October 18, 2011

“Bible Belt” in San Jose, California and surrounding cities

Bible Belt!  Bible Belt!” The Lord proclaims, “From San Jose [California] to Morgan Hill to Gilroy.  Milpitas, too and Mountain View.  But the heart will be San Jose.  They will carry Bibles into public places and read.  They will meet in homes and call it church where I dwell amongst my children and Jesus is their Lord.  Where the walls come down in My church and there are no barriers between.

They will love each other.  Love will overflow out of homes where the churches are, where all my children meet, and into the streets to feed the orphans, widows and hungry for Me.  The South Bay [of the San Francisco Bay Area] is my Bible Belt in California,” says the Lord.  Watch me do this thing.  It will be a hot spot of love and grace and goodness as My people find each other and meet and love, love, love.  You hunger for the first century churches in homes and will have it!

Note: A lady friend of mind in my home church (we meet in a home and met this morning) emailed me just after I posted this, On the way home, the ‘Do you know the way to San Jose’ song came to mind.  Then I remembered the early believers were referred to as followers of The Way. Then the ah ha (ha, ha) moment… ‘Do you know The Way to San Jose’...seemed to go along with The San Jose Bible Belt leading.”  She did not know of the detailed prophecy above I received this afternoon and she is very prophetic, so I view her email as a confirmation from the Lord.  I had had the brief and powerful vision this morning after we were ending our time together that San Jose would be the heart of a Bible Belt that was glorious.  It is not a coincidence the Lord has laid San Jose on my heart because I look out over it from my home and intercede often for it.