July 30, 2009

DOW broke up through 9200

The DOW broke up through 9200 today, only one month later than when I prophesied on April 28, 2009 that it would happen by or in June 2009. Why the one month delay to July 2009? I either heard wrong or God changed His mind on timing. Also, given we had a correction from about 8800 to 8200 (600 points) during the end of June and beginning of July, I have been asking the Lord if He switched the timing and whether the correction which He mentioned on June 13,2009 happened before the DOW touched 9200 rather than after. I honestly don't have clarity.

As a reminder, on May 19, 2009 He said there would be a “jump” in the market after the “hop” and “skip” were completed. It looks like the “jump” is happening this July 2009 and might take us to all the way to 10,000. More commentators and economists are saying we have turned the corner on the bear market and are in the beginning of a bull market as I heard from the Lord on June 7, 2009.