December 24, 2010
“Capitalism! Capitalism! The greed has overtaken you. When you return to a good day’s labor, to helping another, to fixing and growing and inventing and instilling and creating and climbing and bringing up that within your reach, then I will bless your coffers and pour out an abundance you cannot contain.
“I see your honest labor. I see you pour yourself out for another and receiving not enough. But I see and I will supplement what is in your hand in due time.
“My people are tired because they’re focused on the money. But do an honest day’s work. Work for someone and bless them with your good work. And see your soul will be filled. And I see. Yes I see. I will add all these things to you that you lack such that you will be refreshed again.
“I have hedged you in left, right, front and back so you cannot run away. You cannot escape the test. But I have set up the tests so you will pass! You are my prize students! Test for your benefit so you pass and excel, excel in The Way. Such is the way of a carpenter, I know, to make beautiful things people use. Or of a shepherd. Or of a servant and heaven-sent king. Give through working, through helping and it will be given to you good measure and pressed down to overflow in your bosom.
“Do not be so spiritual that they do not see a good worker, a good laborer, a good servant in their company or family or church.
“Go into the world and be my lights. Pour yourself out and see I refresh you as I pour Myself into you. That is how cups overflow, by pouring.”
I need to add an epilogue that I initially didn’t want to post this word for two reasons. One is I thought it might just be the Lord speaking to me only. The other, deeper reason is I feel I have egg on my face regarding KATX. Granted the Lord has been gracious and the “track record” of prophecies to date have been a very high batting average, the vast majority accurate so far. But I am personally dumfounded about KATX. Yes, they announced drilling results on only about a 10% sample of the total drill core. And yes they only drilled two holes. So KATX, being an exploration company, has more exploring to do. But the bad timing, in my opinion, of the prophecies regarding KATX is what bothers me tremendously. So I share all this transparently and with humility that we all make mistakes, we all hear in part and see in part. Time will tell on KATX and we do need time for this company’s hopeful success to play out. Nonetheless, the Lord still requires me to post as I’m doing today even though my knees are skinned from tripping. Maybe that’s the point. He poured His life out for the world and only asks that we do the same, so our cups that have been poured out for others will be filled to overflowing again by Him. Merry Christmas! With love, Sierra
November 17, 2010
About prophecy & Summary of recent prophecies
People see me living alone but I’m not alone, I’m with God. Humans need to talk. My two border collies are sweet but they are just dogs. So I talk to God much of the time. Talking to myself I think is crazy because how can a human reason with herself? That’s like riding a merry-go-round and going up and down and around and around. Talking to God is like talking to your best friend but a best friend with no faults and who can teach you a few things. This is an understatement. But the journey is so incredible. Today out of my mouth came spontaneously, “God, You are the coolest! You are so incredibly cool!”
Because He is unbelievably cool. Case in point, He told me on November 8 that Ford would go to $20 and that silver would go to $29 per a friend of a friend’s word. On November 10 He told me silver would go to $32. I bought some SLV December calls, some January calls and loaded up on April calls because He wouldn’t tell me exactly when. Please look at the chart of SLV. Ouch! On Nov. 16 I had lost anywhere from 30% to 65% of my money. But I began writing this the evening of Nov 16. Why? I felt great! In the afternoon I went on my prayer walk and felt like young David with a puny silver stone in my slingshot. The Goliath bullion banks, who many precious metals experts feel forced the sharp sell off, towered with their hundreds of millions of dollars in silver shorting. Well, I aimed my puny silver stone, my tiny investment relative to them in silver, and aimed it between the eyes of Goliath. Smack! Prayer and praise! Great fun to have spiritual defiance in the face of dark forces and confidence in the Lord!
That evening, after I in Christ smacked Goliath with my puny silver stone, had a vision of a bulldozer coming in and it starting pushing silver prices higher. Then that bulldozer turned silver, so it’s a silver bulldozer pushing up silver prices.
You see, I bought silver because I believe He told me it would go to $32 and I had no choice but to invest in faith. If I held back and buried my cash, like the foolish servant who buried his single tiny talent in Matthew 25 and would not invest for profit, it would have been counted to me as sin because of lack of faith.
It is so liberating to place your livelihood on the line. Money is up there with oxygen as it buys necessities to live, not to mention fun things and gifts for others. If you are down to a few months or even a few weeks of nickels and you have no reliable source of income, it’s a perfect setup for being completely free in Him. Your life becomes even more embedded in and hidden in Christ. You relax even more and see where He takes you. It’s all out of your hands. You just talk to Him and obey.
I do the most irrational things when my money is running out. People comment I’m smart (meaning I have an analytical mind) but when I reveal the crazy things I do in faith, you can feel them back away twenty feet emotionally. They sometimes present a more mainstream wisdom point of view to encourage me to consider that, or they argue I made a foolish or bad decision. My bad decisions are having any trust whatsoever in their advice and uncertain money (1 Timothy 6:17). Sometimes He has to let some of your money leak away for you to start living a bold, faith-filled, not-knowing-what-to-expect life. And I don’t just give to ministries with more abandon when I’m running out of money, I also spend on fun things that will bless others, too. For example, if I can spend on something that gives another person much needed income, like painting my kitchen cabinets, I will because I just helped a dear man feed his three kids. Or I will cut my gym membership, since that’s a prosperous company, just so I can keep my gardener who needs the income. These are fun things I did and it made me feel great because I kept paying God-loving people who needed the money. What a great system Godly capitalism is, it makes money flow. Keeping the currents of currency moving. Plus, when you hire people and give them profuse compliments and money for them making your living situation a little more pleasant, what a great feeling that is.
So it may sound irrational but I absolutely believe the following prophecies per His words in the past to me. I’m holding onto these words like a pit bull with a bone in its mouth. When He gives me words I don’t let go, I become even more tenacious in faith and prayer (not without some bucking bronco emotions sometimes until the word buries even more deeply into the soil of my spirit). I’m grateful that most of what He has said which I’ve posted on this site has come to pass. But there are always newer prophecies that need to be hugged with tenacious faith and prayed through, which I do. He just needs someone who is crazy enough to believe in the face of opposition and not let go and pray it through with unrelenting faith. Only the Lord knows how much I pray and praise Him over all the words. Hours upon hours upon hours for each word. I share this because prophecy is not easy, in my opinion. It is very hard work, like plowing a field in the hot sun which is full of stones and boulders (opposition to the word) which you must remove spiritually by combinations of faith, prayer and praise. So there is a glorious responsibility with prophecy to know exactly what He said by writing it down, to keep believing it, to hug it and let it bury deep in the soil of your spirit, and to pray it through. It is like eating a scroll which is sweet tasting in the mouth as well as bitter to the stomach. Eventually that bitterness in your stomach will settle down and the nutrition of that prophecy will spring forth through the promise and nourish many, many others.
- Some American political and business leaders will be judged, but not America. The political establishment will be toppled. We are to stop mourning for America and to celebrate and praise God because a new day of victory for righteousness and restoration is upon America (not that we stop praying for America and that the Lord’s word comes to pass).
The USA shall defy the sovereign debt crises and be immune from contagion
Where the DOW is going and word from the Lord regarding America
Clear and emphatic word from the Lord
American political and business leaders judged… not America… celebrate!
- Two who are scheming for a one world government shall die in the next two years and you will read about them.
American political and business leaders judged… not America… celebrate!
- The stock market won’t correct deeply but will consolidate or base above 11,000.
November 10, 2010 tweet
- Silver will go to $32 in the coming months, silver bulldozer coming in soon to push up silver prices.
Tweets on Nov. 8 and Nov. 10 plus this blog post
- Ford will go to $20 in the coming months
Tweet on Nov. 8
- KATX & KATG (e.g. BVIG) will go to $0.80
- WOLV will jump twice more
Update as of November 18, 2010 4pm: The silver ETF, SLV, is up over 7% today.

Also, Ford had a sell off today with the GM IPO excitement. About 10am this morning I saw the Ford train at the station, about to leave and pull away from the station, and the conductor calling loudly, “All Aboard!” I could hear the train horn toot a couple times. I’m “all in” on Ford (F) and silver (SLV). Please be prayerful about any investments you make.
Update as of December 2, 2010 10am: I sold my Dec SLV calls yesterday at roughly break even. Had I held today they would have had a 20% profit. Am still holding my Jan and April SLV calls, which both have about a 25% prophet. Glad I did not sell out of fear before but held in faith when I had a 30-65% loss on paper.
October 26, 2010
Summary of prophecies: DOW to 12000, warming economy, some political leaders toppled and judged
Speaking when the climate of opinions is in polar opposite to the prophetic word is a signature of the Lord. Please see the Lord spoke the following well before anyone in the secular or prophetic arenas shared these specific opinions, at least I never heard a specific secular or prophetic opinion at the time of the prophecy which was in agreement. I do discard vague generalities that, like a fortune cookie (not that believers should read fortune cookies), can be interpreted many ways or are so broad-brushed that its coming to pass is a statistical high probability. Please know this is the measure I hold to myself in the field that I plow. I simply want to be a better farmer in my field.
