May 21, 2010

Multiplication of Kingdom Finances – Beginning Now, Not in the Future

There have been a few strong visions / day dreams and odd occurrences that I would like to share. I know several have prayed for me, including a friend again this morning. I am very very grateful. Because this morning, because of your prayers, I have an effervescent joy and lightness in Him and have been worshipping and worshipping in the glorious sun and wind outside. It is all so good, so incredible to know we are only established by Him, not by our own hard work and skill. All good things and all opportunity flow from Him only. So here is some of what He wants me to share because this applies, with maybe subtle differences, to everyone reading this blog. Although it may have been “my” experience, the same experiences and visions are for all of us, for each of us. Please count it as yours as well.

Most of this is from my journal or emails to others. I don’t want to edit so you catch the spirit of when I first wrote it.

Morning of May 21, 2010:

I felt such lightness this morning and joy I’ve been outside in the sun walking around in my yard and praying and worshipping. Imagine if Christians were so well off financially we didn’t have to work. We would spend hours just worshipping, and prophesying, and praying. And other hours ministering to others and giving of our wealth. And other hours with friends and family. It is the most amazing thing, truly His kingdom – in all areas of life – on earth. I’ve never imagined it before. It is zoe, abundant life. Amazingly beautiful.

Night of May 20 and morning of May 21, 2010:

I watched Katie Souza last night on Sid Roth about being taken up into the heavenlies because we have a right, we are seated there. In the heavenlies we can see our inheritance, what is ours in heaven, and thus bring it to earth through faith.

I prayed to visit heaven and did, if simply a vision from Him it doesn’t matter because it was “real” to me. With Jesus there, He showed me a great pile of gold coins as my inheritance. He asked, “How are you going to spend it?” I was greatly humbled, bowed down, kneeling, and feeling I didn’t know because only He knows where the money will be most effective. So I said, “I don’t know, only You know, only You know.” He asked again, “How are you going to spend it?” I said again, “Only You know! You must tell me! You must show me!” He knew my sincere heart was to give the money where He wanted me to give it. I felt a certain release to stand up from kneeling before Him and His gift and picked up a handful of gold coins and cast them widely to the earth so that people across the earth might be blessed. I had a sense the coins cast widely were going to places He was pleased. It was so fun, honestly, to bless so liberally! But my casting of a handful of coins was just a mere token of where He wants me to give. Giving will be wide and great as He directs.

This morning I continued praying and worshipping regarding this vision. I lifted my hands like Elijah who worshipped the Lord before the altar He built to the Lord to topple the prophets of Baal, those who brought condemnation and a bad economy to the country. And lifting my hands also like Jesus who lifted His hands that the bread and fish might be multiplied to feed thousands. I asked the Lord’s angels to bring a portion of the supernatural kingdom finances down right now, this month of May, that His kingdom come to earth, that I might begin blessing others with those finances as I desire to.

It was this prayer that inspired me to write this blog post. I feel he wants others to do the same, to go into heaven to see what is your inheritance already sitting in heaven, and to pray it be transferred to earth for His kingdom’s sake. That the time for multiplication is NOW, not in the future. That we may have life-changing impacts and transform the world for His sake.

Unusual occurrence on May 12, 2010 – A scraped up penny and 2 crisp dollar bills

This is a very personal occurrence. Again, I feel He wants me to share because what happened to me applies to others. This is an excerpt from my personal journal, which I had not expected to share but which He wants me to share now:

There was a scraped up copper penny, heads up in front of my mailbox at the UPS store. A penny is the Lord’s sign now of penny stocks, or that is how I interpret it. Driving home I was aware He increases double, ten times or even one hundred times. He also showed me the parable of the talents, where the good stewards in His kingdom were doubled by trading. And Matthew 13.8 states, “But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” Of course this passage refers principally to spiritual matters. But what if it might also apply to the natural? I had the nudge while driving to put the scraped up penny and a crisp dollar bill in an envelope. I didn’t even know if I had a crisp dollar bill in my wallet.

14 "For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. 15 And to one he gave five talents, to another two, and to another one, to each according to his own ability; and immediately he went on a journey. 16 He who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents. 17 And likewise he who had received two gained two more also.
Matt 25:14-17 (NKJV)

But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.
Matt 13:8 (NKJV)

So He put on my heart to place the scraped up copper penny in an envelope. And it “just so happened” (in other words, not a coincidence) I had two, not one, very crisp dollar bills. It is exceedingly unusual to have one let alone two very crisp dollar bills in my wallet. He wants to show me He intends a 100 fold increase. But I know ALL is given by and purposed by the King.

“Look at the birds of the air, for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature? So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith?”
Matt 6:26-30 (NKJV)

If He purposes a 100 fold increase or even 200 fold (neither of which I asked for, I simply prayed for a 5 to 10 fold increase) it shall happen.

Unusual occurrence on May 19, 2010 – 2 snakes and a little rabbit

Finally, kingdom finances will only be doubled or multiplied further if our heart is for others, not just the saved but the unsaved. I know a group of prophets and intercessors who were having an “emergency prayer” the day the following unusual occurrence happened. Here is an excerpt of what I wrote a friend who is in this group:

This afternoon, about 3pm, a neighbor who is a strong, evangelizing Christian came to visit and just ask me a couple real estate questions. When I came out to greet her she wouldn’t come down my walkway. She said to look down and I shrieked. There was a very long garden snake, to the right of my front steps, facing my front door. So she walked around on the lawn instead of the walkway. Then as she approached my door, I looked down on the other side and there was even a longer garden snake also facing my front door. I live in the country, and a snake time to time has been near my front door. But having two long snakes right on either side of my front door and facing my front door was unnerving to say the least. She is Baptist and even she was spooked. However, we didn’t fear getting bitten because we thought they were garden snakes. But it was surreal.

