September 29, 2009

DOW to approximately 12,000 by April 2010

I have prayed the last couple weeks about where the DOW will go from here. As I mentioned below, the DOW reached a high of 9917 on September 23, just 83 points from 10,000. Perhaps the precise price of 10,000 was not tagged in September but the DOW definitely approximated 10,000. The DOW didn't decline steeply in September, as many prophesied, and it also reached 10,000 well before year end. Mark Skousen, an economist, expected the DOW to reach 10,000 by year end (I learned of his secular forecast after I first prophesied the DOW to 10,000 in September). I am not aware of anyone who expected the DOW to be close to 10,000 in as early as September. So with the results that happened this month, I believe the Lord spoke clearly about the DOW to 10,000 as a September birthday present.

But now where do we go from here? The Lord has shown me repeatedly in prayer the last couple of weeks that the DOW will be at (I insert “approximately”) 12,000 by or in April 2010.

I also prayed about the stretch from now at approximately 10,000 in September to approximately 12,000 in April 2010 as I had twice seen several weeks ago a vision of black candlesticks swords trying to attack the DOW (sellers, short-sellers) in the range of 11,000. I believe the area between 10,000 and 12,000 in the approximate area of 11,000 might be a bit bumpy. But the Lord has also shown me in prayer that He will support the market through this stretch.

Also, I believe the "jump" the Lord stated about the hop-skip-and-jump from the market lows has now concluded. See my May 19 post, "The Lord is playing a hop, skip and jump game with the forces that took the S&P 500 to 666 on 3-6-9. “3-6-9” is the hint. The Lord says, “Watch the market hop, skip and jump.” The Lord showed the stock market has hopped (steeply) up from March 6 to March 23. It has skipped (along a more gently sloped rise) from March 23 to now [note as of 9-29-09, the "skip" lasted until July 10, 2009]. And it will jump up (a steeper rise) in the future to place the DOW at 10,000. Incredible? No :)"

Do I expect some modest corrections in the 5-10% range periodically? Yes. Do I expect a more severe correction of 20% or more? I do not, or else He is hiding it from me.

I wish you much, much prosperity in your investing so you may be a material as well as spiritual blessing to others.

Update as of October 14, 2009: The DOW closed at 10,015 today. Maybe the "jump" part of the "hop, skip and jump" didn't conclude at the end of September as I believed. The DOW chart since the March lows certainly does have a hop, skip and jump pattern!

Update as of October 29, 2011:
The DOW reached 12,000 in mid January 2011, 9 months later than I had seen. Either the Lord changed course or, more likely, I was off on my time frame. However, the number and direction of the market overall was correct.

September 16, 2009

DOW to 10,000 in September per June 13 2009 word from the Lord

Please see the words of the Lord to me on June 13, 2009 "Take heed that DOG, the short of the DOW, is GOD backwards. This prophet heard another say yesterday the DOG is GOD backwards. That is true. I can repair with mystery, I can repair with air. Yes, the DOW is up with air, air, air! Watch my wind blow. Watch me, 10,000 in September 2009. A present to my children and those not yet my children. A birthday present because Catherine has asked for one, a birthday party where everyone receives presents. I will repair with air, with that which you cannot see. Rejoice because I will inflate your portfolios! Rest in My words, I am doing things you cannot see. You see air, but I will inflate, I will inflate your smile!”

I incorrectly assumed the DOW would go to 10,000 by my birthday on September 16, which is mid September. But the Lord simply stated in September. I am the one who added "mid September" and "by September 16". Please accept my apologies as these additions were not in the original word from the Lord. On September 16, 2009, today, the DOW closed at 9791, a stone's throw of only 209 points or a mere 2.1% increase to 10,000.

Update as of September 29, 2009: The DOW reached a high of 9917 on September 23, just 83 points from 10,000. Perhaps the precise price of 10,000 was not reached in September but the DOW approximated 10,000. The DOW didn't decline steeply in September, as many prophesied, and it also reached 10,000 well before year end. Mark Skousen, an economist expected the DOW to reach 10,000 by year end (I learned of his secular forecast after I first prophesied the DOW to 10,000 in September). I am not aware of anyone who expected the DOW to be close to 10,000 in as early as September. So with the results that happened this month, I believe the Lord spoke clearly about the DOW to 10,000 as a September birthday present.

Update as of October 14, 2009: The DOW closed at 10,015 today.

September 9, 2009

Remembering 9-11

As 9-11 is brought into vision two days from now, a spirit of defiance has risen in me against the powers of evil that wreaked destruction that day in 2001. I believe America was founded by those seeking Christian and political freedoms from oppressive forces. So my spirit defies and prays against those forces that oppose the America of our founding fathers.

When I think of 9-11 I hear the liberty bell ringing and think of all those who place their faith in Almighty God and His Son. So my fervent prayer today is the market will reveal the spirit of defiance in America against forces of evil that dwell outside of as well as within our shores. That despite political powers contrary to God that seek to steal, kill or destroy, that the voice of the Lord's America will arise.

I had two friends who were killed in 9-11, one in the Pentagon, the other in one of the planes. Both were Christians. May this coming 9-11 be a bright day, showing those who died did not die in vain. We are still an America that prays. We will continue to pray for the safety of our country and a strong economy for our citizens.

September 1, 2009

September Superstition

September is a month of superstition. We experienced the 9-11 attack, the date bearing an uncanny resemblance to a 911 emergency call. Last year we experienced the Lehman Brothers collapse and the beginning of the emergency state of the banking and financial industries. According to the September 1, 2009 e-newsletter by Nicholas Vardy, "September's weakness stretches back farther into the past. The crash of 1987 may have happened in October, but the market began its descent right around Labor Day. And although the crash of 1929 is commonly associated with October, the market peaked just around this time of the year. The worst month of the Great Depression? That took place in September 1931, when the Dow fell a whopping 30%. This is also one bit of market lore that stands up to rigorous statistical examination. Since 1926, September is the only month of the year with an overall negative average return in U.S. markets. In every other month, investors have averaged a 1% gain. Of equal importance, the September anomaly holds true not only for the United States. A recent Georgia Tech study looked at data for 18 developed stock markets around the world going back as far as 200 years. Among the markets examined, investors lost money in September in 15 of them."

To compound the marketplace's superstitions, Christians also associate the number 9 with judgment. So beware of 9-9-09!

I became a Christian to be free of my past spiritualities and superstitions that were not Christ-based. I understand the Lord does use dates and biblical numerology and the Jewish calendar to communicate with His children. But several of my God-fearing friends were born in September, the month of number 9. So was I. I would like September to be a nice month, a grace-filled month for this year, not a superstitious month that creates a significant selloff like we experienced today. So I have simply prayed to the Lord that He would let to His generous love and grace-filled goodness rule, even if 9 is supposedly a bad number. I prayed this year His grace would overcome any judgment the enemy would plan this month. This is simply my prayer.