Summary of when the Lord spoke:
1) Back on September 29, 2009 that the DOW would be going to 12,000.
2) On February 12, 2010, May 16, 2010, June 27, 2010 and September 16, 2010 as well as other dates that He will uphold the stock market and it will not utterly crash (but will correct).
3) Back on February 19, 2009, and again on September 2, 2010, that the economy would warm up.
4) Back on April 29, 2010 that the tea party would actually topple the political establishment. I have learned Kim Clement also prophesied about the tea party on April 16, 2010.
5) Back on April 29, 2010 and again on September 16, 2010 that Americas leaders will be toppled and judged.
The DOW, thus far, has reached a high of over 11,200 yesterday. If you revisit the prophetic words, you will also see the DOW rose more slowly than I initially heard and believed on September 29, 2009 regarding the timing of the DOW going to 12,000 by April 2010. The Lord clarified the DOW would rise more slowly in the March 12, 2010 and May 19, 2010 words. I am standing on His word He will uphold the stock market, it will correct but not crash, and the DOW is headed to 12,000.
The economy is indeed warming according to not just the stock market but also other economic indicators.
And the November elections will be telling if many political leaders in the political establishment are toppled.
Prophecy DOW will go from 7200 to 8600, by May the DOW will be above 8200
DOW to approximately 12,000 by April 2010
DOW on track to 12,000 in spring 2010 as the Lord Said
June vision of ashen black DOW; question whether DOW will go to 12,000 in April
DOW going to 12,000; Lazy bull market
Short term "minor" pullback to 10,800?
The USA shall defy the sovereign debt crises and be immune from contagion
New word about the DOW
Summary of prophecies
The Big Picture of the U.S.A. Stock Market
Where the DOW is going and word from the Lord regarding America
Clear and emphatic word from the Lord
American political and business leaders judged… not America… celebrate!
Update as of November 2, 2010 10:30 pm: As Rand Paul, the tea party-backed Republican candidate in Kentucky, said this evening, "Tonight there's a tea party tidal wave."
And here is another interesting quote that 40% of voters are supporters of the conservative tea party movement, "About four in 10 voters said they were worse off financially than two years ago, according to preliminary exit poll results and pre-election surveys. More than one in three said their votes were an expression of opposition to Obama. More than half expressed negative views about both political parties. Roughly 40 percent of voters considered themselves supporters of the conservative tea party movement. Less than half said they wanted the government to do more to solve problems."
The Lord said on April 29, 2010 that the tea party would actually topple the political establishment and it did happen, praise Him so, so much for the hope He is restoring tonight to America. What an incredible God, what a night of bright hope.
Here are the original words:
Update as of January 26, 2011: The DOW to 12,000 prophesy was fulfilled January 24, 2011. The DOW reached within 20 points of 12,000 on January 24 and broke through 12,000 on January 26. Please know the prophecy was fulfilled on January 24, 2011 because numbers are always approximate, not exact.
October 19, 2010
“Come closer to Me”
“But my sheep will simply know My voice. If you do not know and trust My voice you will be tossed in the waves of look here and look there and consider this and consider that.
“I will tell you simply: what I speak to you in your quiet moments plainly and clearly is what you must trust. And my logos, my written Word will always reign and be your rudder when you sail rough seas. My rhema to you will be your secret. It is eternal. It is my truth for you. And my rhema word, if you cleave to it, will be your sail in My wind and it will carry your boat.
“But I will not give you signs. I will not always confirm with happenings. My rhema word is your clear, pure, uncontaminated water, your rhema sail in My wind. You must know My voice and you must trust what I speak to you in your quiet, private moments with Me.
“I have warned it will get more and more confusing and tempting to go here and there. More and more turmoil all about in My church. In returning and rest You will be saved and hear My voice. In quietness and confidence will be your strength and assurance that in due season your boat will reach its destination. Seek Me, in a quiet place in the Holy of Holies, where we will talk face to face.”
And about ten minutes later, while sitting and quietly worshipping on the same mountaintop, I had an awe-inspiring and much closer encounter, if you will, with our risen Lord, our Savior, our King. I am not saying He personally appeared to me. Rather, my spirit encountered much more intimately and with much deeper appreciation and worship His Person. I did perceive a luminous and glorious white light throughout the beautiful sky and a vision of His Person as well. Again, this was likely a vision, but it was very profound and magnificent to me:
“I am the Alpha and Omega, from the beginning of time before I created you to the end of time which has no end. I am the only Truth this world will come to know, the only Way to God, the Father whose light in fullness shines through Me, and the only Life which will satisfy your soul. Come to a quiet place and I will give you real drink, clean and pure. I will talk to you face to face if you will come to Me, Jesus Christ, the One who was and is and is to come. Come closer. Comer closer. And you will see that all you need to leave what is not Me... is Me. Come closer to Me.”
Update as of October 21, 2010 11:00am: Yesterday morning I went to the same mountain and the Lord impressed on me that the Holy Spirit is also very importantly called the “Spirit of Truth”. He wanted me to have a more intimate encounter with His Spirit of Truth, which I gratefully did have. If you seek the Lord’s truth, you will find truth. And the truth that you know will set you free. The Lord does say if you hold to His teachings, which we can know from the written Word which is the Bible, then you will be His disciple and know the truth. It perhaps sounds kindergarten basic and overly simple for a mature Christian, but it’s the contrary. Sticking to the basics by pressing more tightly towards Jesus Christ, His Spirit of Truth, and the written Word is immensely profound. The spiritual might to move mountains with these basics is undeniable. I will likely be calling the Holy Spirit “Spirit of Truth” sometimes because I’m sure we all desire to be guided further in His truth and not chase after that which may appear like it is coming from God but is not.
Jesus warns that “false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect, if that were possible.” Signs and wonders and supernatural phenomenon not of God will increase in these perilous end times. I want to cleave to Jesus Christ. I want to treasure, listen to, and obey His Spirit of Truth on an hourly basis so I am not deceived. I want to spend time with Him in an intimate place where it is quiet and where I will hear from Him. My dear friends, there is nothing worth chasing after except Jesus Christ. He is the Alpha and Omega, the first and last. All life was created by Him and for Him. He is our King and Savior. He is the only Way, the Truth and the Life. All things can find their answer and be set on a straight course in Him. And in pressing in to just Jesus, to know His Spirit of Truth, there are ample living waters and provision to refresh you and supply all your needs as you walk out your life in Him.
[Jesus said:] For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform signs and miracles to deceive the elect--if that were possible. So be on your guard; I have told you everything ahead of time.
Mark 13:22-23 (NIV)
[Jesus said:] For false Christs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the elect--if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time.
Matt 24:24-25 (NIV)
Jesus said, "If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
John 8:31-32 (NIV)
And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever-- the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you.
John 14:16-17 (NIV)
But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come.
John 16:12-13 (NIV)
October 13, 2010
33 Miners out of the shaft, “the last shall be first”
“Look at the compassion of the Chileans. Look at the faith. Real faith in Me, I don’t care what church-y they go to. They said I am the 34th miner with them, God with them in the dungeon. They knew that they knew that they knew I was there. They knew that they knew that I love men, yes women are men so don’t trip and fall on words.
“And look at the President who muscled the troops, international expertise, and rolled out the red carpet, an incredible reception, for these men. Everything was thought of and attended to. He went over the top. Over the top!! What a commander in chief. Let’s get real! Can we talk? The last shall be first. Come on, now! In churchy lingo, ‘Come on, Now!’, you Pentecostal folk! The last shall be first. I love men. Come on now you churchy folk, men are men and women. The lowly are My beloved and just read My red words again and get real. Yes, Catherine’s [Sierra’s] getting a message here so she is humbled. Her eyeballs are popping out. [I, “Sierra”, can add, happily so.]
“And guess what? Come on, I can talk this way. I love YOU. Don’t get into condemnation now. Be down to earth because that is the true mean of humility, low to the ground. Get real! And you will find friends upon friends and love upon love and life overflowing and everlasting. Now I’m even [speaking] churchy. What goodness coming out of the shaft of a mine. Guess what, I love you. I really really do. And I really really love those 33 men. Isn’t it interesting that’s the age folks think I died? Different voice from Me. But you recognize Me all the same because I don’t change. Still healing people who are grabbing my robe or falling through roofs. Still healing people who sputter and spit before Me. My first miracle was wine and I’m not ashamed. Yes I hang out. Still eating heads of grains in the field. Yes I relax and live. Get real. Get low. And find my Zoe life. Because I’m coming soon and you all better be lovin’ one another because I love you. And don’t think I’m spanking and chastising about this, I’m not. Oh, your head spins. This is a simple little message. The last shall be first, the lowly shall be first, what you overlook shall be first. Because, ‘Surprise, Surprise!’ I love men. I love men.”