She and I shared a nice time together and when she left I took her out the back door.

Then I went to peak out the front door to see if the snakes were there and jumped because I thought I saw this huge snake head peering out from under my steps. But then I realized my steps are solid. So I looked more closely and there was a tiny rabbit, young, huddled right in front of my front step. The sweet rabbit huddled there was so touching it softened my heart. So I went inside to put on gloves to maybe pick it up and put it out on the lawn. When I came back it hadn’t moved. I got just a few feet away, talking softly, and it still didn’t move. Only when I reached down did it jump away under the brush. I kept thinking of the snakes and prayed very sincerely that the snakes would not find and eat the little rabbit.

A bit later, maybe a ½ hour or hour, I peeked outside again and there was the little rabbit again. It rested near my front step next to the bush. I again could get close, speaking gently, and it didn’t move. So I went back inside and shredded some carrot and brought it out and set it about a foot away. Again it didn’t move. I was very, very touched by that gentle, defenseless little rabbit.

I am not strongly into signs, I want to be very, very careful about overly interpreting things. But this series of events was so unusual I did ask the Lord what it meant. Nothing came to me at first and I said I knew He would tell me when He thought it time to reveal to me. A little later here is what I felt inspired with, although I don’t know if it’s the Lord or my interpretation.

The snakes are typically a sign of evil. Evil may be at our door on either side seeking to get in but does not. Through prayer the evil one is dispelled (resist the devil and he will flee). The defenseless, young rabbit represents all those who need the Lord’s protection, the protection of the Lord’s house (which we all offer to others since He indwells us). What comes to mind is Israel (since you let me know you all were praying for Israel), with evil on either side seeking to consume, to eat it. The fact the snakes vanished but the rabbit remained near the protection of His house is symbolic, I believe. Also, the rabbit can represent all we need to pray for and cover with our faith, our anointing, our standing in the gap, our caring, our warring. So for me I suspect the rabbit represents more than Israel. Such as Americans who need the economy and leadership of old restored. But Israel, given the words the group was given, does come to the forefront of my mind.

I just went to get my camera and the photos after writing the above and asked Him, “Who is the rabbit?” He said, in a very very loving and fatherly tone, “It’s Israel, my child. And it’s all those Americans I love and care for.” I’m getting choked up now. I am so grateful to find friends who care so much for many, many others because if you all pray 2 ½ hours out of your busy day what an immense responsibility to protect others, to protect even nations, you have taken up on your shoulders. I marvel to know you all, I am really humbled. He knows I’m not exaggerating. Maybe this is His sign to you that your prayers were not only heard today but so appreciated by Him. You are protecting His little rabbit.

Note: After I wrote this I broke down crying which I believe was from the greater presence of His Holy Spirit showing He was indeed very pleased with the group’s intercession and great caring.

Update as of June 8, 2010: a friend had the image of the rabbit being the power of the gospel, His blood. We rest quiet and unafraid because His word will overturn evil.

Update as of April 23, 2011 11:30am:

Last night, Good Friday. I saw myself in front of my door talking to Jesus. In the vision I was facing out, standing next to the little rabbit resting in front of the middle of my door step, and Jesus was facing my door. The two long snakes were on either side of the walkway. The rabbit and snakes actually did happen last year, the snakes appeared first and at the same time. Then a little while later the snakes were gone and the rabbit was resting in front of my door step. But in the vision, both the rabbit and the snakes were there at the same time. My adversities and afflictions began in 2010. I had a sense the two snakes represented two years as a season of great affliction and adversity. But then, to my surprise as I was not at all expecting it, Jesus stamped violently on the snake to His right. It split in two and the two parts flung up a couple feet in air and fell down. Then He stamped violently on the snake to the left and it also snapped into two parts which flung up a couple feet in the air and fell back down. There were just the halves of the dead snakes on the ground, on either side of Jesus and me. The rabbit didn’t move but kept resting, next to me on my right and in front of Jesus who was facing me still. I felt a great release. As if the enemy had been slaughtered, as when Elijah slaughtered the prophets of Baal and much rain of abundance came afterwards. I was so wide-eyed, incredulous and grateful, I simply thanked Jesus. My whole being felt as if it was the resurrection of Easter and death and destruction had been soundly defeated. A little later in the vision I flung those dead halves of snakes down my hillside to be eaten by insects. All I can say is even as I write I continue to praise Jesus. This is the victory of who He is, the vicious lashes and bloodying He bore. I’m just now remembering, as I write this, that earlier last night on Good Friday I watched, “The Passion”. I do remember in the movie Jesus stomped on Satan's snake, but the vision I had of Jesus stomping on what had been real snakes at my doorstep was a vivid vision. And I, as others have, was sobbing with the punishment and whipping Jesus bore. Then later, after I watched, I felt as if I wanted not the resurrected Jesus by my side but the bruised and unjustly punished Jesus next to me, so that He would bear any punishment for what I deserved rather than I. This is gospel, that He bore our punishment for our sins, and I surely am not without many sins. Having His punished body next to me was like a shield from that which has been trying to afflict me. My closest prophetic friends know the spiritual warfare I have been in, the pressure and afflictions I have been going through have been very terrific at times. I share because I know others have been suffering exceedingly as well. Few blessings have come smoothly and easily. They do eventually come, but only after some chaos, struggle and doubtful questioning (yes, my faith gets rocky and I do doubt and have fear, I would lie if I denied it) whether the blessings will indeed break through the demonic onslaught. I believe yesterday, Good Friday, was a turning point. Not just for me but for others. If the two snakes and the rabbit mean anything to you, then His abruptly killing the snakes is a turning point, His victory.