I like Mark Twain's tongue-in-cheek humor towards superstition (in Vardy's newsletter):

"October is one of the peculiarly dangerous months to speculate in stocks. The others are July, January, September, April, November, May, March, June, December, August, and February." --Mark Twain

Update as of September 10, 2009 11:00 am: I just learned today many Christians associate the number 9 with new beginnings, such as in 9 months to labor and give birth. So 9-9-09 represents new birth and beginnings to them rather than judgment. Interesting we can have vastly different perspectives!

August 7, 2009

"Jump" is happening; DOW to above 10,000 in September

The market is up 150+ points today to 9400+. The "jump" is continuing and I believe the pullback happened before the DOW touched 9200 rather than after. I had written on May 19, 2009, "The Lord is playing a hop, skip and jump game with the forces that took the S&P 500 to 666 on 3-6-9. “3-6-9” is the hint. The Lord says, “Watch the market hop, skip and jump.” The Lord showed the stock market has hopped (steeply) up from March 6 to March 23. It has skipped (along a more gently sloped rise) from March 23 to now. And it will jump up (a steeper rise) in the future to place the DOW at 10,000. Incredible? No :)" On June 13, 2009 I modified the jump to 10,000 (instead of 12,000), writing, "Where 10,000 appears it has replaced the number 12,000 as of today. Nothing else in the text has been edited in this original post. The reason for the correction is I have believed with conviction all the numbers of the DOW from the Lord: 7200, 7500, 7800, 8200, 8600 , and 9200, and the time frames of 8200 in April and 9200 in June and the DOW staying above 8600. But I have not had the same conviction about 12,000 by mid September. Originally the number I had heard was 10,000 but I had such great faith I also heard and thus expected 12,000. Whether I was right or wrong in my initial post, the Lord can change His mind on His actions as shown by many, many accounts in the Bible. As of this writing, the correct number from the Lord is the DOW above 10,000 on September 16, 2009. By the way my birthday is in September and I asked the Lord for this birthday present, that by His word coming true many would be blessed. "

And now many commentators and economists are saying we have turned the corner on the bear market and are in the beginning of a bull market as I heard from the Lord on June 7, 2009.

I repeat some of my past posts to make it easier for readers but also to prophesy and speak out again to the heavenlies that these events shall come to pass.

Update as of September 16, 2009: Please see the words of the Lord to me on April 28, 2009, again on May 18 & 19, 2009, and on June 13, 2009 where He said, "Watch me, 10,000 in September 2009. A present to my children and those not yet my children. A birthday present because Catherine has asked for one, a birthday party where everyone receives presents. I will repair with air, with that which you cannot see. Rejoice because I will inflate your portfolios! Rest in My words, I am doing things you cannot see. You see air, but I will inflate, I will inflate your smile!" I incorrectly assumed the DOW would go to 10,000 by my birthday on September 16, which is mid September. But the Lord simply stated in September. I am the one who added "mid September" and "by September 16". Please accept my apologies as these additions were not in the original word from the Lord. On September 16, 2009 the DOW closed at 9791, a stone's throw of only 209 points or a mere 2.1% increase to 10,000.

July 30, 2009

DOW broke up through 9200

The DOW broke up through 9200 today, only one month later than when I prophesied on April 28, 2009 that it would happen by or in June 2009. Why the one month delay to July 2009? I either heard wrong or God changed His mind on timing. Also, given we had a correction from about 8800 to 8200 (600 points) during the end of June and beginning of July, I have been asking the Lord if He switched the timing and whether the correction which He mentioned on June 13,2009 happened before the DOW touched 9200 rather than after. I honestly don't have clarity.

As a reminder, on May 19, 2009 He said there would be a “jump” in the market after the “hop” and “skip” were completed. It looks like the “jump” is happening this July 2009 and might take us to all the way to 10,000. More commentators and economists are saying we have turned the corner on the bear market and are in the beginning of a bull market as I heard from the Lord on June 7, 2009.

July 22, 2009


The DOW closed at 8881 today. On July 19, 2009, The Elijah List sent out their newsletter with an article by Larry Jackson who wrote the following, “During the course of my studies, I learned that the number 888 is the numerical value for the name Jesus in Greek. Iesous, the name Jesus in Greek, is: I (10) + e (8) + s (200) + o (70) + u (400) + s (200) = 888. A detailed account of how Father gently led me to the place where I understood the meaning of 888 is in my new book ‘Knowing God by the Numbers.’” To me, having filed away the July 19, 2009 newsletter (which I rarely do, I only save two or three dozen of the daily newsletters a year, the rest I delete from my email) and then for 8881 to occur in the DOW two days later is potentially a fascinating coincidence. Is the Lord behind coincidences like these? Sometimes.

A couple others coincidences I have noticed and described before. The lowest point on the S&P index this year was 666 on 3-6-9. As you know, I believe the date 3-6-9 portends a hop, skip, and jump. Has the market hopped? Yes. Has it skipped? Yes. Will it jump? I’m watching and believing.

If the Lord can design the wonders of this intricate and exquisitely beautiful universe, He certainly can gives insights – and perhaps add a little humor or zest – to patterns and designs in creation. Even man-made creations. The Old Testament lyrical accounts of the wonders of nature and the heavens shows humans love to consider and explore the designs of the world around them. I believe the existence of fractals and enigmatic subatomic particles, for example, reveal the Lord’s mathematical and scientific creative brilliance coupled with simple aesthetic beauty and elegance. No one makes things more intriguing and beautiful at the same time than the Lord. This statement doesn’t do Him the justice but I hope you can sympathize with the fact some patterns may not be purely random. They might be His fingerprint in even a man-made design.

So today there was an 888. Hm. I don’t know what or if it means anything. But I will continue to watch and see.

July 21, 2009

Hop, Skip and Jump to 10,000

On May 19, 2009 I wrote, "The Lord is playing a hop, skip and jump game with the forces that took the S&P 500 to 666 on 3-6-9. “3-6-9” is the hint. The Lord says, 'Watch the market hop, skip and jump.' The Lord showed the stock market has hopped (steeply) up from March 6 to March 23. It has skipped (along a more gently sloped rise) from March 23 to now. And it will jump up (a steeper rise) in the future to place the DOW at 10,000. Incredible? No :-)"

My logic says a jump is bigger than a hop. The hop was about 1300 points on the DOW. Did the jump start on July 13, 2009? We will see.

I'm looking for the jump.

I'm looking for the DOW to go to 9200.

I'm looking for the DOW to go to 10,000.