So, my friends, this is the most unusual and “crazy”, if you will, word I’ve received. It hit me with a “bam” and no-nonsense unction to post. He was real and not super-spiritual. I feel like yours-truly got roto-rooter’ed (my tongue in cheek for His Spirit further sanctifying me). I jest slightly because I’m honestly nervous this is so unusual a tone. It’s uncomfortable for me. But He is teaching me, please know He is really teaching me, as well.
Update as of October 14, 2010 11pm: This word has made an impact on me in that I continue to ponder all the Lord seemed to be saying. It was unusual in that He spoke in an extremely down-to-earth voice. And what a focus on His love for people: those 33 miners were resurrected from their dark grave below (many believe Jesus died and was resurrected at age 33), and the Chilean president and government went to incredible, compassionate and expert efforts to rescue not only down-to-earth but in-the-earth miners. The word and event are a reminder He greatly loves the often overlooked, those not in the limelight, such as miners going about their day to day work, “the last shall be first, the lowly shall be first, what you overlook shall be first.” The Lord was also gently and lovingly chiding charismatic “Pentecostal folk” who sometimes get too super-spiritual, “Come on now you churchy folk…. The lowly are My beloved… just read My red words again and get real.” Many of those miners had faith in Emmanuel, God with them there in that prison, and it pleased God. And the Chilean President as well as many people who made great efforts to rescue those men pleased God with their compassion. The Lord facilitated the miracle through everyone. The more I re-read this word, the more I see several threads of the simple truths of His teachings, the Bible’s “red words”, woven together in this event.
Update as of October 18, 2010 11pm: A friend, Eagle, let us know about this video. It validates the Lord's word about faith that pleases Him. “What did the miners in Chile say on their shirts?”
Update as of October 19, 2010 9am: And I learned through the IWI website that Campus Crusade for Christ provided the tee-shirts.
Chile Ministry Helps Trapped Miners
The story of the 33 rescued miners has gripped the attention of the world, and Campus Crusade for Christ Chile has played an integral role.
15 October 2010
By now, most of you have probably seen the t-shirts the miners were wearing as they arose out of the mine that said "¡Gracias Señor!" (Thank You Lord!) and had the JESUS film logo on the sleeve. They were created by our Chile ministry and given to the miners to wear.
The national media has noticed the logo as well. CNN posted an article on their Belief Blog talking about the shirts.
We also wanted to confirm that the miner mentioned by Christian in his letter is miner #24, Jose Samuel Henriquez. Some services list him as Jose Henriquez Gonzalez. By all accounts, he was the spiritual leader of the group.
Would you join us in continuing to praise God for their rescue and the part our fellow staff members played in caring for and serving their needs while trapped.
News From the Miners
By Christian Maureira, Chile National Director
Hello team and friends! I want to share with you about the last 2 very intense weeks as we have worked on the project to take the Word of God and the JESUS audio version to the mine, but it has really be worth the effort as it is food for the soul. This long history of the miners that is now passing 2 months has been without doubt the longest survival experience for people trapped underground.
This all started on the August 5, when the San Jose mine collapsed because of the exploration in the mine. The news was not good as it was only 6 months after we had experience the very large earthquake and tsunami. With a population less than other countries in the world, problems like this seem much closer to you and much more like it is part of your own family.
After 2 weeks without news from the miners we could only think the worst. The government had made every effort, but it was reasonable to think that the miners were lost, above all considering the distance where they were located, some 700 meters (2,000 feet) deep with a difficult future to be rescued. But God had other plans and 2 days later (the 17th day), contact with them was made. Obviously we were all very happy and we celebrated the miracle that all were alive.
As Campus Crusade, God guided us to think about how we could help these men and this was how we took the initiative to contact some churches in the north, leaders and authorities about sending the JESUS audio into the mine. It wasn't easy in the beginning because of some apathy in the Christian leadership and a lack of a sense of urgency, together with the restrictive control of the rescue team but, God in His sovereignty provided that we were able to gain contact with the daughter and the brother of 1 of the 3 Christians that were trapped there.
During several weeks, I was in contact with them and I explored the possibility of sending them audio material. Finally, I traveled to the mine with 33 MP3's containing the JESUS audio version and an ample portion of the Bible. I was there for 2 days and we sent the MP3's through each family members that were there.
Jose Samuel, my contact in the mine (father of Hettiz and brother of Gaston) is an extraordinary man who has really surprised me. The psychologists that are giving help from the surface have recognized that he has been a tremendous emotional and spiritual support for the rest of his co-workers.
He sent me a letter that grabbed my attention for his incredible clarity of thought. For example, some parts of the letter are:
- "I want to express my appreciation for this great blessing for me and my co-workers, it will be very good our edification" (He is talking about the MP3's)
- "I am well because Christ lives in me"
- "We have prayer services at 12 a.m. and 6 p.m."
- "I ask all of you for pray not only for us here, but for all the lost people in the world"
- At the end of the letter he signed off with Psalm 95:4, "In his hand are the depths of the earth, and mountain peaks belong to him."
This is a very motivating story, let's continue to pray for the salvation of these souls. Thanks for being part of this.
Update as of October 19, 2010 4pm: And one more update from Eagle who writes, “God had His own all over this operation.” I’m sure the testimonies about how God used and honored everyday people walking out their everyday lives of faith in His Son will go on and on regarding this event.
Cypress, Texas, Oct 14, 2010 / 05:56 am
On Wednesday, the world watched in anticipation as 33 Chilean miners finally began to emerge through a narrow shaft, drilled half a mile below the earth. The extraordinary man who helped save them, Drillers Supply International co-owner Greg Hall, is also training to become a deacon in the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston next February.
EWTN News spoke to his wife Angelica Hall (with whom he runs Drillers Supply) on Wednesday, about her husband's service to the Church, and the role their Catholic faith had played in helping them plan the rescue.
While the trapped miners were surviving on food rations lowered into a shaft too small to pull them to safety, Greg Hall was working --and praying-- to determine how a larger opening could be drilled. “We're prayerful people,” Angelica Hall remarked. “Prayer is a part of our daily life … and part of our community at Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church.”
Mrs. Hall explained that her husband's drilling supply company, which opened its Chilean branch in 1993, normally provided the supplies for gold, copper and silver mines. But in almost 25 years of business, she said, “this is the first time that we were involved in a mine rescue.”
“There was a crossover from Greg's expertise and drilling in Chile, (and) what our parts and our drill pipe could do,” she explained. Hall's engineering expertise “was able to cross over in making a shaft to get to the miners.”
The unprecedented rescue took months of planning, since even the smallest error or miscalculation could have caused rocks to slide or cave in-- trapping the miners forever. Mrs. Hall said her husband was grateful to play his part, having volunteered his expertise after initially hearing that a rescue was unlikely.
“He's kind of a take-action guy,” she told EWTN News. “We try to help if we have the skills and the talents to help.” Both faith and service to others, she said, “have been a part of our entire marriage.”
The same risk-taking spirit will lead Mr. Hall to become Deacon Hall, on February 12 next year. His wife recalled how her husband was first “an usher-greeter, then he was a lector,” before being asked “if he'd ever considered the diaconate.” She said that although her husband hadn't thought about it, “we just went forward in faith a step at a time.”
“Our formation has been six years and we're in the last semester. Hopefully, Greg will be ordained February 12th.”
With everything going on, she said, her family's life had been “quite an amazing ride.”
Noting the Biblical significance of 33 miners being pulled alive from their potential tomb after a 33 day drilling operation, Mrs. Hall told EWTN News that “the significance of that number” --the same number of years Jesus lived before his death and resurrection-- “has not been lost on us.”
She expressed amazement and gratitude that the opportunity to save dozens of lives had emerged in the ordinary course of “our everyday walk,” a fact that she said is proof that “God uses ordinary people in their ordinary lives.”
October 5, 2010
Clash of Wills
Then the Lord said this (it is not conditional):
“As the will of powerful men and women in government intensifies, so My will intensifies. Your will is no match for My will. No match at all. Your will is Goliath. My will is David. Kim Clement first spoke of My David after King Saul and gave hope to this nation. I simply look for my Davids who will husband My will. And they will huff and puff and blow the house down.”
Please know the Obama-Hillary picture above was only to lead into the word, that the Lord’s will through those who yield to and obey Him can overturn man’s will if counter to the Lord’s.
Update as of October 6, 2010 11:00am: A friend sent me this link after he read this blog post, “A Clinton-Biden swap 'on the table'? Absolutely not, says Axelrod.”
Please know I had not ever heard or read this Obama-Clinton idea before, it simply popped in my mind very strongly yesterday afternoon on a prayer walk. Please also see the Washington Post article was written at 8:46 PM PST and I blogged at 6:53 PM PST. I wrote him back, “Thank you I definitely didn’t feel it was prophecy, just that it was a distinct possibility. I’ve never read anything to this effect. BTW, the white house HAS to deny such a speculation now, way to premature and would call into question his current VP. The key point is not whether this happens or not, it’s the clash of wills word. It was fascinating to me how the Lord put it.”
