June 13, 2010

Jesus! (kingly kids, scepters, kingdom finances, a greater understanding of Jesus)

Dear Friends,

Below please find excerpts from two emails to a friend, Carl. I don’t want to edit the emails because I hope the freshness of the revelation – and indeed my marveling with delight at His ever creative and fresh ways that are still grounded in the truths of the Bible - will be contagious to you. To me it is as if Jesus is lifting His words and written truths from the scriptures into our spirits in ways that give us a much greater understanding of Him and His purposes for not only us but His kingdom. To me it is a discovery that is making me marvel with awe as those early years when I was a new Christian and learning so much about Him and His dunamis power (miraculous healing) and exousia (authority over darkness and all the schemes of the enemy). I hope you are as refreshed and delighted in these discoveries as I have been these last two days.

From an email on June 12:

Thank you for all you shared. Thank you for describing, “When I held out my scepter today I felt like a king with commanding authority. The scepter certainly makes a difference.” Yes, I often feel strong and in command, the scepter allows me to be emphatic to cast down any evil that might oppose what is royally decreed. And that is exciting Jocelyn was getting crowns, rings and things as well as all of you. I believed I was never going to share about the scepter with anyone (even “crazy for Christ Christians”) because I thought I was on the fringe. Silly me given I’ve met “people who are of the same cloth, made out of the same fabric, same bent, same wiring!” as you said. For the first few weeks last year when I received it [March 2009], it happened in a casual way by my mailbox as I was entering my driveway after a prayer walk. He simply placed it in my hand. I had two feelings immediately. The first was akin to “Wow! Yes, I DO have such authority!” And the second was, “I wonder if I’m prideful. Maybe it’s my imagination from my pride.” So I stayed very humble, falsely humble if you will, the first few weeks just to make sure the scepter would stay with me and I didn’t have pride. I would sometimes hold it and thank the Lord for trusting me to give it to me. That I hope I would never abuse my using it so He would not take it away. But after a few weeks I got used to it and realized it really was mine.

And it morphs! As I mentioned, when the DOW approached 10,000 then the scepter changed from 7,500 to 10,000 on the bottom, and from 10,000 to 12,000 on the top. Actually, I changed how I needed it to look with my faith and then the scepter came into alignment with my faith. Writing now makes me have an Ah Ha moment in Him. It’s a bit like Moses’ rod changing to a serpent. Except we, through our faith, can make that change happen. My goodness! I realize this scepter will morph into what I need it to be for the situation!! I’m thinking of the Harry Potter films which excite the kids because things morph as needed and kids have power. But this is the Lord’s way, His holy way. How the world of make-believe magic wishfully twists what is the Lord’s way! The world is seeking such authority over evil and yet it is only in Jesus Christ and the authority He gives His kings and queens! I know I’m running a lot of thoughts together but this is all coming to me as I write. I am going to try morphing my scepter in faith!! So during one commanding prophecy it may be for the market. But I am believing the same scepter will transform into a different look when I am praying for something else. This is so wondrous! I can sense the power, the expansion! It is a dominion thing we are all to have. This is so marvelous of Him! His children taking authority – and VICTORIOUS authority for which we all hunger – over the ruling powers of darkness by simply commanding with our scepters, crowns, rings, whatever He gives us for that victory. These gifts from Him embolden our faith that we are who He says we are. And we can do what He says we can do… shift mountains. This sharing makes me realize He’s giving these important manifestations or emblems (whatever you want to call it) of kingly authority to us all. His children are to have DOMINION. Wow. Wow. I’m so glad to e-know you and hope to e-meet the others :) I love everyone and pray for them and feel I know them but I have yet to e-meet them or talk on the phone to them as well. I am blessed by your and their prayers. He is doing something wondrous in drawing us all together, an army that keenly listens to Him, commands, and takes dominion for the sake of casting down strongholds and expanding His Kingdom!

From the next email June 13:

Here’s a delightfully new experience for me on my morphing scepter. I wanted my scepter to command the penny stocks like KATX, etc. I saw a scraped up old penny affixed to the bottom of the scepter. Then I imagined/saw (this is where our imagination can converge with what the Lord intends) a shiny, new gold coin affixed to the top of the scepter. Then I decided/imagined/converged-my sight-with-the Lord’s-desire the scepter shaft to simply solid gold. It was a simple but clear scepter. So I commanded various penny stocks.

