May 13, 2009

Prayed and prophesied over the Cow Stock Market

I prayed and proclaimed this, “By the power that is vested in me, by the authority I’ve been given by my Lord Jesus Christ, I take my stand in the army of the Lord against the powers of fear and the powers of mammon that rule this market. I rebuke you, spirit of fear in the market and the economy! You shall come down and fall like lightening! You have no place in the Lord’s rulership over the kings of this world and the wealth and markets of this world. I rebuke you, spirit of mammon! You shall fall like lightening! Corruption shall be exposed! Greed shall be crushed. Those gripping mammon shall lose their confidence and their knees shall buckle. Those of the Lord shall utterly reject your ugly spirit. They shall delight in the pure wealth and increase of the Lord. The kings and principalities and markets of this world shall become His.

I prophecy the cow market shall be with solid and steady strength. The market shall go up according to the word of the Lord, slowly and steadily. I prophecy the next level of support shall be 8600. And the Dow shall go to 9200 by or in June 2009. I command it according to the authority Jesus Christ has given. Hallelujia!!”