So you will have to please trust me I really had no clue that an Obama-Clinton ticket has been batted around. But the fact the Lord wanted to discuss it sends His greater message that no matter how strong the will powers of politicians are, the will power of Jesus Christ is far stronger when carried out through those that love Him, His Davids.
September 16, 2010
American political and business leaders judged… not America… celebrate!
The Lord has prompted me to repost His April 29, 2010 word:
“The USA shall defy the sovereign debt crises. The USA shall be immune from the contagion. Yes, I see the ballooning debt, ballooning like a gargantuan bubble gum bubble. But there shall not be a market crash! Have I not said I will support the market? Have I not said my people are in America’s companies? Have I not said I am restoring the finances of my people? Do you think I am one to trick and say, “Just kidding!”? Do not think I will trick you!
“Do not be waffling in the wind, child. The winds are blowing stronger and stronger. The earth cries out for My rising glory. The earth cries out for My sons and daughters to arise into their fullness and take control of the elements. My sons and daughters shall have dominion. There is clapping in the winds. There is rejoicing of the earth even in the storms. Turn off the news. Listen [to the news] but don’t keep listening. Tune your radio to heaven. There are songs in heaven my children must bring to earth.
“The tea partiers are coming over on the Mayflower. They are carrying May flowers of peace, flowers of my Prince of Peace. They shall tip and topple established ways through flowers of Peace. They strike with a flower. Ah, what a mighty flower! You have not seen anything like it since the 1960’s flower children. A movement of change.”
September 3, 2010
Kindness and Jumping "God Stocks"
Then I remembered my little childhood pony, Firefly. I paid for that pony over several years by painting our acre of fence at minimum wage for my parents. It was very hard work and I had allergies so I was sweating in the Maryland humidity and with a surgical mask on so I wouldn’t keep sneezing with allergies. Although my parents would have given me the gift of the pony and just let me contribute to his care with my weekly allowance from chores, they weren’t rich but they did fine working for the government, I wanted to earn that pony. Well, that pony could jump! What a joy when that pony was all mine, finally fully purchased with my hard-earned money, and we jumped and jumped and jumped. It was the “best pony in the world” and brought me endless joy as a child.
I believe remembering the pony this morning is like Christ’s crown of thorns. By the sweat of our brow is the curse over our labor to work the land. But the thorns were pushed into Christ’s brow and His blood came out, removing the curse.
Our ponies, our stocks, are going to jump and jump and jump and, thus, give us childlike delight!!
P.S. Please read last post of "Clear and emphatic word from the Lord". I am so encouraged! We were all born for such a time as this, how humbling it is to be called His and to such a great purpose.
Update as of September 12, 2010 8:00pm: I went for a prayer walk and here was a song I was inspired by and sang back to the Lord who inspired it:
Kindness falling like dew
How much we need of you
Kindness falling from heaven
Kindness, usher us in
Liberating us from sin
Kindness, where is the leaven?
Kindness, what’s this they say?
A gentle man has his way
Kindness, rolling in waves
Set free the slaves
September 2, 2010
Economy will warm up and political leaders will "tipple, topple, tumble"
“The economy. The economy will warm up. I said I was doing it last year. I will do it again.
“You have heard others talk of an “October surprise.” Oh yes, there will be a surprise. Your tears will be turned from mourning to gladness. Your heart will no longer sink and tremble. I speak to America, daughter, not to you. America, your leaders will tipple, topple, tumble. Humpty Dumpty had a big crown. Humpty Dumpty let all the people down. Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a big fall. All the people looked at Humpty Dumpty and said, ‘Poor Humpty Dumpty, how do we put him back together again?’
“Do not think, child, I am speaking of the president. I am speaking of the leaders. Establishment shall fall. Their designs shall fail. I am King and have not relinquished my rule over America. I am King and my children cry out for me. My warriors. My prophets. The sons of God shall arise and their presence shall be felt! Their presence shall shake, shake, shake! A great earthquake – I speak of spiritual things – shall shake, shake, shake them off the wall!!
“Post this, my daughter. Your time, everyone’s time, MY time has begun!”
Update as of October 5, 2010 1pm: “The economy. The economy will warm up. I said I was doing it last year. I will do it again.”
The U.S. service sector, the nation's predominant employer, expanded in September for a ninth straight month. There were a few promising signals for winter. A gauge of future business, the new orders index, grew more quickly in September than in August. That suggests demand for services has increased and business activity may grow in the next few months. The DOW approached 11,000 today.
Update as of November 2, 2010 10:30 pm: As Rand Paul, the tea party-backed Republican candidate in Kentucky, said this evening regarding the elections, "Tonight there's a tea party tidal wave."
And here is another interesting quote that 40% of voters are supporters of the conservative tea party movement, "About four in 10 voters said they were worse off financially than two years ago, according to preliminary exit poll results and pre-election surveys. More than one in three said their votes were an expression of opposition to Obama. More than half expressed negative views about both political parties. Roughly 40 percent of voters considered themselves supporters of the conservative tea party movement. Less than half said they wanted the government to do more to solve problems."
The Lord said on April 29, 2010 that the tea party would actually topple the political establishment and it did happen, praise Him so, so much for the hope He is restoring tonight to America. What an incredible God, what a night of bright hope.
Here is the other original word:
888 in KATX
"The DOW closed at 8881 today. On July 19, 2009, The Elijah List sent out their newsletter with an article by Larry Jackson who wrote the following, “During the course of my studies, I learned that the number 888 is the numerical value for the name Jesus in Greek. Iesous, the name Jesus in Greek, is: I (10) + e (8) + s (200) + o (70) + u (400) + s (200) = 888. A detailed account of how Father gently led me to the place where I understood the meaning of 888 is in my new book ‘Knowing God by the Numbers.’” To me, having filed away the July 19, 2009 newsletter (which I rarely do, I only save two or three dozen of the daily newsletters a year, the rest I delete from my email) and then for 8881 to occur in the DOW two days later is potentially a fascinating coincidence. Is the Lord behind coincidences like these? Sometimes.
"A couple others coincidences I have noticed and described before. The lowest point on the S&P index this year was 666 on 3-6-9. As you know, I believe the date 3-6-9 portends a hop, skip, and jump. Has the market hopped? Yes. Has it skipped? Yes. Will it jump? I’m watching and believing.
"If the Lord can design the wonders of this intricate and exquisitely beautiful universe, He certainly can gives insights – and perhaps add a little humor or zest – to patterns and designs in creation. Even man-made creations. The Old Testament lyrical accounts of the wonders of nature and the heavens shows humans love to consider and explore the designs of the world around them. I believe the existence of fractals and enigmatic subatomic particles, for example, reveal the Lord’s mathematical and scientific creative brilliance coupled with simple aesthetic beauty and elegance. No one makes things more intriguing and beautiful at the same time than the Lord. This statement doesn’t do Him the justice but I hope you can sympathize with the fact some patterns may not be purely random. They might be His fingerprint in even a man-made design. "
Look what happened to the DOW after the 888 on July 22, 2009... a huge and long sustained run-up. I am watching the 888's in KATX. I believe the Lord is showing us His fingerprint.
Update as of September 2, 2010 9:00 pm: I feel led to post my May 24 vision again. A friend observed I saw 2 cats. That could represent KATX and BVIG (the Handcamp property originally in KATX was spun off into BVIG and all KATX shareholders as of July 16 are receiving 1 share of BVIG for every 4 shares of KATX). It is interesting BVIG traded (very thinly) from about 50 to 85 cents in August. Is the first 50 cents cathouse landing BVIG and the second 80 cents cathouse landing KATX? Will KATX leap to 80 cents by October because of Rusty Ridge? For due diligence check out:
May 24, 2010 vision: I saw a cat house with 3 levels of carpeted landings for cats. The first carpeted landing was $0.20. I saw a cat climbing the post to the second carpeted landing of about $0.50. Of course I know there was the prophecy of the bicycle speed dial going to $0.50, so this was simply confirmation. But then another cat went up to $0.80, the carpeted landing at that level.
Later in the day I had more revelation about KATX at the gym. KATX I am prayerfully expecting to go to $0.50 in August and $0.80 in October. At the gym, while listening to the Bible and praying at times I saw a white placard with August written on it attached the 2nd level, at $0.50 (as if there was Velcro on the back of the placard that stuck it to the cat house). I respectfully told the Lord, “No, I would like KATX to be at $0.80 by August” and moved the placard with my right hand in my day dream / vision to the 3rd $0.80 level. But an hour later when I was meditating and praying more on this driving home, the August placard had been moved back to $0.50 and another placard stating October appeared on $0.80.
