May 16, 2010

The Big Picture of the U.S.A. Stock Market

I would like to cite a post I made on February 19 2009 last year before the further heavy short-selling in early March, “The Lord showed me His Spirit will raise the DOW but slowly, over time this year, with different bases forming. 7500 now, although I also heard 7200. I thought November was 7200 but when I looked the low was 7449. Then 7800, 8200 and 8600. That retired people need restoration of the DOW. I did not sense the Dow will go into the 6000’s, the number of man. His mercy will prevail. By June of 2009 I saw the economy will be warm. He will have applied intense heat. But intense heat on something frozen cold (the economy now) doesn’t make it hot right away, just warm. By May hope will be restoring as the DOW is above 8200.”

If you look at the chart of the DOW, you might agree that all these numbers of the DOW mark levels of support, even lateral channels of trading between two numbers (I’m sorry I don’t know the technical terms). If you draw lines on your DOW chart at in these numbers – 7200, 7500, 7800, 8200, 8600, 9200, 10,000, 10,800 and 12,000 (9200 and 10,000 were heard on May 18, 2009) – you might agree that just because the DOW traded more than a couple hundred points below 7200 from March 2, 2009 through March 11, 2009 in the 6000s (which I did not see on February 2009) – only 8 trading days and less than just 2 trading weeks – does not mean the Lord was not giving us an exceedingly clear message about His intentions regarding the U.S.A. stock market and His overall support for many of America’s companies and the stock market. And in February 2009 He said, “By May hope will be restoring as the DOW is above 8200” and it happened. And on May 18, 2009 – when the DOW was only 8500 – He said the DOW would be at 10,000 by mid-September. It got very close, within 2.5% or 250 points in September, and then it rose above 10,000 on October 14, 2009 only one month later. It makes me marvel with awe and appreciation, though I am not surprised, that Jehovah Jireh cares about America and the finances of not just a small group of prophetic investors but countless other Christians and retirees and non-believers who needed the market to go back up again.

“You have heard that it was said, 'Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.” – Jesus Christ
Matt 5:43-45 (NIV)

The point of this for all of us, myself included, is to step back and view His bigger picture and purpose. He shares the market’s direction with us so we may have confidence in investing. I hope you agree the 2009 market certainly didn’t rise in nice and neat stair steps at each number He gave. It had its bumps and gyrations and churnings and pullbacks along the way. But when you draw in the lines on your chart, unless you are a day trader or short-term swing trader, you can sleep well at night knowing He is supporting the market at various levels. The market is simply not going to utterly crash, He is upholding it. At least that is what He has been saying for some time and continues to say. Every time He gives me a number I draw the line on my chart. It reminds me it is His infallible prophetic word.

The truth of His word can, and will, unseat the facts of a situation and perplex the pundits. His word may not be logical, but it moves mountains. How awesome it is that the Creator who spoke creation into existence still speaks today. That unimaginable might and authority that created the entire universe with just words still speaks as He did then. He is so kind that sometimes He whispers. Whether a whisper or a bold word, the intensity of that power and authority is hard for me to fathom. His word will not be denied and will not be defied.

By the way, if you personally hear a short term word and are able to trade the short-term volatility and minor pullbacks, that is splendid for you. But please know such short-term trading is not the purpose of this blog. The purpose of this blog is to prophesy to the heavenlies the Lord’s intentions overall for the U.S.A. stock market and economy. As I wrote in February 2009, “retired people need restoration of the DOW.” This fact continues to be near and dear to my heart and is why I continue to intercede.

The reason for my starting to tweet is as much to me and the heavenlies as to anyone else. He is clearly wanting me to be absolutely steadfast and unshakable in faith regarding what He has told me both regarding the market and regarding my personal investments. I believe the DOW support is currently at 10,800 and the DOW will reach 12,000 without a huge market downturn along the way. My current prayer is the market cool down. My spirit cannot align at this time with the market beginning a huge descent either now or this year. I simply have peace and see sunshine. I do not see such a secular bear market. I’m fully invested long. My actions are based on His words to date. Maybe He will give further insight in months to come. So the initial tweets I am inspired with are along these lines of unshakeable faith in the prophetic word He has personally given you.

My prayer is His prophetic light shine brightly in your spirit despite surrounding dark clouds and guide you in peace and concert with His will. That you and your family may be prospered as your soul prospers, shining ever more brightly from glory to glory. And that you build His kingdom with gifts and good works to be a continual blessing to others. This is what I aspire to.

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” – Jesus Christ
Matt 5:16 (NKJV)

“But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.” – Jesus Christ
Matt 5:44 (NKJV)