My expectations had been the DOW at 9200 last month and the DOW at 10,000 by September 16, 2009. I was wrong about the DOW at 9200 in June. Despite my timing being a bit off, is the Hop, Skip and Jump still an accurate word from the Lord? I'm believing. Is 9200 soon still accurate? I'm believing. Is 10,000 later this year accurate? I'm believing.

And I put my money behind my beliefs. Fully invested with no cash on the sidelines. I have been exceedingly well rewarded so far and I give Him the honor He deserves.

I simply can't believe His intention to provide recovery and restoration for retirees a few months ago would change abruptly. If I had a great earthly father and mother, which I did, how much more loving and awesome is our heavenly Father? He only asks we acknowledge Him and give credit where it is due. Even if we cannot see the heavenly spiritual winds that blow and resuscitate lives.

As a side note, many Christians as well as secular investors have been citing the following song... completely independently and unbeknownst to each other. I've read at least two different Christian prophets, one internationally recognized, reference this song as well as one secular investing newsletter. I have been singing and agreeing as well. It's been a splendid summer which has surprised my socks off. In the midst of a supposed recession which some Christians think is leading to even a depression, I've been living off of my investments and spending some time hiking in the Sierra Nevada. I'm a real estate broker by trade and my income had plummeted last year and this year due to buyers failing to get financing and sellers not wanting to sell in this market. I was indeed fearful about my financial situation at the beginning of this year, that I would have to sell the home I had prayed to spend the rest of my life in. But somehow He led me into the stock market and buy a stock which pays out a generous 14% dividend and which also appreciated in my portfolio (my average purchase price was $5.25 and the stock is now trading over $9). He had a delightful plan for me even though all my striving and laboring in my real estate brokerage came up with rocks and thistles.

The Lord is spectacularly, awesomely and stupendously good, which we all know. But sometimes I, too, through my fears or judging perspectives (he who judges will be judged) turn down the volume on the superlatives. This summer He showed me my new financial future in the stock market and how He operates is indeed spectacular (in contradicting reason and facts), awesome (in bailing my finances out while the government bails the banks out) and stupendous all around. Who the Son sets free is spectacularly, awesomely and stupendously free... even getting free financially in the worst recession since the great depression. May God, oh may God actually get the glory for once for His kindness! He rains on the righteous and unrighteous alike, and I thank Him for that!

And the livin' is easy
Fish are jumpin'
And the cotton is high

Oh, Your daddy's rich
And your mamma's good lookin'
So hush little baby
Don't you cry

One of these mornings
You're going to rise up singing
Then you'll spread your wings
And you'll take to the sky

But until that morning
There's a'nothing can harm you
With your daddy and mammy standing by

And the livin' is easy
Fish are jumpin'
And the cotton is high

Your daddy's rich
And your mamma's good lookin'
So hush little baby
Don't you cry

June 27, 2009

The power of the tongue

I don’t think there has been a time this year where controversy is raging so high about the direction of the economy and the stock market. One spokesman on CNBC last night called the end of the recession. Yet there are plenty of newsletters and website blogs by economists and traders who differ sharply in opinions. Some are bearish on the market, claiming the economy is far from exiting the recession and the worst may not be over. Some economists and traders believe the March lows in the stock market will not only be retested but the markets may decline further than the March lows. They believe what we have witnessed the past months is simply a suckers’ rally, a bear market rally. On the other hand, there are those who believe the worst of the global economic crisis is behind us and so it the worst of the stock market deterioration. That we might even be at the birth site of a baby bull market.

I was reading Proverbs today. The verses about what we say caught my attention.

The mouth of the righteous is a well of life
Prov 10:11 (NKJV)

There is one who speaks like the piercings of a sword, but the tongue of the wise promotes health.
Prov 12:18 (NKJV)

Pleasant words are like a honeycomb, sweetness to the soul and health to the bones.
Prov 16:24 (NKJV)

A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.
Prov 25:11 (NKJV)

And probably the one that has been most frequently quoted by those who have a desire to speak words of creative healing and improvement to a situation is:

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.
Prov 18:21 (NKJV)

I am not a “name it and claim it” “word faith” advocate. I trust I’m not an ostrich hiding my head in the sand. But in the above verses I find a challenge to speak creative life and power from the Lord, since the tongues of believers do have great power, much as Jesus spoke life and power which effected healing to those who came to Him. Believers can effect change by prayer and speaking out the grace-filled intentions of the Lord… which actually might be plans for building up and restoring the US economy.

James warned of what the tongue could do if misused:
4 Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. 5 Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles! 6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell. 7 For every kind of beast and bird, of reptile and creature of the sea, is tamed and has been tamed by mankind. 8 But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. 9 With it we bless our God and Father, and with it we curse men, who have been made in the similitude of God. 10 Out of the same mouth proceed blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not to be so. 11 Does a spring send forth fresh water and bitter from the same opening? 12 Can a fig tree, my brethren, bear olives, or a grapevine bear figs? Thus no spring yields both salt water and fresh.
James 3:4-12 (NKJV)

Of course, there is always a need for warnings when disaster is really approaching. Many warned over the last couple of years but few listened. Perhaps the warnings about a shock to the economy and market to take it down to 6,000 or even 5,000 are valid and I’m deaf right now. But even if more disaster is approaching, why not tell the storm to die down as Jesus did? Is it so crazy to use our tongues and faith to thwart the possibility of further bad things? I’m praising God that some of the corruption in both the financial systems as well as individuals (Madoff, Stanford, megabonuses to terribly performing execs) have been getting exposed. I think it’s fabulous! I want more exposures to happen even while the economy is landing and stabilizing like the airplane landing in the frigid Hudson with no casualties.

I was grateful to the Lord to provide some buying opportunities recently in some high dividend close-end funds - I personally invested in Alpine Total Dynamic Dividend Fund - AOD - with yield of 19% (7.59) and Eaton Vance Tax-Managed Global Diversified Equity Income Fund - EXG - with yield of 17.9% (10.63). I have invested in Hercules Technology Growth Capital - HTGC - since January 2009 and increased my position through the February and March declines. HTGC's current yield is 14.5% (8.20). AOD and EXG will pull back if the market pulls back (their NAVs loosely track the market). But they should also pay me in the double digits in the meantime so I can sleep without worrying about market fluctuations as various tongues, mine included, remain in controversy and prophesy various futures.

June 22, 2009

DOW broke through 8600 + High dividend funds

Well, the DOW held at 8600 from June 2 through June 12 but then it broke down through 8600. I did get stopped out of my long position on the DOW. Given this, I no longer believe I was accurate in saying the DOW will go to 9200 this month. The correction from 8600 is mild so far, only down about 3%.