Update as of September 13, 2010 11:30am: During the week of Sept 6, 2010, I saw the WOLV and LBSR vision from August 29 again and then the 5th and 6th fireworks of LBSR. I saw the 6th fireworks of LBSR go up in the air and then fall like a dying shooting star into the open and ready mouth of a young tiger (Kat Exploration, KATX). The young tiger then leaped up in the air. Note: I believe there will be 3 jumps in WOLV according to the initial vision and then a 9/6 word (“Bam! Bam! Bam! Triple, Wolverine, Triple!" could be like LBSR "Pop! Pop!" fireworks. Triple fireworks BAM! in WOLV rather than triple price) and a song on 9/13 (about WOLV jumping 3 times & struck the ground 3 times with an imaginary staff.) I believe one jump in WOLV happened from 9/2-9/7, after the 4th fireworks of LBSR fell on 9/2. I also believe 5 fireworks have happened so far in LBSR (8/10-8/13, 8/19-8/20, 8/25, 8/30-8/31, 9/3-9/7) and 1 more will happen before the KATX young tiger leaps up.
Update as of October 1, 2010 9pm: Unusual coincidence just now. Was listening to Kim Clement TV (Sept 30; 18min) and just as Kim was saying, “To think I’m at the right place at the right time for the right reason in the right season…” and while listening I happened to go to the KATX site and clicked on the link below. My eyes skipped partway down to this sentence in the due diligence on KATX, “KAT seems to me to be the right company in the right place at the right time.” Very unusual coincidence when Kim was actually saying, “right… right… right” I’m reading AT THE SAME TIME “right… right… right…” about KATX on the link below. Now maybe my human mind found the “right” words in the text as I was hearing Kim say several “right” words. That’s an aspect of the human mind to search for and see patterns and connections. But the fact I clicked on this link at the exact moment when Kim was talking about rights and then read about rights makes me think, well, there’s something right about KATX.
Update as of October 26, 2010 on KATX, WOLV and LBSR: Important time frames I have had for KATX/KATG are October (although last month I saw fall colors around the highest cat house level which means the October may be delayed into Thanksgiving season) as well as after the 6th fireworks of LBSR which happened 9/28-10/1. So KATX/KATG are still poised for rising. I hold KATX and will be receiving KATG shares. When considering KATX prophecies please know they may apply to KATX and KATG combined as most of us will be receiving KATG shares from our initial KATX purchase.
WOLV indeed shot up like a little rocket, although a smaller rocket that I had expected or hoped for, from 9/2-9/7 right after the 4th fireworks of LBSR fell down on 9/2 per the prophecy and surprising me with being exactly the same date (9/2). I hold WOLV and am still am awaiting the 2nd and 3rd jumps in WOLV. This may be a longer hold than I hoped for and now I know not to judge how big a “little rocket” should be because I would have had a nice 50% profit if I had sold on 9/7!
I just tweeted, “LBSR has had its 6 fireworks and bounced off lows of ~3c (9-27-10 tweet). Believe it will go to ~6c. Still don't see another fireworks soon.” On September 27, 2010 I had tweeted, “I believe LBSR will fall to about 3cents after a small 6th fireworks (there have been 5). Still praying if I have heard His Spirit on this.” LBSR had the 6 fireworks during these times: 8/10-8/13, 8/19-8/20, 8/25, 8/30-8/31, 9/3-9/7, and 9/28-10/1.
Update as of December 27, 2010 11:00am: I tweeted that I sold my WOLV today and bought more KATX at 3.5 cents. Also, the 50 cents in August and 80 cents in October I saw in my May 24, 2010 vision could have applied to BVIG (Kat Gold Holdings) which traded quite a bit at those levels through October 2010 (at that time, BVIG had not been announced and no one knew BVIG would be purchased to become Kat Gold Holdings). Finally, last night as I was dozing off to sleep I heard again the "Blackwater" song from the Doobie Brothers, "catfish are jumpin'..." which I heard last month. Then I remembered many months ago (on June 18, 2010) I saw a gold coin in a fish's mouth, a coin that would help people pay down their debt such as mortgage debt in my case. Words from that little line in the song kept playing a few times very slowly in my mind last night, "Cat... fish... cat... fish.... CAT... FISH...." and I saw a coin in the fish's mouth again and remembered my vision. Please know I don't have any timing on this. And please be prayerful in your own investing decisions.
Update as of April 7, 2011 6:00 pm: I am still holding my large position in KATX. Today the Lord said more than once on my prayer walk, “A cat has 9 lives”. I asked Him what that meant and He told me to search via wiki. I didn’t realize the 9 lives has to do with a cat not being severely injured after falling from great heights. Certainly KATX has fallen from great heights. Cats are known to survive close calls because of their superb reflexes, and because they can twist in mid-air to land on their feet. Some people believe… that cats have nine lives, because cats can survive falls from high places with few, if any injuries. This gives the appearance that the cats return to life after sustaining a fatal accidents. Granted, they may sustain minor injuries, such as bloody noses, cracked teeth, or a few broken ribs, but they live to recover. The ability of the cat to survive these accidents that would kill humans or other animals is not due to multiple lives, but to several advantages they possess. Their small size and low body weight soften the impact as they make contact with the ground after falling from great heights.
August 23, 2010
Liberty Star (LBSR)
July 12, 2010:
On the July 12 prayer call I saw a single large firework display on a page and an angelic finger pressing down in the middle of the fireworks, the display of a single fireworks emanating from the finger. I thought it was a big fireworks that would happen far out, a couple years, but that a smaller fireworks might happen sooner. I also heard Liberty Star is like Starfire, and Starfire is like fireworks. A friend, Eagle, later found a company called Starfire that might be the reverse chart of LBSR given different numbers a few of us on the call heard.
August 17, 2010:
I believed there would be a second fireworks because I saw a second fireworks display emanating from the second middle finger on that original hand. I have also seen 3rd (ring finger), 4th (pinky) and 5th (thumb) fingers, each with a fireworks display from each finger. On August 17 I tweeted, “Here we go: Have an order to buy LBSR at 4.8c. Believe another fireworks will happen in a couple weeks. Lord, we give YOU glory for prophecy.” Then on August 18 I tweeted, “Couldn't buy LBSR at 4.8c but was able to get some at 4.9c. It's trading at 5.9c now, up 20% in the day. We'll see if 2nd firework is now.” Finally, on August 19 I tweeted, “2nd fireworks happening now in LBSR. Up 42% since tweeted 8-18. You could take profits (I'm holding). WOLV strong as well per 8-12 blog.”
August 22, 2010:
I believed LBSR would have a 3rd fireworks shortly. Then a 4th and a 5th. Now I hear the sound of fireworks, not just see, and I see 4 fireworks: pop, pop, pop, pop! 2 fireworks pops have occurred, at least 2 more to go. Pop, pop, pop, pop – Lord, now that my faith is released for two more pops to go, I command all hindering spirits to be mute, dumb and incapacitated from interfering with Your desire to bless us with Liberty Star. They shall not interfere in any way with the company or with any of us in any way whatsoever, in Jesus’ name.
August 23, 2010:
I believe the 2nd fireworks is dying down today, I bought a little more at 9c.
Update as of August 29, 2010 10pm: On my prayer walk today I wasn’t thinking or praying about investing but my vision of at least 4 fireworks for LBSR – pop, pop, pop, pop! - repeated. I believe we are in the 4th fireworks now. I saw the fireworks go up in the air a little bit more than where we are now (12 cents) and fall like a dying shooting star into the open and ready mouth of a Wolverine (WOLV). Then the little wolverine, having eaten the fireworks / shooting star, shot up in the air like a little rocket. Thus, far I have only repeatedly seen a strong wolverine beating its chest (like a Tarzan) and then going off on all fours with purpose and strength. The Lord knows my inquiry that a strong Wolverine might mean simply the stock stays at a support level but doesn’t go up much. Today I believe I have the trading plan, at least for me. To take profits on LBSR in the next couple of days during what I believe is the 4th fireworks and reinvest in WOLV.
Update as of August 30, 2010 8am: A friend pointed out I had seen 5 fireworks regarding LBSR, which I had. But I heard as well as saw the first 4 pops of the fireworks fairly strongly. Because I didn’t hear the 5th fireworks I was wondering if that fireworks was weaker. So this morning I inquired of the Lord and saw and heard 6 good fireworks. We are in the 4th fireworks… so I won’t be taking profits now after all. I am encouraged by WOLV shooting up like a little rocket.
Update as of September 2, 2010 9:30am: I tweeted yesterday, "I did sell my small position in LBSR yesterday [Aug 31] for a 125% profit. Still hold KATX (w/ BVIG) & WOLV." LBSR fell greatly today (the 4th fireworks dying down) because of a lawsuit filed against LBSR. Now looking for WOLV, which swallowed the 4th fireworks from LBSR (the energy from the fireworks ingested, a good thing in the vision), to shoot up like a little rocket.