Please know that what I wrote above I wrote before looking in my blog journal to see what the Lord shared earlier about the rabbit and two snakes and when it was, as I couldn’t remember. Please see all He shared, some which surprises me since I had forgotten. See that His smashing the two snakes may have implications for Americans and Israel he cares for. And likely not just Americans and Israel as those are not the only the Lord loves. And the smashing of the snakes, I believe, relates to replenishment of finances. I won’t write more, but I’m so grateful to Him this day before the holiday celebrating His resurrection, and for us, new life in Him.

May 16, 2010

The Big Picture of the U.S.A. Stock Market

I would like to cite a post I made on February 19 2009 last year before the further heavy short-selling in early March, “The Lord showed me His Spirit will raise the DOW but slowly, over time this year, with different bases forming. 7500 now, although I also heard 7200. I thought November was 7200 but when I looked the low was 7449. Then 7800, 8200 and 8600. That retired people need restoration of the DOW. I did not sense the Dow will go into the 6000’s, the number of man. His mercy will prevail. By June of 2009 I saw the economy will be warm. He will have applied intense heat. But intense heat on something frozen cold (the economy now) doesn’t make it hot right away, just warm. By May hope will be restoring as the DOW is above 8200.”

If you look at the chart of the DOW, you might agree that all these numbers of the DOW mark levels of support, even lateral channels of trading between two numbers (I’m sorry I don’t know the technical terms). If you draw lines on your DOW chart at in these numbers – 7200, 7500, 7800, 8200, 8600, 9200, 10,000, 10,800 and 12,000 (9200 and 10,000 were heard on May 18, 2009) – you might agree that just because the DOW traded more than a couple hundred points below 7200 from March 2, 2009 through March 11, 2009 in the 6000s (which I did not see on February 2009) – only 8 trading days and less than just 2 trading weeks – does not mean the Lord was not giving us an exceedingly clear message about His intentions regarding the U.S.A. stock market and His overall support for many of America’s companies and the stock market. And in February 2009 He said, “By May hope will be restoring as the DOW is above 8200” and it happened. And on May 18, 2009 – when the DOW was only 8500 – He said the DOW would be at 10,000 by mid-September. It got very close, within 2.5% or 250 points in September, and then it rose above 10,000 on October 14, 2009 only one month later. It makes me marvel with awe and appreciation, though I am not surprised, that Jehovah Jireh cares about America and the finances of not just a small group of prophetic investors but countless other Christians and retirees and non-believers who needed the market to go back up again.

“You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” – Jesus Christ
Matt 5:43-45 (NIV)

The point of this for all of us, myself included, is to step back and view His bigger picture and purpose. He shares the market’s direction with us so we may have confidence in investing. I hope you agree the 2009 market certainly didn’t rise in nice and neat stair steps at each number He gave. It had its bumps and gyrations and churnings and pullbacks along the way. But when you draw in the lines on your chart, unless you are a day trader or short-term swing trader, you can sleep well at night knowing He is supporting the market at various levels. The market is simply not going to utterly crash, He is upholding it. At least that is what He has been saying for some time and continues to say. Every time He gives me a number I draw the line on my chart. It reminds me it is His infallible prophetic word.

The truth of His word can, and will, unseat the facts of a situation and perplex the pundits. His word may not be logical, but it moves mountains. How awesome it is that the Creator who spoke creation into existence still speaks today. That unimaginable might and authority that created the entire universe with just words still speaks as He did then. He is so kind that sometimes He whispers. Whether a whisper or a bold word, the intensity of that power and authority is hard for me to fathom. His word will not be denied and will not be defied.

By the way, if you personally hear a short term word and are able to trade the short-term volatility and minor pullbacks, that is splendid for you. But please know such short-term trading is not the purpose of this blog. The purpose of this blog is to prophesy to the heavenlies the Lord’s intentions overall for the U.S.A. stock market and economy. As I wrote in February 2009, “retired people need restoration of the DOW.” This fact continues to be near and dear to my heart and is why I continue to intercede.

The reason for my starting to tweet is as much to me and the heavenlies as to anyone else. He is clearly wanting me to be absolutely steadfast and unshakable in faith regarding what He has told me both regarding the market and regarding my personal investments. I believe the DOW support is currently at 10,800 and the DOW will reach 12,000 without a huge market downturn along the way. My current prayer is the market cool down. My spirit cannot align at this time with the market beginning a huge descent either now or this year. I simply have peace and see sunshine. I do not see such a secular bear market. I’m fully invested long. My actions are based on His words to date. Maybe He will give further insight in months to come. So the initial tweets I am inspired with are along these lines of unshakeable faith in the prophetic word He has personally given you.