Phil of has a wise phrase, "When the market opens I lose my opinion so I don't lose my money." Today I lost my opinion (faith in what I heard) so I didn't lose more of my money. I will continue to take some profits to free up some cash as I trust this pullback will be a correction rather than a retesting of the March lows. I will also be looking for a lower entry point to purchase some higher dividend yielding funds and stocks (such as ADVDX, AOD, EOS, EXG, FAX and HTGC).

June 15, 2009

DOW hovering at 8600

Last night I had the feeling the DOW would pull back sometime this week to 8600. Today the DOW is down about 200 points and is hovering at 8600, plus or minus a handful of points. The DOW, according to what I have heard in prayer, will stay above 8600, meaning it will not close below 8600. That is why I said below 8600 is the support. After prayer today I believe the DOW will close down less than 100 points, so the DOW will close near or above 8700.

Please know this blog is not that old. Although I have had wonderful success listening to the Lord in my life making solid investments prophetically, I have certainly made some mistakes as well. Please do not trade based on today's post. I am simply posting to go on record what I have heard today. I continue to hold a long position, despite literally everyone I'm listening to except one economist (who I just learned about late yesterday after I posted the DOW will go to 10,000, his name is Mark Skousen) saying the market will either correct or crash. This is not an especially fun time for me (understatement) as I'm going against an extremely strong current of many other prayerful or well-considered opinions.

Update as of June 15, 2009 1:15pm: The DOW did close above the support at 8600, at 8612. However, it closed down 187 points, not less than 100 points as I had said above. So I was incorrect and apologize for that. Tomorrow will be an interesting day as will the rest of this month.

June 13, 2009

DOW to 9200, a correction to about 8800, then on to 10,000

The Lord spoke in my spirit and I subsequently prayed a few separate times deeply and carefully over the correctness of this communication, making sure each word carried the clarity of His will. Please know direct communication with words and sentences is the main way I communicate with Him and I hope you see the accuracy of the previous words He has given, especially recently the DOW going to above 8600 and staying there. The DOW resting above 8600 is support (not according to fundamentals, but according to His word) so I would personally not be shorting the DOW or S&P 500 now. If you don’t believe this, then perhaps consider just staying in cash and buying on a future correction. There will be one, although not the 10% correction many traders would love to see, at least not before this September.

“Because my children have wanted a correction, I will give them one. After the DOW goes to 9200 this June, it will go down 100, 200, yes, 300 points. Even 400 points. 8800 is the signal to buy during the correction. Take heed that DOG, the short of the DOW, is GOD backwards. This prophet heard another say yesterday the DOG is GOD backwards. That is true. I can repair with mystery, I can repair with air. Yes, the DOW is up with air, air, air! Watch my wind blow. Watch me, 10,000 in September 2009. A present to my children and those not yet my children. A birthday present because Catherine has asked for one, a birthday party where everyone receives presents. I will repair with air, with that which you cannot see. Rejoice because I will inflate your portfolios! Rest in My words, I am doing things you cannot see. You see air, but I will inflate, I will inflate your smile!”

After I finished praying yet again over this word, I had a vision of Jesus sitting next to me here on my swing. He handed me a gift-wrapped box, square, about eight inches on each side. I’m not to open until by birthday in September but I believe this gift has to do with the market. Now He is no longer sitting next to me, but the gift-wrapped box is in my spirit. I believe whatever this gift is, it will be multiplied to many, whoever wants it and believes for it, too.

I need to add one more comment. I laid down to rest after praying (after all the above was written) and saw what I had seen yesterday. So this vision has now appeared twice with this same intensity as my February 19 vision. I saw the DOW chart when it had reached 11,000 and the chart was all in pitch black. No up and down colored candlesticks, just all in ashen black. Additional black candlesticks, like swords, of short-sellers appeared chaotically just above the DOW chart, similar to the February 19 vision. Except in that vision, there were the normal colors of the candlestick chart. On this DOW at 11,000 vision, the chart and the additional candlestick “swords” above the chart are all in black. This is a chaotic feel, a stormy feel, with a great deal of turbulence. I will keep praying about this and post further revelation. So this makes me all the more committed to enjoying the Lord’s inflating the DOW to 9200, correcting it back to 8800 for another entry point, and inflating it again to 10,000 which is the party with presents for all. After that I may be exiting until and after the black period of the DOW at 11,000 occurs. I’m sure He will give more direction in the future, I wanted to share this at the time because the vision has been vivid and intense twice in two successive days during or just after prayer when resting in Him. Carpe diem, timing is everything, and the Lord is telling us what He is going to do so we prosper wisely for the sake of building His kingdom in these end times.

Note: I have edited a few previous posts where I prophesied the DOW to 12,000 in mid September. Where 12,000 appears it should be replaced with the number 10,000 as of today. The reason for the correction is I have believed with conviction all the numbers of the DOW from the Lord: 7200, 7500, 7800, 8200, 8600 , and 9200, and the time frames of 8200 in April and 9200 in June and the DOW staying above 8600. But I have not had the same conviction about 12,000 by mid September. Originally the number I had heard was 10,000 but I had such great faith I also heard and thus expected 12,000. Whether I was right or wrong in my initial post, the Lord can change His mind on His actions as shown by many, many accounts in the Bible. As of this writing, the correct number from the Lord is the DOW above 10,000 on September 16, 2009. By the way my birthday is in September and I asked the Lord for this birthday present, that by His word coming true many would be blessed. Please see also the post today above that there will be a modest correction after the DOW goes to 9200 but before it goes to 10,000.

Update as of July 30, 2009 at 7:00 am: The DOW broke up through 9200 today, only one month later than when I prophesied on April 28, 2009 that it would happen by or in June 2009. Why the one month delay to July 2009? I either heard wrong or God changed His mind on timing. Also, given we had a correction from about 8800 to 8200 (600 points) during the end of June and beginning of July, I have been asking the Lord if He switched the timing and whether the correction which He mentioned happened before the DOW touched 9200 rather than after. I honestly don't have clarity.

Update as of September 16, 2009: Please see the words of the Lord to me on April 28, 2009, again on May 18 & 19, 2009, and on June 13, 2009 where He said, "Watch me, 10,000 in September 2009. A present to my children and those not yet my children. A birthday present because Catherine has asked for one, a birthday party where everyone receives presents. I will repair with air, with that which you cannot see. Rejoice because I will inflate your portfolios! Rest in My words, I am doing things you cannot see. You see air, but I will inflate, I will inflate your smile!" I incorrectly assumed the DOW would go to 10,000 by my birthday on September 16, which is mid September. But the Lord simply stated in September. I am the one who added "mid September" and "by September 16". Please accept my apologies as these additions were not in the original word from the Lord. On September 16, 2009 the DOW closed at 9791, a stone's throw of only 209 points or a mere 2.1% increase to 10,000.

