricked index finger smear a line upward on the DOW to about 16,800.  There will be a V-shaped recovery.  This is a very sharp correction, a sharp prick of the finger, but not a meltdown of the world economy.  And the DOW will eventually go to 20,000.  Eventually could be years, I don’t have the visibility now on timing of that.

On Aug 20 in prayer I saw parts of the economy to be like a lit candle slowly melting.  The wax melted slowly, not rapidly.  But once the wax melted, it was no more.  So it will be with some things.  They will melt and cease to exist.  However, as in the case of a candle, there is lovely, dancing candlelight burning as well.  So goodness and prosperity still shines despite that which might be melting. Look for the candlelight, look for the light, as the wax will melt.  Who wants wax anyway when you can have the dancing light of the candle?

None of what I am seeing is catastrophic.  Parts of the economy are in a slow melting.  The stock market is experiencing a bloody prick on the finger with a V-shaped recovery.  The light and dance of candlelight may be beheld by those who focus on it.  All in a day’s volatility.  Such is the world we now live in.  So why pay attention to the volatility as if it is more meaningful than it is?

That is all I have now.  I’m not sure I will be playing the market.  If I did, I believe I should be buying the SPY on Aug 27.  But I have not confirmed that sufficiently in prayer so I leave that up to you to pray about.

Update as of January 25, 2017

Following this prophecy on August 23, 2015, the market continued to drop sharply, like the pricking of a finger with a needle, to as low as 15,370 on August 25, 2015.  Between August 2015 to February 2016, the DOW double-bottomed in an approximate range from 15,700 to 16,500 before its ascent to 20,000.  Less than 2 years from this prophecy, "Dow Hits 20,000 for First Time in History"

August 4, 2015

September 15 - A time of Break Up, not Break Down

"September 15.  They have said September will be a time of break down.  I say it will be a time of break up.  A break up of ice sheets that have blocked your boat progressing.  A break up of old ways and old habits.  A break up of your mindset guiding you in circles.  A break up of other people’s mindsets guiding them in circles to obstruct you. I am breaking up log jams, set in the ways, status quo’s, impasses.  September 15 you will feel the relief, the fresh air, the open skies of your break up.  It’s not a break down, but a break up of that which has thwarted you.  Not all will be broken up, but major impasses will be broken up.   Watch.  It is a jubilee, it is a joy, it is a freedom to move and enjoy again.  Only acknowledge Me in your presence for what I have done for you."

Update as of September 8, 2015:

I happened to read this prophecy from a year ago.  I usually forget any prophecies I receive because they are coming from a different place, a spiritual place that is inspired.  I believe reasons (1) and (2) are very applicable today.  And these sentences also speak to my spirit, "Christians have time to get their economic houses in better order without worrying of a meltdown either in the stock market or in the housing market.  Will there be corrections, yes?  But what I see is God foiling the ways of this world.  There will be opportunities to make money based on low interest rates and the rising stock market.  If you are looking to make money on a black swan event or market meltdown, it’s not going to happen in a severe way the next two years [i.e. through middle of 2016]."

October 26, 2014 Bye Bye Bears & Low Interest Rates

Months ago before I knew the dollar was strengthening, I sensed not to worry about higher interest rates.  I sensed the US would muddle along at least for the next two or three years and much higher interest rates would not occur for two reasons: (1) God is foiling the central bankers who want higher rates not to help the middle class job market or salaries of the middle class but the wealthy as well as to line the pockets of banksters and (2) as the economy muddles along and as QE fails to do create job growth or salary growth but only inflates the stock market and other assets, the Fed will not risk pulling the lever on interest rates because the economy will be too vulnerable to a shock of higher interest rates.  In essence, I’m prophesying don’t worry about higher interest rates for 2 or 3 years.  Yes, the prime rate may notch up a tad, but I see it being modest over the next 2 years, under a 1.5% increase, likely under 1%. Christians have time to get their economic houses in better order without worrying of a meltdown either in the stock market or in the housing market.  Will there be corrections, yes?  But what I see is God foiling the ways of this world.  There will be opportunities to make money based on low interest rates and the rising stock market.  If you are looking to make money on a black swan event or market meltdown, it’s not going to happen in a severe way the next two years.  If you can time corrections, bravo and I wish I had your acumen.  In the meantime, I will be looking to pick up high growth stocks on the volatile dips.