My prayer is His prophetic light shine brightly in your spirit despite surrounding dark clouds and guide you in peace and concert with His will. That you and your family may be prospered as your soul prospers, shining ever more brightly from glory to glory. And that you build His kingdom with gifts and good works to be a continual blessing to others. This is what I aspire to.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” – Jesus Christ
Matt 5:16 (NKJV)

“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” – Jesus Christ
Matt 5:44 (NKJV)

May 14, 2010

Propheting (twitter)

The market lurched downwards and closed at 10,620. I had an all day meeting, am fully invested, and had perfect peace because He told me to be invested by May 12, 2010. He said He would support the market at about 10,800. Life’s gyrations don’t negate His assurance. I just believed Him and obeyed.

Last night He pushed me to get a Twitter account. I really had been resisting all these new-fangled social networking technologies. I honestly didn’t like them. But I strongly felt I was to have a twitter account even though I didn’t know twitter and felt the blog was sufficient to prophecy to the heavenlies. I signed up for the name “Propheting” because “PropheticTrader was taken. I love the double-entendre, He gets the credit for the inspiration. It is time the Lord’s children profited according to the story of the talents in Matthew 25:14-29, “He who had received the five talents went and traded with them, and made another five talents.” Notice the Lord doesn’t deal in percentages, He deals in a multiple, at least a doubling of an investment. And Matthew 13.8 states, “But others fell on good ground and yielded a crop: some a hundredfold, some sixty, some thirty.” Of course this passage refers principally to spiritual matters. But what if it might also apply to the natural?

So as I was driving home from the all day meeting I had an inspiration and posted for my first time on Twitter. This is as much a word to me as to the heavenlies or to anyone who is kind enough to read. Because if you’ve read this blog, you know the market spasms have shaken me with fear a couple times. But, at least I try to learn from my mistakes.

I won’t post further twitter posts here. If you don’t follow I understand. I’m happy talking to myself because I need to remind myself of His truths! Here is the post, “When a man gives you his word, he may go back on it. God doesn't. Don't let life's spasms throw you. Be steadfast, believe what He told you.”

May 11, 2010

Prayer for the Gulf

Written Monday 5pm to 6:30pm but posted on Tuesday in the morning.

On Friday, I went to bed and had the waking dream, a type of vision but I would not say it was from the Lord, more like a wish or day dream, of someone casting a substance, something either granular or liquid, widely over the gulf and all the oil miraculously disappearing. The oil just disappeared! It occurred to me this could be PetroLuxus, by the firm Planet Resource Recovery. I went to bed thinking, "Now you are REALLY day dreaming!!" So I thought to myself, yup, too much of a day dreamer. But the practical side of me nudged that since other Christians are invested in PRRY, I'll just pick up a few shares on Monday since I didn’t own any.

After I wrote the above on Monday at about 5pm I went outside and prayed,

"Lord, I pray in the name of the Lord Jesus that You will open the doors for PRRY to clean up the gulf oil spill. I pray for the miraculous technologies You have given man to be made evident, to undo what was one of the worst man-made disasters in history. Lord, this is not just for investors, this is for the gulf, for our waters, for our fish, for our wildlife, for Your creation. It is Your creation! Help us clean up after ourselves! Help us be good stewards of what You have given us! Lord, save us from our messes and foolishness! I beg You, I pray to You, clean up this spill for the ocean's sake. Let Your miraculous technology be made manifest! Let the God of all heavens and earth and ocean be manifest in His mercy as we pray. Your mercy is so extraordinary. Let Your miracle technology come forth to clean up this spill! Please do not delay! Release the floodgates of salvation for us! I give You the Glory! Amen!"

[Written after I went back outside a second time to pray and came back in]:
I had the same great weakness in my body and deep awe of and humility before the Lord as I did this weekend praying for and commanding the DOW. I am not one to shake during prayer but now as I write I cannot control the shaking in my right leg and am bent over in physical weakness and humility as I type. This also happened this weekend as I interceded for and commanded the DOW. If this prayer comes to pass, to God alone, to Him alone, be the utmost glory. He deserves to be greatly glorified. It is time the world sees His greatness. Oh! My God! What an awesome God He is!! He is alive! Believe! Believe that Jesus Christ is alive! His power is vast, even over the earth! If you see His miracle, believe!

If this comes to pass as prayed, know that Jesus Christ is ALIVE and LISTENING, let all believe. You have to believe it is He who saves even the ocean! You have to believe!

Update as of May 11, 2010 5pm: I should add that surely I am not the only one who has had this wish and is praying. I simply do believe it will be the wonderful hand of the Lord if the gulf oil spill is cleaned up with what I view as "miraculous technologies". Also, as a disclosure, when I had this “day dream” and strong prayer I did not own any PRRY. I did not purchase until Tuesday morning at prices between $0.38 and $0.42. I was not able to purchase shares on Monday at $0.36 as I hoped.

May 10, 2010

Summary of prophecies

It is always easier looking back at past prophecies for clarity. Here is a summary as of the prophecies as I see them:

1) On February 12, 2010 I saw the Lord’s hand supporting the market and dusting off the short-sellers after the January through February pullback. Later I saw another short-selling vision I discounted as the desires of the enemy taking the market down to 10,200 (On March 31, 2010 and posted April 3, 2010) but which a friend more correctly interpreted as the thunderstorm of short-selling on Thursday and Friday last week.

2) The number of 10,200 in the second short-selling storm vision with His advice to get into cash (posted April 3, 2010) and 10,000 in the earlier short-selling storm vision with the ashen black chart (posted June 13, 2009 and reposted September 29, 2010 and February 5, 2010) are significant as the approximate base of the DOW in the short-selling storm.