June 7, 2009

Obama & Bull Market Has Begun - An unusual word from the Lord

I went for my regular prayer walk with the Lord. The following word I heard very clearly in my spirit, knowing the voice of the Lord. This revelation is quite unusual for me as I did not vote for Obama and although I have prayed often for him, I must be honest I have done my fair share of criticizing his administration's policies. Given this word from the Lord I have repented. My heart is greatly softened towards Obama in prayerful support of His leadership, prayer for wisdom for him, and the Lord's manifestation through events in these troubled times.

Here are the clear and brief words the Lord spoke to me which I am heeding:

“I am upset my children are attacking my man, Obama. Do they not remember their own dark places and I healed them? Do they not remember their own false thoughts and I showed them My truth?

“Do not criticize Obama, but pray.

“The bull market has begun. The cow market is no longer. The bear market is no longer. Watch what I do.

“My grace is deep, my love is deep for the world. Yes, even Muslims I love as only I can draw them. As Obama, who loves my son, does love Muslims. I will draw them.

“Watch what I do in the markets. Watch what I do in your hearts if you will yield to my goodness! My ways are not your ways although you may know Me. If your prayer has no love what is your prayer? You cannot begin to see what I will do to right wrongs. You are blind. My prophets have hidden themselves in caves and see calamity. They see the black widows on the walls. I will right wrongs. I will resurrect. My prophets eyes will hurt in the light, but they will see vast spaces. I will bring them out of hiding in caves. Because my lovingkindness exceeds the dark depths of the seas and the black depths of the night skies. Because I love - because I alone love - will I do these things. I am Jesus, yes, the Father, and yes, the One Who walks amongst you, so My ways may be known on this earth. Watch how you pray, do you love?”

Update as of June 8, 2009 6:15pm: I temporarily removed this post this morning when the market was down 120 points and re-posted it this evening. Why? It went against my personal opinions. My personal opinions had been critical of Obama's administration and that this market is still a cow market and not the beginning of a bull market (witness the DOW going down today 120 points before rising at end of day to close about even, not very bull-like, although I believed the May 19 word that market would not break below 8600). God gently required me to re-post, irrespective of my personal opinions. So I am humbled even more to go on a limb and pray for Obama, knowing the light of the Lord will shine greatly and in unusual ways in these times.

Update as of July 30, 2009 at 7:00 am: The DOW broke up through 9200 today, only one month later than when I prophesied on April 28, 2009 that it would happen by or in June 2009. Why the one month delay to July 2009? I either heard wrong or God changed His mind on timing. Either way, I have been fully invested in my portfolio knowing God said the market would go to 9200 and then 10,000. Also, on May 19, 2009 He said there would be a “jump” in the market after the “hop” and “skip” were completed (it looks like the “jump” is happening this July 2009 and might take us to all the way to 10,000). More commentators and economists are saying we have turned the corner on the bear market and are in the beginning of a bull market as I heard from the Lord on June 7, 2009.

I continue to pray for President Obama and congress although his administration's policies and ideologies do distress me. Throughout the Bible, political leaders - whether good or evil or misled - were used for God's purpose to get the attention of His people. I am still greatly hopeful the voice of America’s people will be raised against the leadership powers that seek to restrict and socialize the American dreams of hard-working Americans, de-incentivize businesses that provide employment and GDP growth, and further increase tax burdens for generations to come. All Americans dream and hope for a better life. America is the most generous nation in the world in terms of charitable giving. Taking from those who have worked hard to get where they are (and have typically blessed many others through employment opportunities and/or charitable giving) and giving to those still on their journey for the American dream is wrong. We are not a socialist or communist nation. We are a nation of creative and hard-working people who should be allowed to reap the fruit of their creativity and labors. In business, when a cup overflows, it almost always flows out to bless others. Dry up the incentives for businesses, and the American dream will become a memory and not a future.

Update as of October 29, 2011:
The DOW closed just under 10,000 on the date of this prophecy. It rose fairly steadily with normal corrections to 11,200 on April 26, 2010.

May 28, 2009

Summary of stock market posts - still a Cow Market

The stock market is still a cow market, fairly lazy like cows lying in a field and grazing, not going anywhere fast (see April 3, 2009 post). It's neither a strongly bullish nor strongly bearish market.

The next level of support is about 8600 per the Lord's word in the Feb. 19, 2009 post. The DOW is already staying above 8200 per the Lord's word initially on Feb. 19, 2009 and then His saying on March 27, 2009 He would raise the DOW to 8200 in April rather than later (the timing which happened right before the close of the month on April 29, 2009!)

Beyond the DOW going to 8600, it should rise to 9200 by or in June (see May 18, 2009 post) and eventually to 12,000 by mid September. I need to be honest that I succumb to doubts every now and then about the DOW going to 12,000 by September (I'm honest at least, so I stand in faith and resist those annoying doubts that occur). Can He do it? Of course! The "hop-skip-and-jump" of the DOW (see May 19, 2009 post) I am fully anticipating and can see that occurring vividly. I just have a bit of fuzzy faith every now and then on the timing of the last jump, taking the DOW to 12,000 by September. "In the natural" such a steep rise seems aggressive. And it defies the slow-recovery or even the worse-is-yet-to-come pundits. But hasn't the rapid and steep decline of the stock market been aggressive? And hasn't the market decline unveiled some very attractive buying opportunities if you have any bit of optimism about America's future? And hasn't there been additional goodness in the numerous exposures of corruption in the finance world? God has done some house cleaning, in my perspective, and He can and will make His influence manifest in the economy and the markets.

We are in the low-angle, gently sloped "skip" phase. To get to 12,000 by September the DOW will have to rise more steeply, a jump. I am looking to see the Lord do as He showed and shared for the stock market... a hop, skip and a jump.

Update as of June 13, 2009 11 am: Where 12,000 appears it should be replaced with the number 10,000 as of today. The reason for the correction is I have believed with conviction all the numbers of the DOW from the Lord: 7200, 7500, 7800, 8200, 8600 , and 9200, and the time frames of 8200 in April and 9200 in June and the DOW staying above 8600. But I have not had the same conviction about 12,000 by mid September. Originally the number I had heard was 10,000 but I had such great faith I also heard and thus expected 12,000. Whether I was right or wrong in my initial post, the Lord can change His mind on His actions as shown by many, many accounts in the Bible. As of this writing, the correct number from the Lord is the DOW above 10,000 on September 16, 2009. By the way my birthday is in September and I asked the Lord for this birthday present, that by His word coming true many would be blessed. Please see also the post today that there will be a modest correction after the DOW goes to 9200 but before it goes to 10,000.