Update as of September 13, 2010 11:30am: During the week of Sept 6, 2010, I saw the above vision from August 29 again and then the 5th and 6th fireworks of LBSR. I saw the 6th fireworks of LBSR go up in the air and then fall like a dying shooting star into the open and ready mouth of a young tiger (Kat Exploration, KATX). The young tiger then leaped up in the air. Note: I believe there will be 3 jumps in WOLV according to the initial vision and then a 9/6 word (“Bam! Bam! Bam! Triple, Wolverine, Triple!" could be like LBSR "Pop! Pop!" fireworks. Triple fireworks BAM! in WOLV rather than triple price) and a song on 9/13 (about WOLV jumping 3 times & struck the ground 3 times with an imaginary staff.) I believe one jump in WOLV happened from 9/2-9/7, after the 4th fireworks of LBSR fell on 9/2. I also believe 5 fireworks have happened so far in LBSR (8/10-8/13, 8/19-8/20, 8/25, 8/30-8/31, 9/3-9/7) and 1 more will happen before the KATX young tiger leaps up.
Update as of October 26, 2010 on KATX, WOLV and LBSR:
KATX has had many prophecies from members of as well as my own I have posted here on this blog. Important time frames I have had for KATX/KATG are October (although last month I saw fall colors around the highest cat house level which means the October may be delayed into Thanksgiving season) as well as after the 6th fireworks of LBSR which happened 9/28-10/1. So KATX/KATG are still poised for rising. I hold KATX and will be receiving KATG shares. When considering KATX prophecies please know they may apply to KATX and KATG combined as most of us will be receiving KATG shares from our initial KATX purchase.
WOLV indeed shot up like a little rocket, although a smaller rocket that I had expected or hoped for, from 9/2-9/7 right after the 4th fireworks of LBSR fell down on 9/2 per the prophecy and surprising me with being exactly the same date (9/2). I hold WOLV and am still am awaiting the 2nd and 3rd jumps in WOLV. This may be a longer hold than I hoped for and now I know not to judge how big a “little rocket” should be because I would have had a nice 50% profit if I had sold on 9/7!
I just tweeted, “LBSR has had its 6 fireworks and bounced off lows of ~3c (9-27-10 tweet). Believe it will go to ~6c. Still don't see another fireworks soon.” On September 27, 2010 I had tweeted, “I believe LBSR will fall to about 3cents after a small 6th fireworks (there have been 5). Still praying if I have heard His Spirit on this.” LBSR had the 6 fireworks during these times: 8/10-8/13, 8/19-8/20, 8/25, 8/30-8/31, 9/3-9/7, and 9/28-10/1.
August 12, 2010
Wolverine Exploration (WOLV)
On the morning of August 11 in prayer in my garden I was not even praying about WOLV, just praising the Lord and worshiping and praying about other things, and I saw that growling wolverine head again. Then the nasty head faded away and the image of timid and sweet young cat appeared in its place. The cat looked timid and lonely as if wanting to be held. Certainly not a threat like the growling wolverine head. I then asked to see a chart of WOLV and saw it rise off its approximate lows about 2/3rds of the way up to its highs. It’s trading now at 11c to 12c and the high is about 20c. This could mean a 50%+/- gain.
About an hour later I prayed again. I thought if the little young cat wanted to be held why not hold it. So I did and it grew in my hands to a strong domesticated cat, not wild but a nice cat.
I asked the Lord, “Why the cat when this is Wolverine Exploration?” He said, “Cats are nice and can be petted and won’t bite you like the wolverine.” I bought some at 12 cents and some at 11 cents for an average of 11.5 cents.
On the morning of August 12, praying again, I saw a strong wolverine stand on his hind legs in the mountains of the Sierra Nevada. I believe I saw a wolverine a couple decades and the spot where I saw the real wolverine many years ago was the same spot as in my vision. In the vision the wolverine stretched its arms wide and out and then briefly beat its chest like a strong man pumping himself up emotionally for a hard physical feat. Then the wolverine went back down on all fours like a bear in determined pursuit of its mission. It was a vision of strength, determination and purpose. Very impressive.
Lord, as you did with LBSR, please make this vision happen rapidly in the matter of weeks. Manifest the strength, determination and purpose of Wolverine Exploration in the natural in the coming few weeks. Thank you that when we pray for the market and companies we are not taxing anyone, we are not asking for handouts from anyone. You are our employer. You give us our compensation as your spiritual CEOs for seeing and praying in agreement with You. We want to be responsible and paid by You for our work in these small things so You will put us in charge of greater things. We love You.
Update as of August 17, 2010: WOLV jumped up about 20% today, just like LBSR jumped up on Aug 10 when I with several others had prayed the day before (Aug 9) for the "first firework" to happen soon in LBSR. There was someone who copied and pasted the prayer above on another forum and several on that forum ridiculed the prayer. I'm wondering if they are now ridiculing a ~20% gain six days after my vision and prayer? If anyone doubts prophecy or prophetic prayer please know Jesus said, "when He, the Spirit of truth [the Holy Spirit], has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come." John 16:13 (NKJV). It is quite possible He is telling prophetic believers where to invest so profits/prophets flow into His kingdom to actually help people. After all, He told Peter where to pull a valuable coin out of the fish's mouth to pay taxes.
Update as of August 29, 2010 10pm: On my prayer walk today I wasn’t thinking or praying about investing but my vision of at least 4 fireworks for LBSR – pop, pop, pop, pop! - repeated. I believe we are in the 4th fireworks now. I saw the fireworks go up in the air a little bit more than where we are now (12 cents) and fall like a dying shooting star into the open and ready mouth of a Wolverine (WOLV). Then the little wolverine, having eaten the fireworks / shooting star, shot up in the air like a little rocket. Thus, far I have only repeatedly seen a strong wolverine beating its chest (like a Tarzan) and then going off on all fours with purpose and strength. The Lord knows my inquiry that a strong Wolverine might mean simply the stock stays at a support level but doesn’t go up much. Today I believe I have the trading plan, at least for me. To take profits on LBSR in the next couple of days during what I believe is the 4th fireworks and reinvest in WOLV.
Update as of August 30, 2010 8am: A friend pointed out I had seen 5 fireworks regarding LBSR, which I had. But I heard as well as saw the first 4 pops of the fireworks fairly strongly. Because I didn’t hear the 5th fireworks I was wondering if that fireworks was weaker. So this morning I inquired of the Lord and saw and heard 6 good fireworks. We are in the 4th fireworks… so I won’t be taking profits now after all. I am encouraged by WOLV shooting up like a little rocket.
Update as of September 2, 2010 9:30am: I tweeted yesterday, "I did sell my small position in LBSR yesterday [Aug 31] for a 125% profit. Still hold KATX (w/ BVIG) & WOLV." LBSR fell greatly today (the 4th fireworks dying down) because of a lawsuit filed against LBSR. Now looking for WOLV, which swallowed the 4th fireworks from LBSR (the energy from the fireworks ingested, a good thing in the vision), to shoot up like a little rocket.
Update as of September 13, 2010 11:30am: During the week of Sept 6, 2010, I saw the above vision from August 29 again and then the 5th and 6th fireworks of LBSR. I saw the 6th fireworks of LBSR go up in the air and then fall like a dying shooting star into the open and ready mouth of a young tiger (Kat Exploration, KATX). The young tiger then leaped up in the air. Note: I believe there will be 3 jumps in WOLV according to the initial vision and then a 9/6 word (“Bam! Bam! Bam! Triple, Wolverine, Triple!" could be like LBSR "Pop! Pop!" fireworks. Triple fireworks BAM! in WOLV rather than triple price) and a song on 9/13 (about WOLV jumping 3 times & struck the ground 3 times with an imaginary staff.) I believe one jump in WOLV happened from 9/2-9/7, after the 4th fireworks of LBSR fell on 9/2. I also believe 5 fireworks have happened so far in LBSR (8/10-8/13, 8/19-8/20, 8/25, 8/30-8/31, 9/3-9/7) and 1 more will happen before the KATX young tiger leaps up.
Update as of October 26, 2010 on KATX, WOLV and LBSR:
KATX has had many prophecies from members of as well as my own I have posted here on this blog. Important time frames I have had for KATX/KATG are October (although last month I saw fall colors around the highest cat house level which means the October may be delayed into Thanksgiving season) as well as after the 6th fireworks of LBSR which happened 9/28-10/1. So KATX/KATG are still poised for rising. I hold KATX and will be receiving KATG shares. When considering KATX prophecies please know they may apply to KATX and KATG combined as most of us will be receiving KATG shares from our initial KATX purchase.
WOLV indeed shot up like a little rocket, although a smaller rocket that I had expected or hoped for, from 9/2-9/7 right after the 4th fireworks of LBSR fell down on 9/2 per the prophecy and surprising me with being exactly the same date (9/2). I hold WOLV and am still am awaiting the 2nd and 3rd jumps in WOLV. This may be a longer hold than I hoped for and now I know not to judge how big a “little rocket” should be because I would have had a nice 50% profit if I had sold on 9/7!