3) Since mid 2009 He has said He will take the market to 12,000. Initially I saw this happening in April 2010. Later I felt the timing was adjusted to “the coming months”.

4) On April 27, 2010 and again on the evening of May 8, 2010 I heard I should be invested by May 12, 2010.

5) There was a new word, which was really an affirmation of past prophecies, on midnight of May 8, 2010 and posted May 9, 2010. This word I believe was also confirmed by a sign, please see the post.

6) I wrote a friend the evening of May 8, 2010, “Could the recent short-selling storm and “capitulations” by many investors be a similar buying opportunity to that of March 2009? It was “Armageddon” to many last March. Now the world seems to envision “Armageddon” again. But certainly our American companies are in much better shape than last year. The Lord does have good things in store for America as well as chastisements. Last year I saw the DOW resting on its first base of 7500 and heard the number 7200 (before all the subsequent levels it would attain, up to 10,000 in September). Yet for only 10 trading days it dove below 7200 then up again in a V-shaped formation. Perhaps this time it will be similar regarding the 10,800 level. A dive to 10,200 (or 10,000-ish) and a return back up to 10,800 as the place of base-building for the future slow rise. There is something beautiful and comforting in my spirit about 10,800. I can’t “let go” of that number as being critical for the DOW to attain as a support level. I feel a determination the DOW must get there through intercessory prayer and “commanding prayer” (such as commanding the storm to calm or the mountain to move in the name of Jesus).” As I write the DOW is at the 10,800 level (+/- 100 points which is in the range), having only dipped below that level for 2 trading days thus far.

7) Even if one did not trade on the short-selling storm vision to 10,200 (which I personally discounted), if one simply believed the Lord would support the market at 10,800 and did not capitulate by selling last Thursday or Friday they probably would not have suffered much loss. The way I look at this is He might give direction in a number of ways to suit the temperaments of different people. For example, one trader might short-sell during the storm. Another, less inclined to trade short term might hold through the storm knowing the Lord will uphold the market at a certain level.

8) Where to we go from here? Please know numbers are approximate. He has said He will support the DOW at 10,800. And that the DOW will rise to 12,000 in the coming months. There will likely be more storms. Has the major storm of short-selling passed? I believe so. But we must still be vigilant in prayer and listening.

Update as of May 11, 2010 8:15am:
Please see in the prophecy received midnight on May 8, 2010 and posted on May 9, 2010, “Look for the DOW to dip again. Mon, Tues, I have not said when. Have fun on the roller coaster. Get on board.” A pullback happened from market open to 8:15am PST. There was an opportunity to get on board.

May 9, 2010

New word about the DOW

This weekend I communicated with Carl and one other (I do not share his avatar for privacy’s sake) for the first time. I was discouraged. But they are encouragers. I am so grateful for their support and spiritual perspective and insight.

Here is a word that came to me, flowing like a new song, last night, Saturday night, at about midnight:

“Child, 12 is the number of governance, the 12 apostles, the 12 tribes of Israel. On May 12 I will govern the DOW. The storm will be over. The sun will be out. You must be invested by May 12. Look for the DOW to dip again. Mon, Tues, I have not said when. Have fun on the roller coaster. Get on board. Have I not told you Amazon is Amazing, Ford is Flying, Sandisk is Sensational, Netflix is Novel, Lowes is Lovely, and Apple is Appealing. The banks, the banks, a bundle will suffice like XLF. Gold is good. But you have time for gold [to eventually buy it]. What I have given will fatten your wallet.

“Command the market, daughter. My sons and daughter have a right to command. Yes, I have told them to command. Only then shall the mountain move.

“A new mountain shall arise, the DOW, yes, is resilient because you, yes and others, command. It is my pleasure to answer. You think I won’t but I will. You see Me smiling because nothing is too great for Me. As the tide swells, as the mountain rises, my prophets, my people shall be lifted up and refreshed.”

At about 11:50 am this morning as I was reading the book of John and humbling myself before the Lord, a very strong downpour of rain started. This last week had been bright and sunny with beautiful California days so I was caught unawares by today’s downpour. Since Friday I had been asking for a sign confirming the short-selling would end soon also to confirm the “word” received last night at about midnight. It occurred to me this storm was a sign of the short-selling storm. I heard the words, “It will clear by 1pm.” So I awaited 1pm to see if the clouds covering San Jose, California would part and the sun would start shining through. If so, I will post what I heard last night. As I write now, about noon, 12 hours after the word last night, the rain is light and not pouring. But I need to see if the sun will come through by 1pm. That will be the confirmation for me that by May 12, 2010 the short-selling storm will have quickly passed and the sun will have come out on the market. Oh my - it is 12:02 pm and the sun has poked through the clouds. As of 1pm it is mostly overcast but no rain and the sun pokes through time to time. A cool breeze blows gently. Even at 1:30 pm there is no rain, it is overcast with the sun poking through time to time. Now at 1:43 pm it is lightly raining again. At 1:44 pm the rain has stopped. At 1:54 pm there is much more parting of the clouds and open sky. Now at 1:56 pm the sun is poking through and shining again. I wouldn’t take these times to mean anything, they are approximate, other than the stormy pouring rain was exceedingly short in the natural today. And there are little periods of light rain. But certainly a parting of the clouds and the sun poking through. I must post this now because I feel this new word most be declared to the heavenlies.