Update as of July 30, 2009 at 7:00 am: The DOW broke up through 9200 today, only one month later than when I prophesied on April 28, 2009 that it would happen by or in June 2009. Why the one month delay to July 2009? I either heard wrong or God changed His mind on timing. Either way, I have been fully invested in my portfolio knowing God said the market would go to 9200 and then 10,000. Also, on May 19, 2009 He said there would be a “jump” in the market after the “hop” and “skip” were completed (it looks like the “jump” is happening this July 2009 and might take us to all the way to 10,000). More commentators and economists are saying we have turned the corner on the bear market and are in the beginning of a bull market as I heard from the Lord on June 7, 2009.

Update as of September 16, 2009: Please see the words of the Lord to me on April 28, 2009, again on May 18 & 19, 2009, and on June 13, 2009 where He said, "Watch me, 10,000 in September 2009. A present to my children and those not yet my children. A birthday present because Catherine has asked for one, a birthday party where everyone receives presents. I will repair with air, with that which you cannot see. Rejoice because I will inflate your portfolios! Rest in My words, I am doing things you cannot see. You see air, but I will inflate, I will inflate your smile!" I incorrectly assumed the DOW would go to 10,000 by my birthday on September 16, which is mid September. But the Lord simply stated in September. I am the one who added "mid September" and "by September 16". Please accept my apologies as these additions were not in the original word from the Lord. On September 16, 2009 the DOW closed at 9791, a stone's throw of only 209 points or a mere 2.1% increase to 10,000.

Update as of September 29, 2009: The DOW reached a high of 9917 on September 23, just 83 points from 10,000. Perhaps the precise price of 10,000 was not reached in September but the DOW approximated 10,000. The DOW didn't decline steeply in September, as many prophesied, and it also reached 10,000 well before year end. Mark Skousen, an economist expected the DOW to reach 10,000 by year end (I learned of his secular forecast after I first prophesied the DOW to 10,000 in September). I am not aware of anyone who expected the DOW to be close to 10,000 in as early as September. So with the results that happened this month, I believe the Lord spoke clearly about the DOW to 10,000 as a September birthday present.

Update as of October 14, 2009: The DOW closed at 10,015 today.

May 19, 2009

The stock market will hop, skip and jump to 10,000

The Lord is playing a hop, skip and jump game with the forces that took the S&P 500 to 666 on 3-6-9. “3-6-9” is the hint. The Lord says, “Watch the market hop, skip and jump.” The Lord showed the stock market has hopped (steeply) up from March 6 to March 23. It has skipped (along a more gently sloped rise) from March 23 to now. And it will jump up (a steeper rise) in the future to place the DOW at 10,000. Incredible? No :-)

Why is the Lord showing and saying where He is taking the market? So Christians invest shrewdly, they make money, and they do great works on this earth to help establish the kingdom of God and His Christ (Revelations 12:10, Daniel 2:44)

Update as of June 13, 2009 11 am: Where 10,000 appears it has replaced the number 12,000 as of today. Nothing else in the text has been edited in this original post. The reason for the correction is I have believed with conviction all the numbers of the DOW from the Lord: 7200, 7500, 7800, 8200, 8600 , and 9200, and the time frames of 8200 in April and 9200 in June and the DOW staying above 8600. But I have not had the same conviction about 12,000 by mid September. Originally the number I had heard was 10,000 but I had such great faith I also heard and thus expected 12,000. Whether I was right or wrong in my initial post, the Lord can change His mind on His actions as shown by many, many accounts in the Bible. As of this writing, the correct number from the Lord is the DOW above 10,000 on September 16, 2009. By the way my birthday is in September and I asked the Lord for this birthday present, that by His word coming true many would be blessed. Please see also the post today that there will be a modest correction after the DOW goes to 9200 but before it goes to 10,000.

Update as of July 30, 2009 at 7:00 am: The DOW broke up through 9200 today. It looks like the “jump” is happening this July 2009 and might take us to all the way to 10,000. More commentators and economists are saying we have turned the corner on the bear market and are in the beginning of a bull market as I heard from the Lord on June 7, 2009.

Update as of September 16, 2009: Please see the words of the Lord to me on April 28, 2009, again on May 18 & 19, 2009, and on June 13, 2009 where He said, "Watch me, 10,000 in September 2009. A present to my children and those not yet my children. A birthday present because Catherine has asked for one, a birthday party where everyone receives presents. I will repair with air, with that which you cannot see. Rejoice because I will inflate your portfolios! Rest in My words, I am doing things you cannot see. You see air, but I will inflate, I will inflate your smile!" I incorrectly assumed the DOW would go to 10,000 by my birthday on September 16, which is mid September. But the Lord simply stated in September. I am the one who added "mid September" and "by September 16". Please accept my apologies as these additions were not in the original word from the Lord. On September 16, 2009 the DOW closed at 9791, a stone's throw of only 209 points or a mere 2.1% increase to 10,000.

Update as of September 29, 2009: The DOW reached a high of 9917 on September 23, just 83 points from 10,000. Perhaps the precise price of 10,000 was not reached in September but the DOW approximated 10,000. The DOW didn't decline steeply in September, as many prophesied, and it also reached 10,000 well before year end. Mark Skousen, an economist expected the DOW to reach 10,000 by year end (I learned of his secular forecast after I first prophesied the DOW to 10,000 in September). I am not aware of anyone who expected the DOW to be close to 10,000 in as early as September. So with the results that happened this month, I believe the Lord spoke clearly about the DOW to 10,000 as a September birthday present.

Update as of October 14, 2009: The DOW closed at 10,015 today.

DOW will close above 8600 this week

I prophesy the DOW will close above 8600 this week and remain above 8600. This is an intercessory prayer, a commanding prophecy opposing demonic forces that would vex the market. As I write, the DOW is at 8510. May God get the glory for what He is saying and doing to raise this economy rapidly. By June the economy will be warm (see February 19, 2009 post).

Update as of May 25, 2009 9:00 pm: This timing was clearly incorrect, it did not happen. However, based on what the Lord showed in the Feb vision of the DOW, the next support level is about 8600. I believed this would happen soon, which is why I prayed and prophesied with an expectancy it would happen quickly, as of last week. The market is still behaving like a Cow Market, as He showed, slow moving and neither strongly bullish not strongly bearish. The upwards movements as well as pullbacks have been quite mild in comparison to the high volatility up through early March.

Update as of June 1, 2009 3 pm: The DOW finally rallied today to close at 8721. So the timing of my prophesy that the DOW would not only go to 8600 but stay above 8600 was off by 6 business days. I have held my DIA call options all this time and reaped a very nice profit today, thank you, Lord! I have not sold and am still holding DIA long per the 9200 by or in June prophecy. I actually bought more DIA today.

May 18, 2009

DOW will rise to 9200 by or in June & DOW will be above 10,000 on September 16, 2009

Over this weekend, on Saturday and Sunday, I kept having a strong impression the DOW would rise 100 points on Monday, today. That it may not close 100 points higher but it will rise over 100 points.

