People see me living alone but I’m not alone, I’m with God. Humans need to talk. My two border collies are sweet but they are just dogs. So I talk to God much of the time. Talking to myself I think is crazy because how can a human reason with herself? That’s like riding a merry-go-round and going up and down and around and around. Talking to God is like talking to your best friend but a best friend with no faults and who can teach you a few things. This is an understatement. But the journey is so incredible. Today out of my mouth came spontaneously, “God, You are the coolest! You are so incredibly cool!”
Because He is unbelievably cool. Case in point, He told me on November 8 that Ford would go to $20 and that silver would go to $29 per a friend of a friend’s word. On November 10 He told me silver would go to $32. I bought some SLV December calls, some January calls and loaded up on April calls because He wouldn’t tell me exactly when. Please look at the chart of SLV. Ouch! On Nov. 16 I had lost anywhere from 30% to 65% of my money. But I began writing this the evening of Nov 16. Why? I felt great! In the afternoon I went on my prayer walk and felt like young David with a puny silver stone in my slingshot. The Goliath bullion banks, who many precious metals experts feel forced the sharp sell off, towered with their hundreds of millions of dollars in silver shorting. Well, I aimed my puny silver stone, my tiny investment relative to them in silver, and aimed it between the eyes of Goliath. Smack! Prayer and praise! Great fun to have spiritual defiance in the face of dark forces and confidence in the Lord!
That evening, after I in Christ smacked Goliath with my puny silver stone, had a vision of a bulldozer coming in and it starting pushing silver prices higher. Then that bulldozer turned silver, so it’s a silver bulldozer pushing up silver prices.
You see, I bought silver because I believe He told me it would go to $32 and I had no choice but to invest in faith. If I held back and buried my cash, like the foolish servant who buried his single tiny talent in Matthew 25 and would not invest for profit, it would have been counted to me as sin because of lack of faith.
It is so liberating to place your livelihood on the line. Money is up there with oxygen as it buys necessities to live, not to mention fun things and gifts for others. If you are down to a few months or even a few weeks of nickels and you have no reliable source of income, it’s a perfect setup for being completely free in Him. Your life becomes even more embedded in and hidden in Christ. You relax even more and see where He takes you. It’s all out of your hands. You just talk to Him and obey.
I do the most irrational things when my money is running out. People comment I’m smart (meaning I have an analytical mind) but when I reveal the crazy things I do in faith, you can feel them back away twenty feet emotionally. They sometimes present a more mainstream wisdom point of view to encourage me to consider that, or they argue I made a foolish or bad decision. My bad decisions are having any trust whatsoever in their advice and uncertain money (1 Timothy 6:17). Sometimes He has to let some of your money leak away for you to start living a bold, faith-filled, not-knowing-what-to-expect life. And I don’t just give to ministries with more abandon when I’m running out of money, I also spend on fun things that will bless others, too. For example, if I can spend on something that gives another person much needed income, like painting my kitchen cabinets, I will because I just helped a dear man feed his three kids. Or I will cut my gym membership, since that’s a prosperous company, just so I can keep my gardener who needs the income. These are fun things I did and it made me feel great because I kept paying God-loving people who needed the money. What a great system Godly capitalism is, it makes money flow. Keeping the currents of currency moving. Plus, when you hire people and give them profuse compliments and money for them making your living situation a little more pleasant, what a great feeling that is.
So it may sound irrational but I absolutely believe the following prophecies per His words in the past to me. I’m holding onto these words like a pit bull with a bone in its mouth. When He gives me words I don’t let go, I become even more tenacious in faith and prayer (not without some bucking bronco emotions sometimes until the word buries even more deeply into the soil of my spirit). I’m grateful that most of what He has said which I’ve posted on this site has come to pass. But there are always newer prophecies that need to be hugged with tenacious faith and prayed through, which I do. He just needs someone who is crazy enough to believe in the face of opposition and not let go and pray it through with unrelenting faith. Only the Lord knows how much I pray and praise Him over all the words. Hours upon hours upon hours for each word. I share this because prophecy is not easy, in my opinion. It is very hard work, like plowing a field in the hot sun which is full of stones and boulders (opposition to the word) which you must remove spiritually by combinations of faith, prayer and praise. So there is a glorious responsibility with prophecy to know exactly what He said by writing it down, to keep believing it, to hug it and let it bury deep in the soil of your spirit, and to pray it through. It is like eating a scroll which is sweet tasting in the mouth as well as bitter to the stomach. Eventually that bitterness in your stomach will settle down and the nutrition of that prophecy will spring forth through the promise and nourish many, many others.
- Some American political and business leaders will be judged, but not America. The political establishment will be toppled. We are to stop mourning for America and to celebrate and praise God because a new day of victory for righteousness and restoration is upon America (not that we stop praying for America and that the Lord’s word comes to pass).
The USA shall defy the sovereign debt crises and be immune from contagion
Where the DOW is going and word from the Lord regarding America
Clear and emphatic word from the Lord
American political and business leaders judged… not America… celebrate!
- Two who are scheming for a one world government shall die in the next two years and you will read about them.
American political and business leaders judged… not America… celebrate!
- The stock market won’t correct deeply but will consolidate or base above 11,000.
November 10, 2010 tweet
- Silver will go to $32 in the coming months, silver bulldozer coming in soon to push up silver prices.
Tweets on Nov. 8 and Nov. 10 plus this blog post
- Ford will go to $20 in the coming months
Tweet on Nov. 8
- KATX & KATG (e.g. BVIG) will go to $0.80
- WOLV will jump twice more
Update as of November 18, 2010 4pm: The silver ETF, SLV, is up over 7% today.

Also, Ford had a sell off today with the GM IPO excitement. About 10am this morning I saw the Ford train at the station, about to leave and pull away from the station, and the conductor calling loudly, “All Aboard!” I could hear the train horn toot a couple times. I’m “all in” on Ford (F) and silver (SLV). Please be prayerful about any investments you make.
Update as of December 2, 2010 10am: I sold my Dec SLV calls yesterday at roughly break even. Had I held today they would have had a 20% profit. Am still holding my Jan and April SLV calls, which both have about a 25% prophet. Glad I did not sell out of fear before but held in faith when I had a 30-65% loss on paper.