Update as of May 9, 2010 5:30pm:

This afternoon has remained the same as about 1pm, the clouds parting in places with some sun shining through. A few very light rains for only a few minutes. No more downpours. In fact, now the clouds have broken up into attractive puffy clouds, the sun is shining now. Refreshing day, thank goodness. This is surely the sign I was praying for since Friday to confirm the market would be rising again soon. Please don’t think I think I am so special that the Lord would send such a compelling and unusual sign (given the incredible weather San Jose enjoyed the last week) just because I asked. I asked not for me but for His sake to confirm His word without doubt. I told Him I needed a sign that was very obvious, one I couldn’t misinterpret or read into. That is what I believe He did today.

Please see April 29, 2010 prophecy, “The tea partiers… shall tip and topple established ways through flowers of Peace. They strike with a flower. Ah, what a mighty flower! You have not seen anything like it since the 1960’s flower children. A movement of change”
“After toppling three-term Republican Sen. Robert F. Bennett in Utah, tea party activists and other conservative critics shifted their sights Sunday to a mid-May primary in Kentucky, their next big challenge to a political establishment they have vowed to upend.”

Update as of May 9, 2010 6:10 pm:
Here is an update a friend just emailed me:

Wow! Just wow! DOW futures up 200, S+P up 25, Fear draining out of T-notes/bills.

EU Crafts $928 Billion Show of Force to Halt Crisis (Update1)
By James G. Neuger and Meera Louis

May 10 (Bloomberg) -- European finance ministers put together an unprecedented loan package that may be worth 720 billion euros ($928 billion) for debt-swamped governments in a bid to restore faith in the euro and prevent Greece’s fiscal woes from unleashing a global crisis.
Jolted into action by last week’s slide in the currency to a 14-month low and soaring bond yields in Portugal and Spain, the 16 euro governments pledged to make 440 billion euros available, with 60 billion euros more from the EU’s budget, said Spanish Economy Minister Elena Salgado at a press conference in Brussels today. The International Monetary Fund may provide a further 220 billion euros, she said.

Update as of May 9, 2010 9:15 pm:
EU, IMF agree $1 trillion emergency fund
BRUSSELS (Reuters) – Global policymakers unleashed an emergency rescue package worth about $1 trillion to stabilize world financial markets and prevent the Greek debt crisis from destroying the euro currency.
The rescue, hammered out by European Union finance ministers, central bankers and the International Monetary Fund in marathon talks at the weekend, was the largest package in over two years since G20 leaders threw money at the global economy following the collapse of Lehman Brothers.
The size of the package surprised financial analysts and the euro rose close to 2 percent while stocks in Asia firmed….
Policymakers around the globe are worried the crisis in Greece could spread to other countries, fears compounded by the unexplained shock plunge in U.S. stocks on Thursday.
In Europe, officials said they would fight speculative investors they blame for aggravating the public debt crisis.
"We now see ... wolfpack behaviours, and if we will not stop these packs, even if it is self-inflicted weakness, they will tear the weaker countries apart," Swedish Finance Minister Anders Borg told reporters in Brussels before the EU meeting.

Update as of May 10, 2010 3pm:
Stocks surge on plan to ease European debt crunch
By TIM PARADIS, AP Business Writer Tim Paradis, Ap Business Writer
NEW YORK – Stocks rocketed to their biggest gain in a year and bond prices fell Monday after a nearly $1 trillion plan to contain Europe's debt crisis reassured investors.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose about 405 points to its biggest advance since March 2009. Broader U.S. indexes outpaced the Dow's 3.9 percent rise….
Markets around the world plummeted last week after fears grew that Greece's debt problems would spread to other struggling European economies like Spain, Portugal and Italy. The Dow slid 5.7 percent last week in its worst drop since the depths of the financial crisis in October 2008. On Thursday alone, the Dow was down nearly 1,000 points late in the day before recovering much of its losses.
Triple-digit Dow moves have again become the norm. The latest swings are reminders of the big swings that occurred during the credit crisis in late 2008 and early 2009.
The Dow rose 404.71, or 3.9 percent, to 10,785.14. At its peak, the Dow was up nearly 455 points. The climb came after four straight days of losses and was the biggest advance since March 2009, when the market was bouncing off its lowest levels in 12 years.

Update as of May 11, 2010 8:15am:
Please see in the prophecy received midnight on May 8, 2010 and posted on May 9, 2010, “Look for the DOW to dip again. Mon, Tues, I have not said when. Have fun on the roller coaster. Get on board.” A pullback happened from market open to 8:15am PST. There was an opportunity to get on board.

May 7, 2010

Another prophet shares for greater clarity

Another prophet on a private forum was reminded of a post I made on April 3, 2010 (see below). I had forgotten about it. He had been skeptical of my discounting the vision as a false prophecy. His wise perspective is getting me to further examine how I – and us – can have heightened clarity especially regarding timing of events.

The vision seems to be coming to pass, at least partly so as I await the sunshine I still keep seeing and evidently saw in that vision on March 31. My spirit today is free and content, expectant in the Lord despite the worldwide turbulence.

Here is part of my post on April 1, 2010 that the fellow prophet referenced:

“On March 31, 2010 in the evening I published the following on But the next morning, at 6am PST, I woke up with a strong conviction it was a false prophecy and deleted it. Although it looked like it might be consistent with what the Lord has been saying, it – in fact – was not.