Then, Sunday evening (yesterday), I heard and saw that on September 16, 2009 the DOW will be above 10,000.

I somewhat resisted these two words from the Lord, questioning if I really heard Him correctly because it is opposite was the “experts” are saying. Every investor, economist or analyst I have read claims the rally since early March is just a bear market rally. Everyone is expecting a 10% market correction, or even a retesting of the March low (about 6500 on the DOW). Also, some prophetic Christians – I am sure they are wonderful, loving people – also believe this is just a bear market rally and the market will correct severely with a dramatic sell off taking the DOW to the March 2009 lows or even further. Some of these prophetic Christians believe this will happen in September 2009. Others believe the recession will last 3 ½ years, in other words through the middle of 2011, but that the market may rise before the recession ends. The only prophet I know who believes the economy will turn around swiftly is Kim Clement.

I disagree with the experts and Christians who claim we are due for a severe correction between now and September. As I mentioned in my first post, I have a strong burden of prayer and intercession for the stock market. For the retirees and all those who have lost money in the market. That God will turn around the economy and market – despite what the news and analysts and prognosticators say – for His glory. Also, those who listen to what the Lord is saying, hear Him themselves, will profit while others are fearful and on the sidelines. But it takes faith. And He will get the credit for the increase of wealth for His kingdom’s sake.

So I admit I had a struggle last night with the wonderful future for the market that I saw and heard. I told the Lord I was not going to post this in the blog unless the DOW rose at least 100 points on Monday (today). If it did, I would then trust the word that the DOW will be above 10,000 on September 16, 2009.

As I write, the DOW is up over 175 points. I bought more long positions today. I don’t share my actual investments because you must hear from the Lord for yourself (as a hint for the novice investor, DIA is a way to invest in the DOW). He is talking and will talk to those who will use the wealth that He increases to give Him the credit and to bless others (the needy and poor, extending the grace and miracles of Jesus, etc.) as well as your needs (such as paying off your credit card and mortgage debt). May you hear what He is speaking, which is often the opposite of what the secular experts are saying!

Update as of June 13, 2009 11 am: Where 10,000 appears it has replaced the number 12,000 as of today. Nothing else in the text has been edited in this original post. The reason for the correction is I have believed with conviction all the numbers of the DOW from the Lord: 7200, 7500, 7800, 8200, 8600 , and 9200, and the time frames of 8200 in April and 9200 in June and the DOW staying above 8600. But I have not had the same conviction about 12,000 by mid September. Originally the number I had heard was 10,000 but I had such great faith I also heard and thus expected 12,000. Whether I was right or wrong in my initial post, the Lord can change His mind on His actions as shown by many, many accounts in the Bible. As of this writing, the correct number from the Lord is the DOW above 10,000 on September 16, 2009. By the way my birthday is in September and I asked the Lord for this birthday present, that by His word coming true many would be blessed. Please see also the post today that there will be a modest correction after the DOW goes to 9200 but before it goes to 10,000.

Update as of July 30, 2009 at 7:00 am: The DOW broke up through 9200 today, only one month later than when I prophesied on April 28, 2009 that it would happen by or in June 2009. Why the one month delay to July 2009? I either heard wrong or God changed His mind on timing. Either way, I have been fully invested in my portfolio knowing God said the market would go to 9200 and then 10,000. Also, on May 19, 2009 He said there would be a “jump” in the market after the “hop” and “skip” were completed (it looks like the “jump” is happening this July 2009 and might take us to all the way to 10,000). More commentators and economists are saying we have turned the corner on the bear market and are in the beginning of a bull market as I heard from the Lord on June 7, 2009.

Update as of September 16, 2009: Please see the words of the Lord to me on April 28, 2009, again on May 18 & 19, 2009, and on June 13, 2009 where He said, "Watch me, 10,000 in September 2009. A present to my children and those not yet my children. A birthday present because Catherine has asked for one, a birthday party where everyone receives presents. I will repair with air, with that which you cannot see. Rejoice because I will inflate your portfolios! Rest in My words, I am doing things you cannot see. You see air, but I will inflate, I will inflate your smile!" I incorrectly assumed the DOW would go to 10,000 by my birthday on September 16, which is mid September. But the Lord simply stated in September. I am the one who added "mid September" and "by September 16". Please accept my apologies as these additions were not in the original word from the Lord. On September 16, 2009 the DOW closed at 9791, a stone's throw of only 209 points or a mere 2.1% increase to 10,000.

Update as of September 29, 2009: The DOW reached a high of 9917 on September 23, just 83 points from 10,000. Perhaps the precise price of 10,000 was not reached in September but the DOW approximated 10,000. The DOW didn't decline steeply in September, as many prophesied, and it also reached 10,000 well before year end. Mark Skousen, an economist expected the DOW to reach 10,000 by year end (I learned of his secular forecast after I first prophesied the DOW to 10,000 in September). I am not aware of anyone who expected the DOW to be close to 10,000 in as early as September. So with the results that happened this month, I believe the Lord spoke clearly about the DOW to 10,000 as a September birthday present.

Update as of October 14, 2009: The DOW closed at 10,015 today.

May 14, 2009

The Stock Market is a Cow Market (not bull or bear)

Many are perplexed by this market. It has been going relentlessly up with some sideways movement since early March. But this was what the Lord intended. Please read what the Lord has been sharing about the stock market since my first post dated February 19, 2009.

I am putting all my money on the line with the words I hear. My personal portfolio is up over 70% since I began investing last fall... all based on trying to very clearly hear God and follow His direction for my investments.

I am a 40-something Christian woman who lives in the San Francisco bay area. As of now I'm not sharing my name so the focus is on God. God cares about every detail in our lives, including the market and how we handle money. Even money in the wrong hands will be gathered and placed in hands which are aligned with the heart of God. When God prospers those who hear His voice, it’s so they do good as Jesus did and be a blessing, especially to those in need physically and spiritually.

May 13, 2009

Prayed and prophesied over the Cow Stock Market

I prayed and proclaimed this, “By the power that is vested in me, by the authority I’ve been given by my Lord Jesus Christ, I take my stand in the army of the Lord against the powers of fear and the powers of mammon that rule this market. I rebuke you, spirit of fear in the market and the economy! You shall come down and fall like lightening! You have no place in the Lord’s rulership over the kings of this world and the wealth and markets of this world. I rebuke you, spirit of mammon! You shall fall like lightening! Corruption shall be exposed! Greed shall be crushed. Those gripping mammon shall lose their confidence and their knees shall buckle. Those of the Lord shall utterly reject your ugly spirit. They shall delight in the pure wealth and increase of the Lord. The kings and principalities and markets of this world shall become His.