I just tweeted, “LBSR has had its 6 fireworks and bounced off lows of ~3c (9-27-10 tweet). Believe it will go to ~6c. Still don't see another fireworks soon.” On September 27, 2010 I had tweeted, “I believe LBSR will fall to about 3cents after a small 6th fireworks (there have been 5). Still praying if I have heard His Spirit on this.” LBSR had the 6 fireworks during these times: 8/10-8/13, 8/19-8/20, 8/25, 8/30-8/31, 9/3-9/7, and 9/28-10/1.
July 21, 2010
A prayer on an altar for you
Please proclaim the Inheritance He has told you (or will tell you), be of faith and courage, do not tolerate evil spirits that oppose you but take up your sword of the Spirit (which is your speaking out as you are His offspring) against them and have them sent away.
July 16, 2010
Prophecy to others about Kairos moments & a personal journal
I know Mark Chironna’s primal scream of faith, as he described it, of praising in the midst of extraordinary pain. That is why it is called the sacrifice of praise. Grief is a preparation for change. Praise through grief and a painful sacrifice or loss opens a kairos moment.
I feel wondrously close to the Lord. My awe of Him spans mountain valleys and peak to peak. I feel as close to Him as when I was a child writing poetry to Him, long long before there was a world I discovered, myself included, less innocent and less pure. In His grace, through the sacrifice of His son, through the expansive love of Jesus, He has brought us back to an age of innocence, an age of wonder, where the strength of His wind blows away all dust and uncleanness in the air.
I started writing because He told me, “You are in the midst of a massive kairos moment.” But as I got to this point, because it was so personal and precious, I hoped to make this journal private. But He has whispered to please share. So I yield to what He wants to say.
“Tell your friends, child, tell your dear dear brothers and sisters I am not shaking, although it may appear that way, I am shifting. I have to make more room for Me, more room for my gifts, more room for my abundance. Will you rest? Will you rest from your labors?
“I know you are tired of dry fields. I know you are tired of fields that barely supply your year’s bread. I am the Bread of Life. When your bread is used up I will multiply. You will have to let go. You will have to leave something, an old way, ways that no longer work, dead ways. You know what may have been a stream is now dried up, dried up with no enthusiasm. This is your kairos moment. As the winds swirl, so I’m shifting your atmosphere.
“Come! Take the time to explore. Because when you leave one land you will enter another. You can’t see the other fully but it is a very very good land where you will find peace and rest from your enemies. All of you have kairos moments! All of you! I love you! Feel My winds blow on you! I envelop you like the winds from the corners of the earth, all of you! Come! Let the two of us, Me and you, enjoy your kairos moment together. Do not hesitate. This is more real than what you have now which is fleeting. Dare! Dare! Dare to explore and find your good report and a land overflowing with peace and rest. I LOVE YOU.”
The Lord added a postscript,
“Do not think these are the words of a soul because they seem too loving and good. Allow Me to speak to you like a Father, like a Daddy. Come. Let us explore. You will enjoy this!”
July 7, 2010
Here are some of the key principals of Inheritance (there are multiple scriptural references for these, please see citations at bottom):
1. An Inheritance is multigenerational (for you, your descendants and relatives).
2. An Inheritance is good land with water from heaven, an abundance of good things, and no lack.
3. To obtain an Inheritance you must first be on a potentially extremely scary battlefield with enemies much greater than you. You trust the Lord fights for you and drives out your enemies ahead of you (in modern day this might apply to lenders who extract interest on the land and thus are a controlling oppression).
4. You will have harassment and thorns in your side if enemies (such as lenders in modern day) are not completely driven out (Numbers 33:55; Joshua 28:12-13).
5. An Inheritance is not earned by man’s labors but given by the Lord. An Inheritance is completely free from debts because the land is taken from others and given to you by the Lord.
6. You must have a spirit like Caleb and Joshua where you hear the Lord designate your Inheritance, you do not wilt and flee, and you have confidence the Lord will drive out your foes and give you the land (Genesis 28:10-15; Numbers 13:27-33; Numbers 14:3-4, 24, 30, Deuteronomy 31:6-8; Joshua 1:5-9, 14:6-15).
7. You will have rest from your enemies and peace in your land only after the Lord – with you in the battlefield facing your enemies - drives out your enemies ahead of you and brings it into your possession (Deuteronomy 3:20, 12:9-11; 25:19).
8. You must love and obey the Lord to possess as well as retain your Inheritance and not be uprooted from the land.
In short, Inheritance is an undeserved gift of God’s abundant grace and cannot be acquired or retained through man’s labors or striving but is instead acquired through overcoming fierce opposition by obeying and relying on the Lord. Possessing an Inheritance requires you to face very fearful situations with enemies looming greater than you. You must trust in the Lord to fight your battle for you. Inheritance can only be possessed and retained through man being obedient to and dwelling in Jesus Christ with complete trust and dependence on His securing victory for you.
Our (my) sin is to think we can work in jobs and strive and strive to keep our land, which you cannot. I have recently learned He can, and will, almost pull it away from you to make you realize you never ever earned it by your skills and labor. For me this has been a petrifying experience that has persisted many months. I am being honest because I believe others are facing fierce opposition threatening defeat for them as well. In His mercy teaching me, I now read the following in a new light:
“For the Lord your God is bringing you into a good land, a land of brooks of water, of fountains and springs, that flow out of valleys and hills; a land of wheat and barley, of vines and fig trees and pomegranates, a land of olive oil and honey; a land in which you will eat bread without scarcity, in which you will lack nothing; a land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills you can dig copper…. And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day. “
Deut 8:7-9, 18 (NKJV)
“Now it shall come to pass, if you diligently obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments which I command you today, that the Lord your God will set you high above all nations of the earth. And all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you, because you obey the voice of the Lord your God: Blessed shall you be in the city, and blessed shall you be in the country. Blessed shall be the fruit of your body, the produce of your ground and the increase of your herds, the increase of your cattle and the offspring of your flocks. Blessed shall be your basket and your kneading bowl. Blessed shall you be when you come in, and blessed shall you be when you go out.
“The Lord will cause your enemies who rise against you to be defeated before your face; they shall come out against you one way and flee before you seven ways. The Lord will command the blessing on you in your storehouses and in all to which you set your hand, and He will bless you in the land which the Lord your God is giving you. The Lord will establish you as a holy people to Himself, just as He has sworn to you, if you keep the commandments of the Lord your God and walk in His ways. Then all peoples of the earth shall see that you are called by the name of the Lord, and they shall be afraid of you. And the Lord will grant you plenty of goods, in the fruit of your body, in the increase of your livestock, and in the produce of your ground, in the land of which the Lord swore to your fathers to give you. The Lord will open to you His good treasure, the heavens, to give the rain to your land in its season, and to bless all the work of your hand. You shall lend to many nations, but you shall not borrow. And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the Lord your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them. So you shall not turn aside from any of the words which I command you this day, to the right or the left, to go after other gods to serve them. “
Deut 28:1-14 (NKJV)
It is not the Lord who gives me power to succeed in business and have property, it is solely God’s power which gifts the good land of Inheritance and, thus, wealth for me. The good land of Inheritance is a land that overflows with good things and no lack because of the Lord commanding blessing on you. It is His gift. Provision does not come from my skills and labors (which can still result in little fruit), it is provided by the Lord overwhelming my modest efforts. A farmer who relies on rain from heaven (and not irrigation) understands this. Job understood this. The Israelites possessing the Promised Land understood this. The Lord’s blessings come upon and overtake me. My efforts are small, His efforts are grand beyond imagination.
My contribution is obedience to the Lord and being strong and of good courage in the face of enemies. Although I recognize that all good things I possess are by His grace and provision, when my business suffered tremendously this year I realized He alone has the power to give, and to remove. I felt the petrifying fear of possibly losing the home and place of my business I had cultivated over the last decade. My home is like a very personal work of art to me with creativity from His inspiration and goodness. Although I don’t believe my physical efforts and diligence in my business have changed, my daily toils have proven in vain and yielded no income. Only when I was “at the end of my rope”, did I truly give up and cast all my cares on Him. I put my home “on the altar” and was willing to sacrifice and leave it. Then He started teaching me.
I believe He kindly led me to these principals of Inheritance to not only help restore my hope but also to greatly increase my dependence on Him. After floods of tears and countless dark nights, I came to the crossroads of discerning if my home is indeed my Inheritance or not. At first I believed He would either give me the Inheritance of my home or He wouldn’t, much like a coin toss. Then the last few days He has grown my tentative hope to a point where I have boldly questioned Him and asked Him if my home is indeed my Inheritance, in which case He will press it into my bosom through miraculously increasing my business with rain from heaven. Again, I know I don’t deserve my home and am not promised my home in the Scriptures. There is nothing in the new covenant that I can find that says God will give a believer a home. In fact, many in the early church lost their possessions and were persecuted. This is true across the world today. But if He does give me a clear word that my home is indeed my Inheritance, then I would fear to disobey His principals about Inheritance.
