February 25, 2009

Prayed over His word regarding the stock market

The Dow reached about 7000 on Friday. The Lord had shown me the black candlesticks, the black swords of the short sellers coming in at an angle from the left on February 19. But His red turning green candlestick has not yet been revealed. Where His candlestick extends powerfully from the 7000s to the mid 8000s. He also made this clear the upward trend of the Dow would happen slowly, with different levels of support/resistance, not quickly. So I laid my spiritual body over His word and prayed that His word will still come to pass. For the sake of all the retirees, all those who love Him and are crying and desperate now. It is for them He will do this. For us younger ones, a rise in the Dow is simply opportunity to handle wisely, but we have time in Him to recover our finances. He needs to replenish the finances of the retirees. Those who are despairing and casting their future on Him. May God’s mercy prevail, may He raise the retirees up, may He raise all who thought they invested wisely but saw their careful savings cut in half be raised up. Lord have mercy!