I prophecy the cow market shall be with solid and steady strength. The market shall go up according to the word of the Lord, slowly and steadily. I prophecy the next level of support shall be 8600. And the Dow shall go to 9200 by or in June 2009. I command it according to the authority Jesus Christ has given. Hallelujia!!”

April 29, 2009

DOW hit 8200 today - Just as He had said

DOW hit 8200 today and closed near it. This is what the Lord told me on March 27 would happen in April.

If you look at the pattern of the DOW since Feb (when the market was plummeting) and draw in the lines 7200, 7500, 7800, 8200, and on to 8600… it exactly happened. Exactly. What this means to me is I could safely invest in the market when it was plummeting in February and rising though very tenuously to most traders and investors in early March, which I did despite the huge fear at being a "contrarian" (the fear which I had to pray myself through as fear is not from the Lord).

Many investors are now saying the market will have a 10% or more severe correction because it is very "overbought". I read the many “predictions” from economists and hedge fund managers and other “market experts”. I even read the dreams and beliefs of other prophetic Christians. Many lost money if they invested according to their beliefs that the market would correct severely between the early March lows and now. It makes me aware that if we can’t clearly hear the Lord’s voice for ourselves, we will follow our own deceptive dreams and visions, our own wishes and not His. Not all dreams and visions are of the Lord, many from our soul, and many from the demonic world. So I’d rather clearly hear words from Him during deep prayer and worship in His Spirit. This what He wants us all to do. To just talk with Him and hear Him as Adam conversed with God in the garden.

April 28, 2009

DOW will go to 9200 by or in June

After my prayer walk today. I heard and repeated to make sure I had heard correctly today, "the DOW will be 9200 in or by June 2009".

Update as of July 30, 2009 at 7:00 am: The DOW broke up through 9200 today, only one month later than when I prophesied on April 28, 2009 that it would happen by or in June 2009. Why the one month delay to July 2009? I either heard wrong or God changed His mind on timing. Either way, I have been fully invested in my portfolio knowing God said the market would go to 9200 and then 10,000. Also, on May 19, 2009 He said there would be a “jump” in the market after the “hop” and “skip” were completed (it looks like the “jump” is happening this July 2009 and might take us to all the way to 10,000). More commentators and economists are saying we have turned the corner on the bear market and are in the beginning of a bull market as I heard from the Lord on June 7, 2009 and first on February 19, 2009.

April 3, 2009

Cow Stock Market Has Begun!

In prayer and praise sang “Oh Beautiful” and “This Land is Your Land” and a lot of loving songs to Jesus, to the Lord.

Walking down a hill I perceived, “it’s not a bear market, it’s not a bull market, it’s a cow market!” I laughed in a wonderful way I probably haven’t weeks! Such a free and delightful laugh at His humor and doing things that seems ridiculous to others. I saw cows lying down lazily and comfortably in the sun. Others were grazing. Even some bulls thrown in the group but all were peaceful. That is a Cow Market. A dependable, slow-moving market. Not rushing up after 8200, but slowly and steadily (painfully so to many traders who like volatility). So I prayed the volatility come way down, that the Cow Market Has Begun!

March 30, 2009

Interesting numbers of the stock market

A few interesting coincidences in the DOW and S&P 500 index numbers.

On 9-29-08, the Dow fell 777 points, this was the big headlines and the big first crash of the bear market.

On 3-6-09 (the date is a once-twice-thrice or a hop-skip-and-jump, if you will) the S&P 500 closed on at an all-time low for the last decade at 666, the number of man.

On 3-23-09, less than three weeks after the DOW touched 666, the DOW closed way up at 777x (7776 if you round).

On 3-27-09 the Dow closed at 777x, (7776 if you round), the same as on 3-23-09 and just 21 days after the S&P closed at 666.

My interpretation is the S&P 500 at a low of 666 was a turning point.

My other interpretation is the DOW with 777x, shows the Lord’s number of perfection which is 7.

I am NOT into numbers in general. But as an old scientist who likes math and patterns, I find these patterns more than coincidence.

March 27, 2009

Stock market prophecy: "The shorts will lose their shorts!"

Many investors and traders are calling this rally a bear market rally or a short-covering ralling. In my prayer with the Lord He said, “The Dow was not supposed to go into the 6000s, the number of man. The short sellers dealt violently with my people, they dealt harshly. So I will deal violently and harshly with them! As the Dow went down violently, so I will raise it violently! I will raise the Dow to 8200 in April [rather than May]. I will raise it this [coming] month! The shorts will lose their shorts!!”

February 25, 2009

Prayed over His word regarding the stock market

The Dow reached about 7000 on Friday. The Lord had shown me the black candlesticks, the black swords of the short sellers coming in at an angle from the left on February 19. But His red turning green candlestick has not yet been revealed. Where His candlestick extends powerfully from the 7000s to the mid 8000s. He also made this clear the upward trend of the Dow would happen slowly, with different levels of support/resistance, not quickly. So I laid my spiritual body over His word and prayed that His word will still come to pass. For the sake of all the retirees, all those who love Him and are crying and desperate now. It is for them He will do this. For us younger ones, a rise in the Dow is simply opportunity to handle wisely, but we have time in Him to recover our finances. He needs to replenish the finances of the retirees. Those who are despairing and casting their future on Him. May God’s mercy prevail, may He raise the retirees up, may He raise all who thought they invested wisely but saw their careful savings cut in half be raised up. Lord have mercy!

February 19, 2009

Prophecy DOW will go from 7200 to 8600, by May the DOW will be above 8200

I saw a long red candlestick stretching from the 7000’s on the DOW up 1000 to the 8000’s. It was the sword of the Lord, with blood and power. It was His color. On a stock chart it would show up as green. I knew His candlestick sword was invisible though, it was behind the scenes pushing up the DOW. Then I saw a half a dozen or so black candle stick swords coming in at angles from the left of the graph of the DOW trying to swipe the DOW down. They are demons, short sellers. The Lord showed me His Spirit will raise the DOW but slowly, over time this year, with different bases forming. 7500 now, although I also heard 7200. I thought November was 7200 but when I looked the low was 7449. Then 7800, 8200 and 8600. That retired people need restoration of the DOW. I did not sense the Dow will go into the 6000’s, the number of man. His mercy will prevail.

By June of 2009 I saw the economy will be warm. He will have applied intense heat. But intense heat on something frozen cold (the economy now) doesn’t make it hot right away, just warm. By May hope will be restoring as the DOW is above 8200.

Update as of October 29, 2011:
The DOW had been declining steeply, crashing from October 2008 to March 6, 2009. On the date of this prophecy the DOW closed just under 7500, having fallen sharply from over 11,000 in September 2008. On March 6, 2009 it reversed course. It rose to 7200 in mid March 2009, to 7800 in late March 2009, to 8200 in mid April 2009, and to 8600 in early May 2009.