June 7, 2009

Obama & Bull Market Has Begun - An unusual word from the Lord

I went for my regular prayer walk with the Lord. The following word I heard very clearly in my spirit, knowing the voice of the Lord. This revelation is quite unusual for me as I did not vote for Obama and although I have prayed often for him, I must be honest I have done my fair share of criticizing his administration's policies. Given this word from the Lord I have repented. My heart is greatly softened towards Obama in prayerful support of His leadership, prayer for wisdom for him, and the Lord's manifestation through events in these troubled times.

Here are the clear and brief words the Lord spoke to me which I am heeding:

“I am upset my children are attacking my man, Obama. Do they not remember their own dark places and I healed them? Do they not remember their own false thoughts and I showed them My truth?

“Do not criticize Obama, but pray.

“The bull market has begun. The cow market is no longer. The bear market is no longer. Watch what I do.

“My grace is deep, my love is deep for the world. Yes, even Muslims I love as only I can draw them. As Obama, who loves my son, does love Muslims. I will draw them.

“Watch what I do in the markets. Watch what I do in your hearts if you will yield to my goodness! My ways are not your ways although you may know Me. If your prayer has no love what is your prayer? You cannot begin to see what I will do to right wrongs. You are blind. My prophets have hidden themselves in caves and see calamity. They see the black widows on the walls. I will right wrongs. I will resurrect. My prophets eyes will hurt in the light, but they will see vast spaces. I will bring them out of hiding in caves. Because my lovingkindness exceeds the dark depths of the seas and the black depths of the night skies. Because I love - because I alone love - will I do these things. I am Jesus, yes, the Father, and yes, the One Who walks amongst you, so My ways may be known on this earth. Watch how you pray, do you love?”

Update as of June 8, 2009 6:15pm: I temporarily removed this post this morning when the market was down 120 points and re-posted it this evening. Why? It went against my personal opinions. My personal opinions had been critical of Obama's administration and that this market is still a cow market and not the beginning of a bull market (witness the DOW going down today 120 points before rising at end of day to close about even, not very bull-like, although I believed the May 19 word that market would not break below 8600). God gently required me to re-post, irrespective of my personal opinions. So I am humbled even more to go on a limb and pray for Obama, knowing the light of the Lord will shine greatly and in unusual ways in these times.

Update as of July 30, 2009 at 7:00 am: The DOW broke up through 9200 today, only one month later than when I prophesied on April 28, 2009 that it would happen by or in June 2009. Why the one month delay to July 2009? I either heard wrong or God changed His mind on timing. Either way, I have been fully invested in my portfolio knowing God said the market would go to 9200 and then 10,000. Also, on May 19, 2009 He said there would be a “jump” in the market after the “hop” and “skip” were completed (it looks like the “jump” is happening this July 2009 and might take us to all the way to 10,000). More commentators and economists are saying we have turned the corner on the bear market and are in the beginning of a bull market as I heard from the Lord on June 7, 2009.

I continue to pray for President Obama and congress although his administration's policies and ideologies do distress me. Throughout the Bible, political leaders - whether good or evil or misled - were used for God's purpose to get the attention of His people. I am still greatly hopeful the voice of America’s people will be raised against the leadership powers that seek to restrict and socialize the American dreams of hard-working Americans, de-incentivize businesses that provide employment and GDP growth, and further increase tax burdens for generations to come. All Americans dream and hope for a better life. America is the most generous nation in the world in terms of charitable giving. Taking from those who have worked hard to get where they are (and have typically blessed many others through employment opportunities and/or charitable giving) and giving to those still on their journey for the American dream is wrong. We are not a socialist or communist nation. We are a nation of creative and hard-working people who should be allowed to reap the fruit of their creativity and labors. In business, when a cup overflows, it almost always flows out to bless others. Dry up the incentives for businesses, and the American dream will become a memory and not a future.

Update as of October 29, 2011:
The DOW closed just under 10,000 on the date of this prophecy. It rose fairly steadily with normal corrections to 11,200 on April 26, 2010.