Here is a second new awareness from yesterday. This may be “old revelation” to many, but to me it is an Ah Ha moment in the Lord. I had the further revelation KINGS are NOT SOLDIERS ON THE FRONT LINE. Kings DIRECT the battle and take RESPONSIBILTY FOR WISELY OVERSEEING the battle including the livelihoods of all involved encompassing human and angelic. Countless times over the years I have seen myself in face-to-face spiritual combat with a demon/ruler/principality over someone or some issue. Well, as a king – as Daniel was a king – the angels battle on behalf of the king’s direction according to the king’s intercessory prayer and prophecy. As a king over an issue, you do your job with full assurance the Lord’s host will complete their job and, thus, win the battle. You can even sleep at night knowing the battle is still being waged according to your direction as you sleep. This is brand new territory for me and utterly wondrous. I was on a short prayer walk yesterday and feeling so at peace and strong in His kingly authority granted to His children that I simply said, “This is GOOD.” Life and everything around me felt really good, fresh, as if things were peaceful set in proper place all around me. Just like God saying over creation it is GOOD. I knew He was pleased I finally understood. Kings should be kings. Do your job as a king, look out for all the people He is having you intercede for, and watch the battle become fully the Lord’s. This is how the greats of old did it, this is what they understood. This is the level of faith they had/have. We as Christians have been running here, there and everywhere. Just stepping up and receiving our scepters, crowns, and kingly rings says the battle is being waged according to our kingly authority with discernment and wisdom in prophesying the correct (according to the Lord’s will) strategy.

Finally, one last revelation. And all this I hope to blog since I’m writing in a free-flow train of thought without trying to over-edit and thus remove the freshness of His revelation. Many of us have had battles in our finances. Not due to sin but due to harassment by the enemy, due to simply spiritual attack. I have long prayed over the years to be established in my finances, to be able to increase my giving to build His kingdom, in essence to stop waging a war in the arena of finances. I thank Jesus Christ I have been very victorious in Him over the years regarding healing for myself and others. But this new battlefield in finances has been quite challenging. He said because I have suffered like David was persecuted by Saul, I will be King of my finances. That made me so happy. And I am keenly aware that this applies to everyone seeking Him. As we have suffered like David persecuted by Saul, we will each be King of our finances. And those who are Kings of their finances will use such provision wisely, not only for paying off personal debt but especially for the benefit of His kingdom. And the wealth of the wicked has been stored up for the righteous. Not all finances will come from investments with godly management, much as the Egyptians gave of their wealth to the departing Israelites. This is likely not new revelation to many. But associating our battle with that of King David waging a war from the wilderness and caves to eventually be established in his destiny was a refreshing and comforting revelation to me. And because we have been engaged in battle, we will never forget who is the Healer, who is the Deliverer, who is the Provider: Jesus Christ who lives and reigns. Jesus must be honored as the King of Kings. Physical healing and deliverance have been so clearly and repeatedly and widely established in the name and might and dominion of Jesus Christ. I am curious what He will do in establishing this other aspect of healing of finances and finances flowing widely into areas of great need in the Kingdom. It’s like dams holding back provision have been erected over the decades by greed, idolatry, lukewarm hearts, etc. And only our fervent desire to storm those dams and tear down those walls will release the provision into zealous hands who will deal as wisely with those gifts as they doing with the healing gifts which He gives freely. I’m just curious because I can’t see clearly but I feel there is something very, very big at stake. That the world will see Jesus Christ and fervent Christians in a way they have never ever seen before. As the healing ministries over many decades had revealed Jesus Christ in a new way that the middle ages, etc. had suffocated. I’m just curious what He is doing, what He is planning globally. I think I’m going to see an exaltation of Jesus and see a creative, refreshing and new revealing of an aspect of Him I have never ever ever seen or imagined before. It will be as magnificent as when He miraculously healed me of an affliction. And this financial healing will be an outpouring onto many, many… like a mass crusade but not in a man-made tent but in a God-made worldwide tent and He is the Evangelist talking to us, the King of all kingly kids in the tent’s audience, and the great and living GOD!! JESUS!!

Update as of October 31, 2010 11:00am I have written that in early 2009 the Lord gave me a spiritual scepter, to use carefully and with discernment when He directs me to decree/declare to the heavenlies in agreement which what He has said. Please know, and it’s fitting I feel led to post this on Halloween the day known for occult and witchcraft, that His children are supposed to be led by the Holy Spirit and obey His Spirit. If you do not feel the Holy Spirit’s leading to declare or decree over your life, with or without a scepter (I believe the scepter makes no difference but is just a reminder of your authority in Christ), then please seek Him first. I don’t declare often to the heavenlies because each time is a very spiritually weighty matter. Most of my prayers are that of seeking Him and His guidance, asking for Him to act on a matter, and thanking Him for all He had done and will do. We will never fall behind spiritually if we wait on the Lord and His direction and don’t run ahead of Him. Decreeing without seeking the Lord’s instruction on a matter in prayer opens, in my opinion, a believer to deception and demonic influences. Please know we will not fall into error if we walk and do not race ahead! Because over and over we are called to simply walk with Him. How pleasant that is to yoke with Him!

6 And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands. As you have heard from the beginning, his command is that you walk in love.
2 John 1:6 (NIV)

7 But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.
1 John 1:7 (NKJV)

6 Whoever claims to live in him must walk as Jesus did.
1 John 2:6 (NIV)

35 Then Jesus told them, "You are going to have the light just a little while longer. Walk while you have the light, before darkness overtakes you.”
John 12:35 (NIV)

15 And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? 16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said:
"I will dwell in them
And walk among them.
I will be their God,
And they shall be My people."
2 Cor 6:15-16 (NKJV)