It is such a critical crossroads of discernment and faith whether to stand for your Inheritance or throw in the towel and run away from your troubles and enemies vastly larger than yourself. Obeying His destiny for you is imperative lest you remain in your land but suffer harassment and thorns in your side or, worse yet, be uprooted from your abode and driven to a land where you have even more enemies. The fear of what might happen if I don’t have a spirit of Caleb and Joshua and believe the Lord with courage for His Inheritance for me is great. The fear of the repercussions of not standing strong in faith (notice those who did not believe their destiny died in the wilderness) is greater than the fear of losing a home which might be replaced at some time. An Inheritance is multigenerational, for your descendants and relatives. This likely includes brothers and sisters in Christ who are indeed your relatives in Him. He always has a greater purpose beyond you for an Inheritance. An Inheritance is even referred to as “the Lord’s Inheritance”, not just yours. These are deep principals of hearing Him, believing Him, and relying on Him that He alone will fight your battle for you. Are you really hearing correctly? Do you know without doubt what your Inheritance is? Are you double-minded about something the Lord wants you not be tentative about and to boldly possess by trusting Him to perform a miracle? Are you obeying His voice as you stand strong and He drives your enemies out ahead of you? Are you acknowledging the land is really Yeshua’s Inheritance? These are the questions I ask myself and have been spending much time with Him so that I may not flee from an exceedingly scary battlefield that makes me wilt and despair at times.
I have traveled through the valley of the shadow of death and He is bringing me into the light of His understanding. In His teaching me about Inheritance, I now have a new perspective on my giant enemies and want to see His victory just as Caleb and Joshua did.
“I have given you a land for which you did not labor, and cities which you did not build, and you dwell in them; you eat of the vineyards and olive groves which you did not plant.”
Josh 24:13 (NKJV)
“So the Lord gave to Israel all the land of which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they took possession of it and dwelt in it. The Lord gave them rest all around, according to all that He had sworn to their fathers. And not a man of all their enemies stood against them; the Lord delivered all their enemies into their hand. Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel. All came to pass.”
Josh 21:43-45 (NKJV)
Genesis 28:10-15
Numbers 13:27-33; 14:3-4, 8-9, 24, 30-38; 21:2-3, 34-35; 26:53; 27:8-11; 32:21-22; 33:52-55; 34:2; 36:6-9
Deuteronomy 1:8; 1:26-39; 2:7, 25, 33; 3:18-22; 3:25, 28; 4:20-29, 35-40; 5:32-33; 7:1-2; 8:1-18; 9:1-5, 26-29; 10:12-20; 11:7-15, 22-26; 12:9-11; 15:1-6; 25:19; 28:1-14; 29:23-29; 30:1-20; 31:3-8; 34:4
Joshua 1:1-9; 6:1-5; 10:8, 32, 40-42; 11:6-15, 20-23; 13:1-6; 14:6-15; 17:16-18; 18:2-3; 19:49-51; 21:43-46; 23;3-16; 24:2-28
June 27, 2010
Where the DOW is going and word from the Lord regarding America
I saw the current chart of the DOW with the recent ~10% correction and Dow off its lows. Then I saw a dirty yellow bulldozer coming from the right towards the chart pushing a concrete slurry, the consistency of wet clay. The bulldozer pushed the concrete under the right side of the Dow chart as the Dow was rising off of its lows. Then, part way up, maybe about 10,400 or so the bulldozer started pushing dirt under the Dow to create an earthen support, an earthen dam of support under the Dow. The earthen dam and Dow rose to about 11,000, maybe a little less or perhaps a little more. Then the Dow plunged down the right side of the earthen dam in a correction that exceeded 10% and the Dow went into the 9,000’s. Then I saw the hand of the Lord holding one of those long-nosed lighters one uses to light candles or fires. With the lighter He burned off the extreme short selling lows. The Dow rose to above 10,000 again and from there I did not see any more except I knew the market had calmed and the Dow would begin rising slowly again, that the upward pull was towards 12,000. He would not share timing on these events.
What this tells me is that He is doing exactly the two things He said He would do since February 19, 2009: support the stock market and the stock market will not crash. I have learned many traders define a correction as a 10% decline. Below is a definition of a crash, which appears to be a rapid double-digit decline. The most recent was the crash in the fall of 2008 (note: despite the unusual one-day “flash crash” on May 6, all analysts I have read have labeled the downturn over the recent weeks a correction and not a crash):
“A stock market crash is a sudden dramatic decline of stock prices across a significant cross-section of a stock market, resulting in a significant loss of paper wealth. Crashes are driven by panic as much as by underlying economic factors. They often follow speculative stock market bubbles…. There is no numerically specific definition of a stock market crash but the term commonly applies to steep double-digit percentage losses in a stock market index over a period of several days. Crashes are often distinguished from bear markets by panic selling and abrupt, dramatic price declines. Bear markets are periods of declining stock market prices that are measured in months or years. While crashes are often associated with bear markets, they do not necessarily go hand in hand. The crash of 1987 for example did not lead to a bear market. Likewise, the Japanese Nikkei bear market of the 1990s occurred over several years without any notable crashes.”
Knowing the Lord is supporting the market, that it will not crash as in 1929, and also that we do not have timing of the above, I believe one must be invested in strong companies that perform well despite market movements. This is not a recommendation, but NFLX and SNDK have shown such strength relative to the market, outperforming the market in the past. Also I believe certain dividend funds and stocks might outperform the market. See:
About noon today I felt the Lord wanted me to post the above, yet I normally like to pray and make sure a vision or word sits in my spirit before posting. He said, “Tell my children this, after the Dow rises again and drops sharply a third time, this will be the third correction I have spoken of. But know this, I will support the market after every drop. You see it has happened. I will not leave you or forsake you. My children are in America. My children work in American companies. Would I utterly leave you and turn my back? I will not. Remember I am a God of lovingkindness and mercy, and not only justice. I will heal America. As America kneels I will lift you to your feet. And, yes, I will humble those who refuse to bow to Me and honor Me. I will separate the wheat from the tares. I will pluck out and cast down those who have exalted themselves for only a time. My patience is short with the proud and arrogant. I will not tolerate it. But do not think I am bringing all America down. Can I not remove a false king? Cannot I remove the lying leaders? America is kneeling, my children are kneeling and I love you.”
Dear all, I am crying now. It is not easy for me to post words like this because they are so specific and contain words that may go against other prophetic words and even secular wisdom. His amazing love and mercy are far greater than we can imagine. He is God of the heavens and Jesus Christ is King of all earthly Kings after all. His ways are so far above our thoughts and very limited understanding. I marvel at His graciousness and wisdom in dealing with all our rebellious attitudes in America.
Please do read “America”:
Update as of August 12, 2010: At 11:30 this morning PST I heard and saw the June 27 vision bulldozer pushing dirt, coming from the right side and moving towards the left, pushing up the stock market. It was if he had finished his lunch break. I also heard the sound of his engine revving up, ready to move. In the original vision it was like a silent movie with no sound. I bought September SPY calls today and will likely hold for up to about 10 days.
Update as of August 17, 2010: I sold the September SPY calls today for a 15% profit. Glad to have heard that bulldozer revving up!
Update as of September 20, 2010 3:30 pm: This prophecy came to pass. “I saw the current chart of the DOW with the recent ~10% correction and Dow off its lows. Then I saw a dirty yellow bulldozer coming from the right towards the chart pushing a concrete slurry, the consistency of wet clay. The bulldozer pushed the concrete under the right side of the Dow chart as the Dow was rising off of its lows.” This happened from about July 6, 2010 through July 13, 2010. “Then, part way up, maybe about 10,400 or so the bulldozer started pushing dirt under the Dow to create an earthen support, an earthen dam of support under the Dow. The earthen dam and Dow rose to about 11,000, maybe a little less or perhaps a little more.” This happened from about July 14, 2010 to August 10, 2010. “Then the Dow plunged down the right side of the earthen dam in a correction that exceeded 10% and the Dow went into the 9,000’s. Then I saw the hand of the Lord holding one of those long-nosed lighters one uses to light candles or fires. With the lighter He burned off the extreme short selling lows.” This happened from about August 11, 2010 to August 31, 2010. The Dow did plunge down and went into the 9,000’s, but the correction did not exceed 10%. “The Dow rose to above 10,000 again and from there I did not see any more except I knew the market had calmed and the Dow would begin rising slowly again, that the upward pull was towards 12,000. He would not share timing on these events.” The Dow as of today is at approximately 10,750. The Dow has been rising slowly again towards, 12,000. The Lord has shown me over the last couple of weeks that the Dow will have minor corrections but will progress upwards towards 12,000.
Update as of January 26, 2011: The DOW to 12,000 prophesy was fulfilled January 24, 2011. The DOW reached within 20 points of 12,000 on January 24 and broke through 12,000 on January 26. Please know the prophecy was fulfilled on January 24, 2011 because numbers are always approximate, not exact.