‘Short-selling Storm to 10,200 & then DOW resumes climb

‘Today I saw dark storm clouds forming over the stock market. Dark clouds boding heavy rain with flashes of lighting. Then the rain will begin, rain of the short sellers, growing heavy and strong. A short selling storm will take the stock market DOW down to about 10,200. That is the number I saw. Then, when the DOW reaches about 10,200 the clouds will start parting and rays of sun will appear between the clouds. Then the sun will come out and the DOW will resume its slow climb back up again. The lazy bull market will resume. The DOW will go to 12,000 in the coming months.

‘Get out of the rain. Take your cash into shelter. Because there will be a buying opportunity after the rain.’ ”

May 6, 2010

I'm out of the market, You help carry the day

The market broke through even 10,700 so I can't trust the Lord is supporting the market at about 10,800. Maybe it will rebound, like in March 2009 when I heard the market would be going higher but it went lower before it went higher. I simply can't ride this stormy sea, although I tried. It pains me because had I sold when I heard about individual stocks I would have made a nice profit. Now I have not only lost the profit, I lost part of my initial investment as well.

The market is down over 400 points to about 10,400 as I write.

I apologize I was wrong.

Update as of May 6, 2010 10:30 pm: I do reveal myself and not hide myself on this blog. I still see the number (approximate) 10,800 as support. I still see the Lord taking the lazy bull market to 12,000 in the coming months. I'm furious a mini-futures trade (whatever that is) by a Citigroup trader may have entered a typo of billions vs. millions to send the market careening. So I've have been hit by such lunacy and evil. But I'm crazy enough to believe and have peace even though the market has hurt me personally. I love the Lord and love those who are equally crazy to press in to hear Him, and I know manna from heaven is in store. I'm stunned and tired, I really did stand and pray and intercede for the DOW this morning… indeed many, many times in the past. I could feel the immense warfare. But others are towing and pulling on the lifeline as well. They are hearing and longing to hear even more clearly. We all love Him exceedingly, no one ahead or behind, spiritual or less spiritual. We are just brothers and sisters and I feel He is doing something here in the turbulence. So, I prayed today. Oh, did I pray. I know there are others who are His kings and queens of the marketplaces, I don't mean that lightly, marketplace prophets to intercede according to His desires... not the desires of the destroyer. I am listening to you, now. We are all praying. He is doing something here and I am learning. You go, girlfriend! You go, boyfriend! Excuse my vernacular. A few will send a million to flight! I love you. He needs you, you know that. Thank you because I am defeated in this one battle but still expectant I heard Him and His word is always truth. How compelling is it when you believe and won’t let go. So you are carrying the day. Please run and carry the victory!

Update as of May 6, 2010 11:00 pm: Here is what a sibling just sent to me today. I know I’ve been in the cave, the Lord I believe has me there. I will certainly keep praying, tomorrow is a new day, but the mantle falls on many of us. Here is what you said, "Prophetic Trader, not sure how else to communicate with you - I know that's by design - but I have something to say. The Lord speaking through you has been an inspiration. Your ministry has been invaluable to me this year. I see what's going on now with the market and my word for you is to BE strong and courageous. I've been praying for you, purposely sowing into your gift. Today I want to say get up sis, shake off the dust, get out there on a prayer walk and pray, prophesy, get a new word from the Lord, and boldly proclaim it! You have been given this ministry for a reason, and it's true you're in training, but DO NOT let recent events disrupt your focus. Do not allow feelings of "failing your followers" to get in the way. Go get what is between you and the Lord and he will continue to be there with you. You owe nothing to us - visiting your blog and investing accordingly has been our responsibility and pleasure - you are completely released from any emotional ties you feel about taking responsibility for our actions! So rise up, get back on track soldier." You are a great brother, you do have my blood flowing again, thank you!!

Update as of May 7, 2010 6:45 am: I interceded again for the market. Although I sold most of my positions yesterday, there are many many Christians who are invested in the market. I feel I must continue to intercede. And I have rebuked the spirit of fear in the stock market, that there will be restoration.

Update as of May 10, 2010 3pm:
Stocks surge on plan to ease European debt crunch
By TIM PARADIS, AP Business Writer Tim Paradis, Ap Business Writer
NEW YORK – Stocks rocketed to their biggest gain in a year and bond prices fell Monday after a nearly $1 trillion plan to contain Europe's debt crisis reassured investors.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose about 405 points to its biggest advance since March 2009. Broader U.S. indexes outpaced the Dow's 3.9 percent rise….
Markets around the world plummeted last week after fears grew that Greece's debt problems would spread to other struggling European economies like Spain, Portugal and Italy. The Dow slid 5.7 percent last week in its worst drop since the depths of the financial crisis in October 2008. On Thursday alone, the Dow was down nearly 1,000 points late in the day before recovering much of its losses.
Triple-digit Dow moves have again become the norm. The latest swings are reminders of the big swings that occurred during the credit crisis in late 2008 and early 2009.
The Dow rose 404.71, or 3.9 percent, to 10,785.14. At its peak, the Dow was up nearly 455 points. The climb came after four straight days of losses and was the biggest advance since March 2009, when the market was bouncing off its lowest levels in 12 years.

Commanding fear to leave the market

The market is at 10,779 as I write. This is the third day the market has been around 10,800. Here is my commanding prayer,

“Fear – I command you to leave the stock market! You dark spirits of vexation and worry, you restless and unruly spirits, you that sow discord and division, by the authority given me in Jesus Christ, I command you spirits of fear to leave now! This market is a lazy bull market, the Lord has named you, stock market. Fear, lie down you troubling spirits, be subdued, you have no place anymore here! The market will slumber and rest from your wickedness. And the cows and bulls will graze again. Be gone! In the name of Jesus Christ!”

