September 9, 2009

Remembering 9-11

As 9-11 is brought into vision two days from now, a spirit of defiance has risen in me against the powers of evil that wreaked destruction that day in 2001. I believe America was founded by those seeking Christian and political freedoms from oppressive forces. So my spirit defies and prays against those forces that oppose the America of our founding fathers.

When I think of 9-11 I hear the liberty bell ringing and think of all those who place their faith in Almighty God and His Son. So my fervent prayer today is the market will reveal the spirit of defiance in America against forces of evil that dwell outside of as well as within our shores. That despite political powers contrary to God that seek to steal, kill or destroy, that the voice of the Lord's America will arise.

I had two friends who were killed in 9-11, one in the Pentagon, the other in one of the planes. Both were Christians. May this coming 9-11 be a bright day, showing those who died did not die in vain. We are still an America that prays. We will continue to pray for the safety of our country and a strong economy for our citizens.