Update as of May 10, 2010 3pm:
Stocks surge on plan to ease European debt crunch
By TIM PARADIS, AP Business Writer Tim Paradis, Ap Business Writer
NEW YORK – Stocks rocketed to their biggest gain in a year and bond prices fell Monday after a nearly $1 trillion plan to contain Europe's debt crisis reassured investors.
The Dow Jones industrial average rose about 405 points to its biggest advance since March 2009. Broader U.S. indexes outpaced the Dow's 3.9 percent rise….
Markets around the world plummeted last week after fears grew that Greece's debt problems would spread to other struggling European economies like Spain, Portugal and Italy. The Dow slid 5.7 percent last week in its worst drop since the depths of the financial crisis in October 2008. On Thursday alone, the Dow was down nearly 1,000 points late in the day before recovering much of its losses.
Triple-digit Dow moves have again become the norm. The latest swings are reminders of the big swings that occurred during the credit crisis in late 2008 and early 2009.
The Dow rose 404.71, or 3.9 percent, to 10,785.14. At its peak, the Dow was up nearly 455 points. The climb came after four straight days of losses and was the biggest advance since March 2009, when the market was bouncing off its lowest levels in 12 years.

May 5, 2010


I had no idea how hard prophesying would be, how it would stretch me in ways that are sometimes painful. I have been a student in Kim Clement’s School of the Prophet over the past year, to give him honor, and also support his ministry. Kim is teaching the third course in a series. If you are interested, the courses are Perceptions, Revelation and Destiny at He also teaches a Bible study (I believe it is called, The Matrix) and on May 4, 2010 taught regarding the spirit of python which is divided thinking and wavering, not being steadfast in believing the Lord’s word (see and search for the date).

When I am prophesying and other prophets or Christians are speaking in the opposite direction or at least not actively supportive, you realize the importance of friends. The ones who go out of their way to support you through prayer or through agreement in their spirit – both of which are so powerful. I went back on another Christian investing website the last few weeks when I started doubting my prophecies and wavering. I had not read postings on that forum since spring 2009. I cried in surprise and overwhelming gratitude when I read there were actually a few people who read my blog and supported me by their spirits aligning with the prophecies. Also, the fact that there are fellow prophets and Christ-followers of this blog (I assume they might be members of that private forum as well) makes me so overwhelmingly grateful as well. I want to give a very deep and heartfelt thank you with tears in my eyes to the few who are supporting me. I didn’t realize I need you but I do, thank you.

I hope it is not weakness in me to say I can feel my spirit stirred with additional life from your support, that I can pray with more fervency and yielding commitment, with your support. I am incognito at this time because the Lord wants it that way for now. It is not about me but the Lord and to honestly and truly try to hear what He is saying about the market so others may prosper. I understand what Kim Clement shares, that when he first was called to prophesy he didn’t really want the calling. I wrestle time to time with wanting to shut my mouth and do something else because the burden is so great, I must hear correctly because other people’s money is at stake. But the Lord keeps bringing me back to interceding for and prophesying about the market. It is the field He has given me to plow even though sometimes plowing and throwing the rocks out of the field is not easy labor. So I am so very, very grateful for your friendship and want to thank you so very, very, very much. I really do pray for you, I hope He blesses your socks off, beyond the dreams you can see!!

May 4, 2010

America, Amiracle!

I went on a prayer walk this afternoon. I took a pen and paper and here are the words of of the Lord,

America, Amiracle! America, Amiracle! America, Amiracle! America, Amiracle! America, Amiracle!

“The sun is melting the winter snow. The rivers are swollen with fresh water. My sons and daughters shall prophesy many waters. They shall prophesy above the chitter chitter chatter of the world. How I hate such murmuring! Prophesy, sons and daughters! And My voice shall cover the chatter like many waters. In my waters are life and new birth and creation. Speak it out and drown the chatter!”

Immediately after I finished writing and put my pen and paper in my pack and started walking just a few feet, my dog started eating a small bone from a dead animal. I tried to tell her to drop the bone but she kept eating. In less than two minutes she started pawing at her nose, rubbing her face on the ground and whining. The bone was caught in her throat.

I felt the threat of fear but resisted that spirit. I opened her mouth and could not see the bone. So I stopped and laid hands on her and prayed a quick but emphatic prayer, “Lord, heal her! Heal her!” Then I opened her mouth as far as I could and stuck my index finger as far down her throat as possible, hoping to find the bone or else induce her to vomit to throw up the bone. She gagged and her teeth closed on my hand. But I opened her mouth wider and searched with my index finger deep in her throat. Then I saw the bone, it was lodged front to back, about 2 inches in length. I was able to get under one end of it and dislodge it and she coughed it out. My dog was obviously relieved, she lay down right in front of me as close to me as possible.

The fact this event happened immediately after the prophesy from the Lord made me ask what was the meaning. Here is what He said, “The bone is division. There are those who would put bones in the throats of my sons and daughters who prophesy. But they [sons and daughters] must pluck out the bones and prophesy boldly.”

DOW touched 10,887 at about 8am PST

The DOW touched 10,887 at about 8am PST. I bought on the dip per the word of the Lord that the pullback will be minor and short-term.